Claim Your Wealth Society Lifetime Upgrade
You’re only one step away…

Fellow Investor,

Hi, my name is Phil Ash.

And I’m the President here at Investing Daily.

I know it may seem a little unusual that I’m telling you about a new opportunity…

Even though you’ve secured a lifetime upgrade to Income Millionaire.

But the reason is really quite simple.

I want to give you something much better.

Something you can’t get anywhere else.

And something that will VASTLY improve your investing results far more… and far longer… than any single subscription could.

Because the private invitation you’re about to see includes 100% complete lifetime access to:

That’s right.

I’m Offering Complete Access to
Everything We Do—
For the Rest of Your Life.

I know that sounds hard to believe.

So let me explain.

Since you became a lifetime member of Jim Pearce’s Income Millionaire advisory, you are officially in the top 1% of our subscriber list.

And I’d like to personally thank you for that.

I generally prefer working behind the scenes to make sure you always have access to the best investments, strategies, and tools available to protect—and grow—your wealth.

However, the offer I’m going to make you is so potentially lucrative—and stacked so heavily in your favor—I’ve decided to step out of my comfort zone and personally walk you through it.

Because it’s a chance to play an even more important role in our business.

And change your life at the same time.

You see, when you accept my invitation today, you’ll no longer be a regular subscriber to Income Millionaire—or any of our other advisories.

You’ll be a member of the Wealth Society.

The Wealth Society is our top-tier membership level.

It’s a made up of a group of investors who want the best of the best.

And are willing to pay thousands of dollars to be a part of it.

There’s a reason for that.

When you join the Wealth Society, it automatically entitles you to receive every advisory we publish.

That includes all our monthly newsletters, trading services, special reports, and training videos.

We don’t stop there, though.

Because we also give you access to all the NEW research advisories we launch, too.

Is it any wonder why people who know about the Wealth Society are constantly asking us to open new slots? And that when we do they snap them up in a matter of hours?

Typically, we only allow readers to join the Wealth Society for one year at a time.

But as I said earlier, there’s no doubt in my mind that you’re one of our best customers.

And because of that, I want to give you the opportunity to be a part of something we’ve only made available three times in the past eight years.

Because when you accept my invitation today…

You won’t just get a year’s worth of access to every single advisory we publish…

And access to every new cutting-edge service we launch…

You’ll get complete access to everything we publish… for the rest of your life.

And because of that, there’s no need for you to keep any of your current subscriptions.

For us, that means we make a little less money.

But it brings us the stability that comes with a group of investors who’ve made the ultimate commitment to our business.

And best of all—it allows us to spend less time selling you subscriptions, and more time providing you with the best investment research available to individual investors today.

Let me show you everything you’ll get when you accept this one-time invitation.

Jim Fink has discovered a set of options strategies that allow you to collect thousands of dollars several times a month…

And do it in a way that’s safer than trading stocks.

I promise you, that’s not an exaggeration. Or wishful thinking.

Over the past decade, Warren Buffett has made $4.9 billion trading options the same way Jim does.

Each week he sends all the lucrative, step-by-step details out to subscribers of his Options for Income advisory.

And from nine minutes of their time (or less), here are the gains they banked in just a single year:

By simply trading 10 contracts on each of the companies you see here, you would have collected a stunning $67,548.70—or $185.06 a day!

Readers who aren’t Wealth Society members paid up to $3,000 a year to belong to Options for Income.

And based on notes like the ones below, I’m sure they’re more than glad they did.

So far it has netted $10,000 in three months.”  —Wayne F. Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

I ended the year with a cash flow well over $100,000… which is just plain unbelievable.”  —Roger M., Metairie, Louisiana

I have made quite a bit of money with this service.”  —Gerald R. Highland Park, Illinois

I have been averaging 24–29% returns (per holding period) each month… so the annual return is mind-numbing.”  —Henry R. Coral Gables, Florida

Just a note of thanks for the super year. The account where I exclusively trade options was up over $110K for a one-year return of 83%. Much better than your $25K goal when I signed on… Options are a wonderful thing. Thanks again.”  —Fred L., Pasadena, California

When you secure your Wealth Society lifetime upgrade today, you’ll receive the same Options for Income plays that lead to letters like those above.

You’ll also receive…

You’ll also get immediate access to Personal Finance, one of America’s oldest and most successful research advisories.

