Doctor’s Rounds for January 21st, 2022

This Sector is the Next Frontier

John Persinos: We’re here with Dr. Joe Duarte again, our new Chief Catalyst Trader at Investing Daily.

Dr. Joe Duarte: Glad to be here, John… we’ve got a lot more to discuss before the big Profit Catalyst Symposium on Tuesday.

Persinos: Indeed we do. Yes, you ran circles around our best Growth Investing Analyst yesterday, talking about those “Moonshot” Catalyst Trades.

Duarte: Well, I hope there's no hard feelings... Jim and I have been friends a long time, but you know what, we’re going to do another round today. And we're going to take thousands of stocks and millions of potential trades and boil them down to the very best for 2022.

Persinos: So what’s our topic for today?

Duarte: I’m calling it Med-Tech Catalysts… we're going to talk about anything that has to do with the area of medical technology, biotech… things that make us live longer, live better, and end disease.

Persinos: Oh boy, this sounds like an area of expertise for you, a guy with a medical degree.

Duarte: Well you’re the editor-in-chief here, you brought me in for my job interview, so you should know!

Persinos: We hired you because you have an incredible knack for finding these Catalysts across EVERY area of the market. In fact, the very first one you recommended to our small group of “beta-testers” in October went up 2,021% on an annualized basis. So we set that as your goal for the Symposium… find one trade that will go up 2,022% over the coming year. Could you do that? No pressure, right?

Duarte: None at all!

Persinos: And after talking about all those quadrillions of watts, trillions of dollars, and billions of miles of space travel yesterday, are you ready to come down to Earth, so to speak?

Duarte: Well, like always, there's a yes and no. Yes, in the sense that today’s topic relates to our own bodies, out own healthcare, and how things work. Of course, you can’t get any more practical than that. But no... because the scale of these opportunities in biotech ad med-tech from a money-making standpoint could be seen as even BIGGER than the ones we discussed yesterday.

Persinos: OK, to this is a genuine investment mega-trend you're talking about... it's not just a “pet topic” because you happen to be a doctor.

Duarte: Right! This med-tech and biotech area is similar to what we saw in the 20th century with airplanes and computers. It’s a new frontier. The opportunities are incredible and this is really a great area to be in if you're an investor.

Persinos: I’ll do my best to keep up with you, Joe!

Duarte: OK so let’s get started with the top 3 Med-tech Catalyst Trades for the coming year.

Persinos: And these are candidates for the #1 Catalyst that you’ll reveal at the Symposium on Tuesday, correct.

Duarte: Exactly, we’re going to be hunting down the best of the best.

Persinos: Today we’ll look at “The Fat Blocker,” “The Immortality Machine,” and “The Brain Saver.”

Duarte: Right, once again we have to make sure that people know there are hundreds and hundreds of stocks in this area, and so many ways you can trade them, but these are the ones I’ve zeroed in on.

Persinos: Well I don't want to make the same mistake that Jim Pearce made yesterday, but I can see where you’re coming from with the first and last ones, but you know, you’re still going to have to convince me on the middle one.

Duarte: So here's what's going on John... obesity is rising in the entire world, and the United States is leading the way. So it's going to have to be something we look at for sure.

Persinos: Fat is a huge health care topic... obesity rates are rising around the world, especially in emerging markets that are adopting Western diets and lifestyles, so there's going to be a tremendous demand to deal with all of the health problems that are spun off by obesity and poor lifestyle choices, correct?

Duarte: Of course. and as you well know, the statistics show that obesity is linked to many, many serious medical conditions, and some of them are underappreciated such as osteoarthritis and chronic pain. And then of course there's the big ones like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Persinos: That's right. So to solve these healthcare problems that are generated by rising obesity rates... you're talking about an investment opportunity worth hundreds of billions of dollars every year, correct?

Duarte: That’s correct, big bucks.

Persinos: OK... so what’s the Catalyst?

