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You’re A Click Away from Unlocking up to $2,100 or More in Instant Cash Each Week…

Congratulations on taking your next step towards true financial freedom.

Regardless of all the uncertainty and chaos gripping the world today, it’s still possible to collect a safe, reliable cash flow week in and week out.

This could be the most powerful income stream ever unleashed on the stock market.

And you’re about to unlock it.

Options for Income is the only place you can access this strategy.

And the only advisory I’m aware of with the ability to hand you opportunities to rack up cash payouts of $1,200… $1,800... even $2,100 or more each Thursday for a full year.

To help you hit the ground running, I’ll give you immediate access to my...

Quick Start Cash Course

It’s a six-part video series that’ll orient you to this amazing income secret, so you can start making money like a pro.

In the next few minutes, you’ll discover:

This powerful video series shows you, in a few minutes, what took me decades to master.

It's like pressing fast-forward to the end of the story with all the rewards and success, but without any of the trial and error.

As soon as you’re done, you’ll be ready to make your very first trade.

That’s why I’m also sending you...

My two current income trades

They come with the easy-to-follow instructions you can input into your brokerage account to generate your very first payouts.

Regardless of what day of the week it is, if the markets are open, you can use my two current income trades to deposit money into your account that day.

Of course I’ll add you to my Options for Income “Insiders” list.

Every Thursday morning I’ll send you two opportunities to generate instant payouts.

Each opportunity comes with my easy-to-follow, two-sentence instructions.

Just input them into your brokerage account or read them word-for-word to your broker over the phone.

You’ll see your payouts deposited into your account a few minutes later.

Your membership also gives you immediate access to our...

Options for Income Member Forum

You’ll be able to meet fellow members and become part of our community.

And no matter what you run into, it’s the place you can rely on for help to succeed with your new income strategy.

You’ll also get access to my exclusive...

Money-Flow Seasonality Program

My proprietary computer program that tracks the money flowing in and out of thousands of stocks can lead you to the most profitable trades in the stock market.

This computer program is not for sale anywhere at any price.

You’ll be able to download and install it to generate additional payouts on Monday, Tuesday, or any other day of the week you wish.

Take a seat at the table today — get 67% off

Now, I realize most people have no experience investing this way.

And they may have a hard time believing it, until they see it for themselves.

I also realize that making any big decisions right now — in THIS market — especially when it comes to your finances… is no easy ask.

But I’m confident that my system and strategy has what it takes to see you through anything the market throws at us.

Of course, none of that matters if the opportunities never hit your doorstep.

Everyone — no matter who they are — could use more income right now…

And I don’t want price to be the ONE thing that stands in the way of your profits.

That’s why I’m cutting the cost of my service — and letting you sign on at a huge discount...

The regular cost for a year of access to Options for Income is $3,000.

But in an effort to make joining today an absolute no-brainer...

I am opening the doors to the first 25 eager investors to claim their spot today… and bold actions should have bold rewards… which is why when you join today I’ll slash the rate to just $995 for a full year.

Now, I do need to make one thing clear…

This opportunity isn’t for tire-kickers!

If you plan on joining just to “give it a shot…” read no further.

This offer is only meant for investors serious about taking their income to the next level.

We’ve never been able to make an offer quite like this before… and because of the steep discount in your favor and the level of service that Options for Income provides, we simply can’t offer refunds.

You’re either all in. Or you’re not in at all.

Remember, Options for Income subscribers have the opportunity to collect cash every single week like clockwork… you could collect your first payout as early as Thursday.

Just keep in mind...

Only 25 new member seats open today

I want to make sure I can provide you with the same high level of service as all my existing subscribers.

So I have to limit this sign-up to 25 new members today.

Of course once in, you’ll be fully covered by...

My One-Year Performance Guarantee

You’re likely only ever a quick Google search away from finding an analyst raving about their high octane “swing for the fences” trades that could hand you 10x, 20x, 30x your gains (while risking thousands of your own hard earned cash on each trade).

Sure, it’s a strategy… just not one I recommend if you’re looking for any kind of real wealth.

Real wealth isn’t built on big winners… it’s built on the back of a steady stream of income… which is exactly what I’m bringing to the table each week…

And I’m not afraid to back it up.

I am serious about this guarantee — I’m a man of my word — so if by the end of your term I’ve ONLY delivered 95 instant payout opportunities, simply reach out to your customer care agent, and let them know… and I’ll work another year on the house.

My system has the potential to help you reach your financial goals, whatever they may be…

Now, I want to be clear on one more point…

Over the years, I've recommended thousands of opportunities... and while I've become rather skilled at sniffing out winners... there's no guarantee that any trade will turn out a profit.

But with a rock solid system (not to mention the 95% win rate) at our back, I am confident we can weather just about anything the market throws at us…

To claim your seat at the table now and set yourself up to collect your very first instant cash payout opportunity… along with two more instant cash opportunities each week for the next year...

Simply fill out the short form below and I’ll rush everything to your inbox right away.

More comfortable making decisions by phone? Have a few more questions?

Give us a call

If you have any questions or would like to pay by credit card over the telephone, please give us a call at (866) 833-2070 to receive your 67% new member discount.

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