If you’re not familiar with Personal Finance, this 43-year-old flagship newsletter is read by tens of thousands of millionaires each month.

That’s because its entire focus is on safe, highly profitable investments.

Every recommendation you’ll find in Personal Finance comes from a team of successful investors with decades of experience in stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies.

Our team of analysts aren’t desk jockeys who earn a living by investing other people’s money. They’ve created their own wealth.

Like Personal Finance’s Chief Investment Strategist, Jim Pearce.

In addition to starting his own private investment banking firm, Jim has over two decades of hard-core Wall Street experience that include stints at a number of private investment partnerships.

That’s the kind of inside knowledge that pays off for our readers.

Over nearly a decade and a half—a period which included catastrophes like the 9/11 attacks and the market crash of 2008—the Personal Finance portfolio racked up a total return nearly three times better than the S&P 500.

$100,000 invested in our portfolio would have grown to $281,000 almost 15 years later.

And it comes from gains like these…

Think about that for a second.

Current subscribers had the opportunity to earn $103,000 MORE than folks who invested in the broader market. Just from reading Personal Finance and following our easy-to-understand advice.

And here’s what they’re saying about their experience…

I bought OCN about 10 years ago, and with all the spinoffs and the increase in the prices, I made over $450,000 on a $12,000 investment!”  —R.J.

Most of my financial education has been a result of a long-term subscription, as well as most of my investment success. I would not leave home without my copy.”  —John B.

Very informative. Long-time subscriber—made a 6-figure profit.”  —J.L.

I have made quite a lot of money following your investment advice.”  —Margo F.

Personal Finance typically costs $99 a year. But you can get complete access to it as a Wealth Society member.

You’ll also get access to Velocity Trader…

If you’ve ever wished there was a way to make massive amounts of money in stunningly short amounts of time, then you’ll absolutely love Jim Fink’s explosive options advisory, Velocity Trader.

Because he’s figured out a way to take regular stock movements of 8%, 17%, or 34% and MULTIPLY them into staggering profits of 100%, 300%, and even 800%.

Sometimes even more.

Better still, his scientific system turns these profitable trades around in 60 days or less.

Every week, Jim sends out two sentences of instructions to his subscribers.

And by simply following them in their online accounts, or reading them word for word to their broker, they’ve had the chance to take part in all the massive winners below—in less than a year:

A small $1,000 stake in each of these 24 triple-digit winners would be worth a cool $40,667 today.

A $10,000 bet on each would be worth $406,670.

And if they rolled some of those winners into the next trade?

Well, it’s quite possible there are a few newly-minted Velocity Trader millionaires out there right now.

Profits of that magnitude have delighted Jim’s subscribers.

Like Noel A. who wrote in to say, “My annualized rate of return is a staggering 14,852.3!!”

Alvin L. sent us a note saying he loves Jim’s system because it’s “very profitable, requiring little time.”

And I’m sure Marvin M. would agree. Because he recently told us “I have had a number of 100% returns in as little as three days.”

It’s not just the winners that make subscribers happy, though.

We’re fully aware that every investor comes to us with a different level of investing experience.

And no matter what yours may be—questions come up from time to time.

That’s why we give you unprecedented direct access to ALL our experts through scheduled monthly chats, message boards, and even email… including Jim Fink.

Here’s how Noel feels about the attention he gets from Jim…

Jim is probably as good as anyone at explaining the trade we are entering and the expectations. I have learned how to identify ways to profit on quick trades in either direction.”

Arnab S. from Fremont, California agrees. He says Jim has…

“…opened my eyes on options and the strategies to employ. The instructions were great and detailed. Jim takes a lot of time to ensure we get it.”

And Richard S. from Austin, Texas says he likes Jim’s

“…no-nonsense but thorough research before making his recommendations, his desire to teach subscribers, his quick responses to questions, and the fact that he invests personally in his recommendations.”

That’s high praise for any analyst. But when you consider that it comes from one who just gave subscribers the opportunity to bank $406,670 in profits in less than a year…

There’s no wonder people are gladly putting their name on a waiting list to get access to his trades.

You can move to the front of the line and start getting them delivered to your inbox right away.

But only if you take me up on my offer to secure a lifetime upgrade to the Wealth Society today.

