Up +1,175% in 15 days, +3,820% in 18 days, and +3,600% in 2 days.
So why is Jim Pearce APOLOGIZING to you today?


Who:  First 2,020 Readers to Sign Up Today
What: Jim Pearce’s First-Ever Online Trade Tutorial
When: Tuesday, Oct. 13th @ 1pm EST
Where: A Special Private Website
Why: Because the stock market is a “zombie” right now (SEE BELOW...)
Submit your email address to the left before someone else takes your spot!

Check out what people are saying about the unusual type of trade I’m about to reveal in my first-ever online trade tutorial:

I’m sorry it took me so long to come clean with this life-changing strategy.

(I had some good reasons — see below).

But I want to make it up to you right now. By giving you this:

Jim Pearce’s $2.9 Million  Apology to His Readers

Just Sign-Up for My Online Trade Tutorial Today,
and You’ll Get ALL of the Following…

Just Click Here to Enter Your Info to Attend My First-Ever
Online Trade Tutorial for FREE

Dear Investor,

Do you want my personal secret for turning a bad year in the world — and a confusing year in the market — into your most profitable year ever?

Do you have a spare $50 or $100 lying around to throw into one of these explosive trades?

Do you have a couple of minutes to click your mouse or tap your phone?

Then my first-ever online trade tutorial is perfect for you.

You can sign up right now. (There are a limited number of spaces… we can only squeeze in about 1% of the readers who have access to this page you’re reading now.)

But if you’re the look-before-you-leap type…

And you’re wondering why I’m coming clean with this tightly-held secret after so many years, holding my first EVER online trade tutorial, and giving away enough of these special $1,449 reader bonus packages that it adds up to more than $2.9 million worth of loot…

Here’s the full scoop:

Why I’m Finally Revealing My Secret Personal Strategy

  • For Trading a “Zombie Market” Like the One We’re In Right Now
  • For Gains Like +1,175% in 15 Days, +3,820% in 18 Days, and +3,600% in 2 Days (Even if Stocks Go Down!)
  • For FREE — If You Sign Up Today


We can only reserve 2,020 spots to Jim Pearce’s first-ever online trading tutorial today... meaning that less than 1% of the readers who have access to this page will get in. If you hesitate, you run the risk of being locked out.

Yes! I Want to See Jim Pearce’s Secret Trading Strategy for FREE

Who’s winning in the stock market these days?



Mindless insanity.

You and I have both seen this happen before… but NEVER on such a giant scale.

Just like we experienced at the tip-top of the bubble in early 2000, then again in late 2008…

The laws of asset price & quality have been tossed right in the trash can.


Of course not.

But a “Zombie Market” like this one can certainly stagger on long enough to keep you paralyzed with inaction… and drive you bananas in the process.

(There are companies that are LITERALLY bankrupt right now that are doubling their prices overnight. And you’re still probably feeling like YOU’RE the crazy one. I promise, you’re not!)

  • According to Forbes, 77% of stocks on the market are overvalued.
  • 84% of Corporate CFO’s agree… saying they wouldn’t buy at these prices themselves.
  • And the Wall Street Journal reports that 80% of Americans feel like things are “spiraling out of control.”

Jim Pearce would never toot his own horn… so we’ll do it for him:

"He’s a bonafide financial genius! But here, you can see for yourself"
— Jeff Little, Investing Daily publisher

  • He personally managed a portfolio totaling $50 million for his elite high-net-worth clients.
  • Then came to Investing Daily to lead a stock advisory that’s made 4,401% on Verizon… and 3,745% on Chevron (just $500 into each of those would bank you $41,730!)
  • Plus dozens more triple-digit stock picks — with open gains soaring to 282%... 286%... 420%... even 494%.
Just Enter Your Info Here to Attend Jim's First-Ever Online Trade Tutorial for FREE

Throw in one of the worst years in our country’s history… a deadly pandemic, with a confused response at every level of government... literal riots in the streets all across our nation…

Plus yet another “Most Important Election of our Lifetime”...

(I’ve survived 15 of those in my lifetime so far, how about you?)

And it all starts to feel like a bit too much to handle.

That’s why, today, I’m finally saying — ENOUGH.

Breaking a vow of silence I’ve kept for more than a decade...

And showing you exactly what to do if you ’re tired of WAITING, and you want to give yourself the chance to actually start WINNING.

Right here, right now…

DESPITE all this market mayhem… and in fact, BECAUSE of it...

On Tuesday, October 13th, I’m host ing this online video tutorial to extend a helping hand…

Showing you my longest-held secret, and what it can do for you...

How to turn the tables on a year of sorrow & frustration...