Duarte: Well, there is a new medication that’s more than twice as good and perhaps as much as six times as good as anything that's out on the market right now at reducing fat.  In fact, the average weight loss in one study was 46 lbs.

Persinos: Wow! So what’s not to like here, Doc?

Duarte: Well, like the movie says, there's an upside and a downside to every Schwartz!

Persinos: Let's hear them.

Duarte: This company that owns the patent is a big blue chip company. And of course that means that though the stock may move up, it may not move up as much as a smaller growth stock would.

Persinos: But I assume there are other ways to make money, correct?

Duarte: Of course! There's options – including call options strategies and other thing ou can do to make this investment work for you. With the right options strategy, you can set up a trade in a way that lets you participate in the action of the stock without necessarily having to be perfect. And of course, it will cost you less since options are less expensive than stocks.

Persinos: You know, Joe, one of the reasons we brought you back to the editorial team is that you are a renowned expert in options trading. You're one of the shrewdest options traders I've ever encountered in my career. And you've written some best-selling books on options that explain the basics of dealing with what can be a complex topic for investors. But you've made it simple for your readers. Can you discuss some of the best-selling options books you've written and that are still in print?

Duarte: Sure, and thank you for the compliments. I'll be perfectly honest, Jim Fink was very helpful to me in doing some of the work in those books, so a tip of the hat to Jim! But basically, my options book, which is currently in it's 4th edition, Options Trading for Dummies, was just released and it's already doing really well.

What it does is it makes options and options strategies easy to understand. In one of the recent reviews I saw on Amazon was pretty clear: the guy said, "Yup, you dumbed it down just right." And that's not a knock — that's the way it's supposed to be.

Persinos: Well there's nothing wrong with being simple and easy to understand! That doesn't mean it's any less profitable.

Now, the next topic has to do with "The Immortality Machine," and that's a very evocative term... sounds like something out of a science fiction movie. Joe, what are you talking about here?

Duarte: You know, it sounds sci-fi, but let me tell you... if it wasn't happening in the real world, you’d actually see it in a movie.

This company has adapted 3D printing to the human body. Its goal is to make replacements for diseased organs by creating a 3D printed matrix which is then colonized by the cells of the recipient with the goal being essentially a modified self transplant.

Persinos: Boy, that really does sound like science fiction.

Duarte:  Sure. But here's the thing... it's here now. In fact, I recently saw a patient in my office who had a 3D generated ankle replacement done. And that guy is walking better than he has in years.

Another one of my patients is going to have a 3D generated knee refurbishing procedure done in January. And she can’t wait because this surgery is going to delay her having to have a full knee replacement.

Persinos: These medical technology developements are just mind-boggling. They sound like something out of fiction. It's hard to get your mind wrapped around it! I'm very intrigued... tell me more, Joe.

Duarte: Well, I'll tell you, joint replacements are just the beginning.

This company is actually developing genetically engineered organs for transplants and they have late stage trials right now for advanced lung disease medications which could make significant changes in how these people whose lungs are basically dying (because they're basically scarred in) are going to be treated. And I think it's important for people to understand what 3D printing is all about, so we have a general overview video about how 3D printers work that we're going to roll here.

Persinos: Wow – that’s really great. Let's get to the next topic, the "Brain Saver" — that sounds more like a horror movie than a science fiction movie! But that sounds equally intriguing. Tell us what that's all about, and some of the cutting-edge technologies that we're dealing with here.

Duarte: OK, so I call this a Now and Later Pick.

Now, of course, in the present, this company has a medication on the market that treats some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Most people associate Parkinson's disease with people that have a tremor or that are very stiff, but an underappreciated effect of the disease is that people get hallucinations.

This medication actually treats the hallucinations, and gives these poor patients, who otherwise are still "in there," an opportunity to have a much better lifestyle.

Here's the thing though: this medication has the potential to treat other diseases. And their clinical trials at the moment may make it useful for things like dementia.

The other thing, too, about this company (I get excited taking about this!) is their pipeline has other things that could treat not just dementia, but autism and even schizophrenia. So this is a potential cutting-edge company here.