I’ll show you how in just a minute. First, let me tell you about another benefit you’ll get…

Every serious investor needs to have a reliable source of “no B.S., tell-it-like-it-is” investment advice.

And that’s exactly what you’ll get from Dr. Stephen Leeb and his award-winning publication, The Complete Investor.

In a world chock full of terrorist threats… cybersecurity attacks… political shenanigans… and angry people protesting who knows what…

Dr. Leeb is a throwback to the days when experts told it like it was… even when the truth wasn’t pretty.

You won’t get sugarcoated investment advice when you read The Complete Investor.

There are no waffling words. Hedging. Or namby-pamby broker double-speak.

Instead, every time you read an issue, you’ll get straightforward, actionable strategies which will help you invest in the smartest, most profitable opportunities out there.

And you’ll get facts—lots of facts—to back up each and every recommendation.

No fake news here!

Because we know you can handle the truth.

And Dr. Leeb wouldn’t have it any other way.

That’s why the five books he’s written have hit bestseller status.

It’s why he’s a regular guest on Fox News…

And it’s also why The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Forbes, and Business Week regularly seek out his opinion on financial matters.

He tells it like it is.

And he’s usually right.

You don’t need to look any further than his top 5 core holdings for proof.

That’s good enough to turn every $5,000 invested into $52,315!

And it’s the type of performance that’s led to notes like these…

If you follow Mr. Leeb and his team’s recommendations, you will make money. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you begin with. The email updates are informative and wide-ranging.”  —Peter R., Maine

I’m a loyal follower, bought all of his books, seen all of his videos, webinars, get all of his newsletters, and I am way better off for it as a retail investor. His analysis on oil, gold, commodities, China, geopolitics, the economy, and stocks, are the best I have seen and read. In today’s uncertain world economy, getting plugged into Dr. Leeb’s message should be on top of everyone’s list if they want to learn how to thrive in these turbulent times.”  —Kevin S., California

I particularly appreciate the email updates on crisis days—it helps me to steady myself and look at the big picture, not just the short-term aberration due to computerized trading or some fear factor.  I subscribe to two services and it’s my avatar. Thank you, Dr. Leeb!” – Amelie G., Michigan

Would you like to have access to the same peace of mind and moneymaking recommendations that Peter, Kevin, and Amelie are enjoying…

For the rest of your life?

The good news is you can when you upgrade to the Wealth Society today.

Before I go any further, I’d like to take a second to point out exactly how much you’ll get as a Wealth Society member.

The subscription fees for each of the services I’ve shown you so far add up to $6,298.

Which simply means if you signed up for each of them individually you’d have to pay over $6,000.

And that’s just for a single year.

But they’re automatically included in your Wealth Society upgrade.

Here’s the thing. That’s just four of the research advisories that we publish.

Our roster includes five more (in addition to Income Millionaire).

And when you upgrade today, you’ll get access to all of them. For life.

It’s critical that you understand just how valuable this membership will be to your financial future before you make a decision.

So let’s take a minute to walk through what else you’ll get.

There’s no better way to experience the level of financial power you’d see from a hedge fund than to subscribe to an advisory that’s run by a former hedge fund analyst.

And that’s exactly what you get from Linda McDonough at the Profit Catalyst Alert.

Linda spent decades at a hedge fund, refining a formula that predictably and consistently uncovers profit-boosting catalysts BEFORE they send a stock higher.

The kind of catalysts responsible for fast gains like…

And she used that advanced knowledge to make her millionaire clients even wealthier than they were before.

But not any longer.

Because we upped the ante and stole her away.

Now, every week her subscribers get private access to a scientific trading formula GUARANTEED to consistently produce double and triple-digit gains quickly (including the list of winners above)…

Like clockwork.

Unique, exclusive approaches like Linda’s are what set us apart from every other financial publisher out there.

And the results these strategies deliver make our subscribers very happy.

Like Fred Lamoureaux who wrote in to say:

As a result of your fine recommendations and your teaching I had $151K realized gains…”

Or Howard Turner who says:

“We’re in Fiji for ten days of scuba funded by profits from all your newsletters. Just landed a couple hours ago.”

Martha D’Allesandro takes our research and recommendations so seriously she says:

I look at your site every time I make a buy/sell decision.”

We typically charge $3,000 to get access to Linda’s recommendations.

But you’ll get access to them for life when you secure your Wealth Society upgrade today.