And turn mindless chaosinto cold-hard cash

Just Click Here to Enter Your Info to Attend My First-Ever Online Trade Tutorial for FREE

On October 13, I’ll walk you through:

  • Exactly what this "Zombie Market" is… what brought us here... and how YOU can take advantage…
  • Plus, oh yeah — profit WILDLY, like 9,554% in 4 days, 11,236% in 14 days, and even 47,900% in 8 days — even on stocks that go down!
  • By zeroing in on specific “soft targets” — for up to $124,160 from your first 3 trades alone.

I first developed this secret strategy while I was managing a $50 million portfolio of high-net-worth investors...

Across the last two “Zombie Markets” in early 2000 and late 2008.

(While I can’t share the exact details due to my non-disclosure legal agreements… I’ll tell you this: not a dime of my client’s money fell off a cliff like the rest of the market.)

So you can imagine why I’ve continued to use this strategy myself, whenever I could, over the past decade.

Because it flat out works. And I’m not the only trading “pro” who’s confirmed this:

  • Investopedia calls this type of trade a “way to survive and prosper”...
  • And CNBC declares that: “[This] simple strategy reaps massive profits”
  • But who cares what THEY think, right?

What matters here — and the reason I’m finally revealing this trading method after a decade of keeping it as my deepest secret — is what YOU think. Because I’m 100% confident this could be:

A way to retire rich, for your whole extended family.

Not just for professional investors. For ANYBODY.

Sounds impossible, right?

It’s not. Just take a look at what Karen B. did...

How a Nashville Bagel-Maker Quietly Grew Her $100k Investment... into a $41 Million Fortune

You see, my team and I have been tracking some unbelievable stories you won’t hear about in the mainstream media.

This is the other reason I waited so long to come clean:

I had to ensure this strategy wasn’t something that only trained investing pros like me could execute.

But in fact — anyone with a keyboard & a mouse can do it.

Just check out these remarkable stories of a few Americans who’ve struck paydirt by adding this explosive type of strategy to their ordinary investing portfolio.

For example:

  • A 41,000% gain from a woman named Karen B. from Nashville, TN… who was about to open a bagel shop before she started pocketing an average of $28,013 per DAY...
  • A legendary 726% profit from a 32-year old Connecticut man named Mike B. — he used a trade similar to the ones I’ll show you in my online tutorial to grab 8 times his money during a time when the S&P 500 returned a measly 2%!
  • An independently-verified research study conducted by the team at Philosophical Intelligence Office Inc. found that this trade went up +1,175% in 15 days, +3,820% in 18 days, and +3,600% in 2 days when stocks were going DOWN… including 9,554% in 4 days, 11,236% in 14 days, and even 47,900% in 8 days in the past few months alone.
  • A 3,400% single-trade jackpot that turned every $200 into $7,000 for an electrical engineer from Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Just Click Here to Enter Your Info to Attend My First-Ever
Online Trade Tutorial for FREE

But don’t miss the forest for the trees here…

You do not need to start with millions — or even thousands — to make considerable sums of cash from this secret trade.

That’s what got me so excited to hop on video to teach you this strategy — something I’ve NEVER done before.

And speaking of “never have I ever,” I’ve got a confession to make…

Just days ago, my finger hovered over the “send” button on my phone, as I prepared to rock my publisher’s world with the following email (pictured below)...

I wasn’t sure at that moment if I would go through with it.

I squared up in the mirror… looked myself
in the eye and asked: “We really doing this, Jim?”

But of course, I did swallow hard & hit send.

And you can see some of the email yourself below.

email screenshot

I’ve actually continued to use it myself for the last 12 years. Here’s the data:

I went on to lay out the mind-shattering details of a very special, ultra-profitable SECRET trade for Jeff’s eyes only.

He wrote back within seconds:

email screenshot

I’ll admit it:

I kept this a stone-cold secret for YEARS.

NOBODY knew about it.

Not Jeff… not my trusted Investing Daily colleagues… not even my own wife…

Like she said at the top of this page… it was EASY to “hide.”

Because you can make this quick trade on your computer or your phone, right under everyone’s nose — without them ever knowing.

And that’s exactly what I did. For YEARS.

But then, earlier this year, I began noticing a weird “fork” that’s been splitting the American stock market in half...

(You’ve felt it in your bones. It’s a nearly-invisible phenomenon that NONE of the mainstream media has the stones to cover. I’ll show you what I mean inside the tutorial.)

And even though I’d signed NDAs with my high net-worth clients’ decades ago...

I knew I couldn’t keep this part of my professional experience under wraps any longer.

Because this perfect make-or-break moment now means...

