How to Pay Zero Taxes Using "White House" Tax Loophole
In 1986, Congress wrote a special loophole into the tax law. Smart investors used it to shed their entire tax liability and keep 100% of their investment earnings.
But this was just the beginning...
Later that same year, President Ronald Reagan signed the bill into law with provisions that effectively created a secret money-making tool so powerful that it made thousands of millionaires in just a few years.
Their tax burden? Zero.
This incredible tax loophole still survives today... and we need it more than ever.
Remember just a few years ago, when Mitt Romney was asked about his tax rate? He responded that he was paying 15%—far less than the average American.
Reporters took him to task and wrote dramatic stories that made it sound like he was getting away with murder.
We were shocked, too... that he paid so much!
You see, if average Americans are angry at the idea of rich guys like Mitt Romney paying only 15% on their income... then average Americans need to wake up and get smart with their money.
Because they could be using a publicly traded, perfectly legal investment loaded with such heavy tax breaks that it makes Romney's 15% look like a generous gift to the IRS.
In these days of 1% CDs, it's tough to find a yield worth getting excited about. Sure, plenty of stocks and bonds pay a little bit more... but what do you have left come tax time?
That's why we've just created a free report that provides step-by-step instructions on how you can begin taking advantage of this tax loophole today. Inside you'll learn how it works, and how a few simple changes could have you making income virtually tax-free.
Simply enter your email address below to receive a copy of this free report.
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