When you do, you’ll also get complete access to Utility Forecaster.

Amazingly enough, at 27 years old, Utility Forecaster is only our second-oldest publication. 

Personal Finance takes the honor, of course.

But like its sister publication, there’s a reason Utility Forecaster has survived so long.

And that’s because our subscribers demand we keep it around.

It’s not hard to understand why when you see its track record.

If you had invested a mere $5,000 into each of the picks you see below (I’ve censored their names to be fair to our paying subscribers)…

…you’d be sitting on a staggering $525,400.

I want to be upfront with you. When you see the portfolio for the first time, you’ll definitely notice these gains didn’t come overnight.

And to that, I say, “Who cares!”

Safely turning $50,000 into $475,400 in pure profits—no matter how long it takes—is an impossible feat for most investors.

But utilities make it happen for one key reason: There’s no substitute for them.

Or for Utility Forecaster. Because it’s the only newsletter I know of that can say it’s covered them for nearly three decades.

Subscribers agree. Over the years, they’ve stuffed our mailbox with letters like these:

I’ve been able to add a 7th figure to one of my brokerage accounts solely on your advice over these last 8 years.”  —J.V., Vero Beach, Florida

“Utility Forecaster has been my Bible for quite a few years now…I eagerly read every word to reinforce my strategy  —Warren, Virginia Beach, VA

Since taking control of my portfolio in 2000, Utility Forecaster is the only newsletter I have kept. It is consistently in the green.”  —Nancy, Charlottesville, VA

Utility Forecaster has been the cornerstone of my investing program, enabling me to comfortably retire.”  —Richard B.

Let me show you yet another Wealth Society benefit…

If you’re even remotely interested in discovering how to turn even small investments in the world’s most critical resources and scarce commodities into a bonanza of wealth…

Then you’ll love Real World Investing, which is headed up by Dr. Stephen Leeb.

Because he’ll show you how to grow rich by grabbing quick profits from small increases in these fast-moving, highly lucrative markets.

Take gold for example.

In one 6-month period, the price of gold moved up a respectable 9.7%.

But during the same time period, Dr. Leeb’s gold portfolio skyrocketed over 40%.

Take a look:

We’re talking about gains made in an array of gold investments—gold mining stocks, junior miners, gold ETFs, and gold royalty stocks.

And they came from just a small move in the underlying price of gold.

Imagine the profits you could make if gold hits $5,000… $10,000… $15,000 or $20,000 an ounce.

Don’t think it will ever get that high? Maybe not.

But then again, investors frequently flock to the safe haven of gold when risk is high and the markets tank.

And we all know how quickly the markets can plummet in the blink of an eye.

So why not make huge gains on small moves in the gold market today…

And even more astronomical gains if gold really shoots to the moon.

Real World Investing covers far more than just precious metals like gold, though…

Because we also give you smart ways to invest in oil, renewable energy, industrial metals, and even cybersecurity.

Bottom line: We focus on what’s going on today in the real world. And then we give you investment advice that allows you to safeguard your financial well-being…

And prosper.

New subscribers will have to pay $2,495 a year to get access to our Real World Investing recommendations.

But you’ll get complete access to them for life when you secure your Wealth Society upgrade today.

When you do, you’ll also get complete access to Systematic Wealth.

The system that drives this service was built by a millionaire MIT engineer.

And if you follow the simple set of instructions it generates for each trade…

You could be earning 99.2%… 152.6 %… and even 181.7 % annualized returns (or higher) practically every month…

Best of all, these gains have nothing to do with futures or other risky financial instruments.

You’re not day-trading. You’re not sitting in front of a computer all day.

And you’re definitely not worrying about what your portfolio is doing at night, either.

Because this powerful system pinpoints regular stocks that are about to move.

Then it simply tells you when to get in. And exactly when to get out.

Often, you only hold a stock for 30 to 90 days at most. That’s it.

As you can see, it’s a low commitment strategy.

But that doesn’t mean it’s not powerful.

Because this $7 million system is so sophisticated—and laser-accurate—that you’ll rack up more gains in the next twelve months than you’ve made in the last 12 years.

Even when you start with stakes as small as $100.

That may sound unbelievable, but consider this…

A group of readers who recently got in on Mentor Graphics had a chance to see compound returns of 107.5% in 91 days.