Persinos: I'll tell you, the new frontier of medical science in 2022 and beyond... as biotech companies come up with new and novel treatments for ailments that hitherto for were untreatable by conventional means. So I think that's where the big money is going to be made in biotechnology and healthcare — diseases and ailments that have been persistently resistant to conventional treatment.

Joe, you've really piqued my interest here. Tell me more.

Duarte: Here's the key to this stock. As this FDA process moves along for all these things, we're at a point now where 2022 may be a pivotal year for the company if it gets approval, not just of its current medications for broader uses, but actually, if it does, it's going to have an increase in revenues, it's going to have bigger earnings, and it's going to provide a lot more money for the research and for the other drugs that it has in the pipelines.

Persinos: Well, in the investment world, as in life, everything comes down to timing, right?

Duarte: Absolutely! And you know this particular stock has this timing thing that could be getting very close.

Persinos: What a fascinating, informative discussion. After speaking with you, Joe, I feel like I've just earned a doctorate myself!

Duarte: I’ll make some phone calls for you!

Persinos: I think it probably involves a little more work than that! But I appreciate the sentiment. And remember this is just ONE of the free reports and videos you’ll be getting from Dr. Joe all week long. Again, good decision on YOUR part for signing up!

Duarte: You know what, John, we should also remind them what happens on Tuesday.

Persinos: Right! Tuesday is the big show: Dr. Joe’s free-to-watch Profit Catalyst Symposium on January 25th at 1pm Eastern time.

Duarte: We covered a lot of ground today, but on Tuesday I’ll be able to take everyone much deeper into these powerful Catalyst trades.

Persinos: That's amazing. And at that event you’ll be revealing — out of ALL the Catalyst Trades we’ll be discussing this week — which one is the #1 Catalyst Trade you’ve identified for the coming year.

Duarte: That’s right.

Persinos: And based on the results that our small group of “beta-testers” had with Joe this Fall already, we’re forecasting that this one single trade could go up as much as 2,022% in the coming year. 2,022% — that's not a typo. Wow!

Duarte: It sounds wild, John, but the market is so strange right now. You know, one day stocks go up several hundred points, and the next day they fall the same amount or more. There's nee COVID variants, there's DC gridlock, there's the FED tapering. The market acts like it's "sick." And I mean that in the way the kids today talk about "sick"... like "Hey, Dad, that's really sick."

But let me tell you, you can really get those kinds of results if you're pointed in the right direction — and that's what we're going to do on Tuesday.

Persinos: In the right direction — the direction of the true cCatalysts.

Duarte: Absolutely, that’s the focus of Tuesday's event. I’ll be showing our viewers how to get more detailed information on HOW to make these Catalyst Trades, where I give the stock tickers, the buy-below prices, the trading mechanics, everything.

Persinos: Well as someone who likes to make money as much as our readers do, I can say in all sincerity I can’t wait!

Duarte: Me too — and I like to make money too! But in the meantime, I’m also looking forward to the next few days where I debate the rest of the Investing Daily braintrust..

Persinos: Who’s the next victim?

Duarte: This one's kind of near to my heart. Jim Fink is another options guy, but we’re going to get into it anyway, and we're going to dive deeper into those questions, those tactics, and how to multiply gains using tighter trading prices and time windows.

Persinos: Give him hell!




TOMORROW: I’m going up against master options trader, Jim Fink, as we dive deeper into Tactical Catalyst Trades that could multiply your money more than you ever thought possible.

TUESDAY Jan. 25th @ 1pm EST: Join me here at right here at 1pm EST for the 2022 Profit Catalyst Symposium! I’ll reveal my #1 Catalyst Trade for 2022 and beyond and much more.

Ticket Price: Free!
Title: 2022 Profit Catalyst Symposium
Airdate: Tuesday Jan. 18th @ 1pm EST
War Room:
Target: A quick 2,022% profit for 2022 (and beyond)
Urgency: High! Click the “add to calendar” button here so you don’t miss out…

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