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You’re just a click away from flooding your account with up to $1,640 each & every Thursday


You’re just seconds away from locking down instant payouts up to $1,640 (or more) every Thursday.

We’re only letting a limited number of people join Options for Income today on a first-come, first-served basis.

So do not exit this page without making your final decision. Exiting before then will cause you to lose your currently reserved position.

When you join, you’ll have the opportunity to tap into the same incredible income that has our readers saying things like…



The major benefit of getting here early — besides locking in your membership spot — is that you qualify for our new member discount.

Take Options For Income on a 6-month test drive today and we’ll give you another 6 months of service ON THE HOUSE

Today is your chance to take our elite trading service Options for Income on a no-holds-barred test drive for a full 6 months at a fraction of the regular rate…

Instead of paying the full-year membership price of $3,000…

You’re getting 6 months of Options For Income at the rock bottom rate of just $1,495…

But I’m not stopping there.

I’m so confident that you’ll love everything Options for Income brings to the table (not to mention the instant income on the table every week), that I’m going a step further with this opportunity.

Taking me up on this offer today locks in an additional six months of service, at no additional cost… meaning you get a full year of uninterrupted access for a fraction of the regular rate.

As soon as you join, you’ll receive:

As a new member, you’ll also get access to our full suite of membership privileges, including:

Here you get to meet your fellow investors… hear their stories and experiences… post your own if you care to… and form new friendships.

As many members have told us, being part of our family can give you the assurance and confidence to embrace this new income strategy, knowing that you have help any time you need it.

You may even find — more often than not — that if you have any concerns, someone else has had them too.

And you’ll see the feedback and assurance they received from veteran members or Jim himself.

And when you join our family, we do everything we can to ensure you have everything you need to succeed including…

These videos give an even more detailed overview of Jim’s PAYCODE strategy, straight from the mouth of the man who put it all together.

They’ll give you an over-the-shoulder look at Jim’s instant income approach in action.

Frankly, we could easily charge thousands of dollars for access to just these videos alone…

Or even sell them as a special course…

But as an Options for Income member, you get free access to them, the moment you join us today.

Bottom line: we want to make it as easy as possible to start making today, just like our current subscribers…





Kelly M. made $9,474 in the first two months and told us she’s thrilled.


Arizona native Gabe F. let us know he made $25,000.


And Myron G. says he’s made enough to replace a $60,000 a year job.


You’re just a click away from joining Bill, Vince, Kelly, Myron along with hundreds of other smart investors inside Options for Income… and you’re doing it at a deeply-discounted rate…

Just be aware that we simply cannot offer refunds on this deal.

We have to do this to deter people from signing up just to learn Jim’s PAYCODE strategy, and then immediately canceling afterward.

Believe it or not, people actually do this.

Therefore, each Options for Income subscription order is final.

But that doesn’t mean that you’re out of luck.

If you’re unhappy with this service, simply call our customer service line. One of our dedicated reps can help you move the balance of your subscription to one of Investing Daily’s other services.

But I don’t think you’ll be doing that once you try Jim’s PAYCODES.

I’m so confident you’ll absolutely love making money this way, that I’m backing it up with our…

“Results or Else” Guarantee

When you sign up today, Jim will give you two opportunities to generate immediate income every single Thursday for a full year.

That’s 104 income opportunities with the potential to put instant cash in your pocket.

If he misses that target by even a single PAYCODE… and you get even one less instant income opportunity than he’s promised…

Just let us know, and you’ll get an additional year of Jim’s service free of charge.

In the past six years, 99% of the income opportunities he’s shared have closed out as winners.

With a track record like that, this strategy is about as iron-clad as it gets… but in the event that we miss one of these PAYCODES, you’re covered.

To take advantage of this incredible deal, simply fill out your information below.

Fair warning: This may be your first, last, and only chance to join Options for Income at this insanely low rate.

Just one more click is all it takes to lock in your shot at $1,640 in instant income, every Thursday.

But the right choice is yours to make.

I hope to see you on the inside.


Phil Ash
President, Options for Income

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