They had the chance to make a 236.9% compounded return in just 91 days on the ATV and snowmobile company Polaris…

They saw annualized returns of 91% on Ruth’s Hospitality Group in 98 days, 114% on Lemaitre Vascular in 65 days, and 287% on Valero Energy in 31 days.

They even had the chance to bank 243.4% annualized profits on Banc of California.

All told, this system has delivered over 788 winners.

And that’s made our subscribers supremely happy. So much so, they’ve flooded our inbox with notes like this one from Mike R., of Mill Valley, California that says…

“How many winners have I had? Too many to count. With the money I’ve made, I’ve bought a new home, a BMW and made several charity donations.”

Bruce B. from Fargo, ND isn’t complaining either. He says this system…

Gives me confidence. On one trade (TJX), I made 226.58% returns inside my IRA.”

Geoffrey C. In Crofton, MD told us he was…

Pleased with 45% on WNR!

And Joseph G. in Trumbull CT says he uses this system because…

I want to trade but can’t find the time with work to do the proper research… it helps me find trades like Universal Forest Products, which made me $1,473.”

Each of these subscribers paid up to $3,000 to access the profitable trades they’re raving about.

But like every other opportunity you’ve seen today—they are fully included in your Wealth Society membership.

You’ll also gain access to…

Join the entire Investing Daily team as we target small company stocks with the potential to soar 1,000% or more.

Stocks like these have shown savvy investors real returns of 2,167%… 3,958%… 1,615%… 1,455%… 1,636%… and even 4,532%.

Through the use of our breakthrough “David versus Goliath” system, we track down dozens upon dozens of small companies on the cusp of making huge share price leaps in a short amount of time.

Companies like…

✔ Kemet Corp which soared 1,988%… in less than two years.

✔ Gravity Company which rocketed 1,644%… in about 15 months.

✔ Heska Corporation which surged 1,615%… most of the increase occurring in a year.

✔ Straight Path Communications which soared 4,532%… the majority of those gains happening in less than 6 months.

✔And Pier 1 Imports. It went from a rock-bottom 11-cents a share all the way to $25.20. That’s a mind-blowing increase of 22,809%!

Each month, we’ll target a new profit opportunity.

It might be…

✔ A hot play on a natural resource stock about to strike pay dirt…

✔ Or an under-the-radar tech firm on the cusp of skyrocketing…

✔ Or a small biotech just days away from releasing a breakthrough drug…

✔ Or even a veteran company on the verge of making a ten-fold rebound.

Rest assured — whatever the trade happens to be — you’ll know it’s been thoroughly vetted by Investing Daily’s team of 8 experts

To have the best potential to quickly and safely bring you 1,000% or more return on your money… enough to turn every $10,000 into $100,000.

This is the easiest, quickest way I know of to multiply your money TENFOLD

And that’s because by taking advantage of my team’s “David versus Goliath” system, you’ll be tapping into the power of small company investing.

You’ll receive everything you’ll need to begin immediately and easily staking your claim to some of the most lucrative opportunities on the planet.

Let’s quickly recap everything you’ll get when you add a Wealth Society upgrade to your Income Millionaire subscription today:

As you can see, it’s 9 powerful services (in addition to Income Millionaire) that will deliver an incredible number of moneymaking opportunities.

And their total one-year value comes to $19,942!

All you need to do to get access to them right now is simply accept this one-time upgrade invitation.

The minute you say “yes” we’ll rush you the password that will unlock your private Wealth Society website.

Inside you’ll find an easy-to-navigate collection of every advisory we publish.

Including access to our vast library of special reports and powerful training videos.

And you’ll never have to worry about being overwhelmed by too much information via email either.

Because all the critical information you need will be passed along in our private briefing called Wealth Society Confidential.

Inside each daily issue, you’ll find links to every article published by our analysts that day.

And to guarantee you never miss a new profit opportunity…

Or a chance to take some gains off the table…

All our trade alerts are sent as separate emails so they stand out from the crowd.

Act Now—
Limited Slots Available

I’m sure by now it’s clear how INVALUABLE this much profit-producing research will be to your future.

It could quite literally change your financial trajectory for the rest of your life.

In the past, every time we’ve opened annual membership slots in the Wealth Society they filled in a matter of hours.

Sometimes even less.

I don’t expect today to be any different.