Regular Investors Like You Could Pocket
up to $124,160 with This Secret “Zombie Trade”
That Elite Professionals Save for Themselves

On October 13th at 1pm Eastern time —

My first-ever online trade tutorial kicks off.

Where I’ll break down this explosive trading move, step-by-step, moment by moment.

So look — whether or not you decide to join me inside this potentially life-changing tutorial, is your decision.

But it IS an important decision.

Because much like the “fork” that is quietly splitting the stock market in two…

Investor outcomes over the coming weeks could suddenly diverge like the two sides of the Grand Canyon:

On one side, will be the investors who did nothing (and took it on the chin)...

On the other, will be a small group of action takers who squared up… learned a new trading strategy… and reshaped their retirements forever.

YES! I Want to See Jim Pearce's
Secret Trading Strategy for FREE

If that sounds vague or grandiose, I assure you it’s not.

Real investors are pocketing this money every day.

Let me show you one of these trades I personally spotted on a stock called Autodesk.

If you’d been in the room…

Spying over my shoulder from my trading “man cave”...

You could have followed along & watched your money DOUBLE THE VERY NEXT WEEK.

Double your money in a year and they’ll call you a genius.

Double your money in a WEEK?

On a stock that actually went DOWN?

They’ll call you a liar… yet that’s precisely what I did using this dead-simple trading move.

But here’s the beauty of this strategy...

In the Last Few Weeks Alone...
This Type of Trade’s Been on a White-Hot Win Streak…
Providing Profit Opportunities like
+9,554% in 9 days, +11,236% in 14 days,
and even +47,900% in 9 days

If you think the verified results I showed you before are outdated, I’m not offended.

(I first became a “household name” with another old-news trade… the $30k bet I placed on Ford in 2008. When the market was thrashing about in an anxious frenzy… I was rounding the bases on a personal $180,000 grand slam.)

So yes — this is a strategy that can work ANYTIME. Not just once in a blue moon.

I’ll reveal its secret track record of incredible performance over the past DECADE in my tutorial on the 13th.

But when the moon is blue, and the zombies are out (like right now) it REALLY shines.

So for now, let’s zoom in on how it did this year, in 2020.

During a 21-day period this year when most investors were sweating bullets, my research shows you could’ve turned every $500 into $111,285.55:

Yes, even raw beginners could’ve picked up HEFTY cash with these recent trades.

Because remember — even though I’ve never revealed this specific strategy to ANYONE — this isn’t my first rodeo.

My thousands of readers are living, breathing proof that this kind of research works.

And in today’s Wild West of online financial “experts,” that’s a hard thing to find.

In fact, if you’re reading this today, you’re likely to be a subscriber to Personal Finance or one of its sister publications.

That’s the entry-level stock newsletter for our publishing company, Investing Daily...

So think of it as the next logical step.

From America’s first, best, and ONLY truly independent financial news source since 1974...
Comes the trade most investors would kill for in 2020

So join me on October 13th...

And I’ll show you the easy & lucrative move — that lets you actually take advantage of the mayhem that’s stalking us in 2020.

Just Click Here to Enter Your Info to Attend My First-Ever
Online Trade Tutorial for FREE

What a year, you guys...

First, people watched in horror as their portfolios got slashed in half. 20 million of us lost our jobs.

Then — for reasons that are still being debated by “the experts” who couldn’t predict rain in a thunderstorm — the S&P 500 jumped 60% off its spring lows…

Millions of Americans rushed to grab a cut of the action...

Some were getting back in, only to get their bell rung once again.

Others were the kind of newbies who always join the party for the first time when it’s just about over… because they develop “fear of missing out.”

I don’t want you to be either of those!

I don’t want you to worry whether the bubble is going to pop, or whether it’s going to make us crazy for the rest of the year.

What I DO want you to do is — let me teach you how to trade these specially targeted “Zombie Stocks” for a quick cash profit.

So go ahead and confirm your spot to my online Trade Tutorial that goes LIVE on Tuesday, October 13…

This secret has been under lock & key for more than a decade. I take it (and you) VERY seriously.

So no, you WON’T get yet another overhyped sales pitch. Instead:

You’ll get a FREE trading tutorial from the same guy who helped readers like Glen become millionaires






While there’s no “rewind” button to get us out of the mess we’re in this year…

Now you have a chance to turn the mayhem rocking our country... into personal millions...

But it all starts with this secret “Zombie Trade” strategy that I’ll teach you in my October 13 tutorial event.

Don’t miss out... these FREE seats are strictly limited. Click the button below to grab yours right now.

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce
Chief Mayhem Trade
Investing Daily

Yes! I Want to See Jim Pearce's Secret Trading Strategy for FREE