Especially when you know the slots we have opened today only cost $4,995…

for a LIFETIME upgrade.

That the value of what you’ll receive in the coming year is $19,942…

That just with our current line-up—the five-year value will total $99,710…

In ten years it will be worth $199,420…

And that in order to keep your access each year, you’ll only have to pay a small $199 annual maintenance fee to cover administrative costs.

When you take all that into account…

And when you consider we’re committed to bringing you even more lucrative opportunities through new product launches (which will only increase the value what you’re getting) …

I don’t think it’s hard to understand why $4,995 is just a drop in the bucket for lifetime access to a virtually unlimited number of profit opportunities.

Especially when you consider taking advantage of even a small fraction of the advice you’ll get in the first month should more than pay back your investment in the Wealth Society.

If you’re ready to secure your membership, simply fill out the short order form at the bottom of your screen…

Or, if you want to secure your membership with a live person please call our private Wealth Society hotline at (800) 832-2330 right away.

Then press “star” to cut to the front of the line.

No matter how you reserve your spot though, it’s critical you do it now.

We are only letting 100 people secure lifetime upgrades to the Wealth Society.

So I wouldn’t step away for any longer than it takes to find your credit card.

Because if you do, you may find that you’ve missed out on your chance.

Here’s one last thing I think you’ll really like.

When you secure a lifetime upgrade to the Wealth Society today, you’re also covered by our double-barreled protection plan…

The first level of protection is our 30-day satisfaction guarantee.

You’ll get access to everything you’ve seen today, starting immediately.

Check out everything a private membership of this caliber has to offer.

Be sure to discover the profit potential that’s waiting for you in each of our powerful research advisories.

Dive in and enjoy yourself.

If at any time during this 30-day window you don’t believe that a Wealth Society membership is right for you, simply let any one of our concierges know.

They will promptly refund every dollar you paid to upgrade to the Wealth Society and reactivate your original subscriptions with us.

Your protection doesn’t end when the 30 days are over either.

I’m so committed to helping you succeed that I’m making you a second guarantee, too.

Because I’m putting myself on the hook for the full price of your upgrade fee today.

Throughout this invitation, I’ve shown you dozens of examples of recommendations that doubled, tripled, or quadrupled our subscribers’ money…

And some of them did even better than that.

In spite of all those winners… I’m also aware you still may have doubts about how much money you can make.

So I’m going to do something I don’t normally do. I’m going make you an outrageous promise.

Here’s how it works.

If, in the course of the next twelve months, we don’t give you the opportunity to bank 36 triple-digit winners—just let us know and we’ll refund everything you’ve paid today.

Let me be clear about that.

If you “only” see 35 triple-digit winners—and put $1,000 into each one—you’ll be sitting on a staggering $35,000 in profits before commissions.

But that’s still not good enough for me. Because 35 is one less than 36.

And a promise is a promise.

So just give us a call to let us know, and I’ll cover your entire Wealth Society upgrade fee.

Let’s face it, if I wasn’t 100% positive my analysts could deliver on my promise…

I would never shout it from the rooftops.

I couldn’t afford to!

Because 100 open slots at $4,995 would cost me a staggering $499,500…

And I really don’t have the stomach to think about giving up all the recurring revenue from my best customers, too.

So my team’s top priority is—and always will be—to deliver you world-class investing opportunities.

And I guarantee we’ll do that.

That’s why claiming either of my guarantees is as simple as calling (or emailing) our Wealth Society concierge team. No questions asked. No hassles.

To sum it up—when you upgrade to the Wealth Society now, you’ll get $19,942 worth of financial research…

Not just for one year.

But every yearFor the rest of your life.

And you’ll only pay a ONE-TIME fee (plus a small annual maintenance fee of $199 starting on your one-year anniversary).

We can only accept 100 people.

It won’t take long to fill those slots.

Time is of the essence.

You could literally be on the road to experiencing a lifetime of profit opportunities as early as tomorrow morning.

Just fill out the short order form below to accept your upgrade and get started.

To your investing success,

Phil Ash
Investing Daily


When you pay for your Wealth Society Lifetime Upgrade, you’ll receive all of the benefits listed above. Your credit card will be automatically charged the one-time upgrade fee of $4,995. To maintain your benefits, each year on your anniversary, we will automatically charge your card an annual maintenance fee of $199.