Hi, Jim Fink here again.
You’re just seconds away from joining a group of savvy investors who are raking in 2 weekly “Paychecks” of up to $1,456…
Each and every week.
With payouts of that size pouring into your account…
It shouldn’t take long before you’re in the same boat as Mark G. who says he makes enough to replace his job…
But you need to make your move now…
We’re only letting a small handful of people secure access to these trades…
And it’s on a first-come first-served basis.
That simply means if you put off locking up a spot inside my Options for Income service…
And come back later…
You may find yourself greeted with a message letting you know the doors have already slammed shut… and you’re out of luck.
So whatever you do… do not leave this page without making your final decision.
The major benefit of getting in early — outside of setting yourself up with access to a program that could help you collect as much as $75,714 a year — is that you qualify for our new member discount.
When you agree to try out Options for Income for just four months we’ll cover an additional eight months of service at no additional cost to you.
So instead of paying the full annual membership price of $3,000…
You’re getting an entire year of total, uninterrupted access to Options For Income for just $995…
Which is nearly 67% off the regular rate.
Believe me, this is an unbelievable deal — especially considering you could recoup your entire membership fee with as little as one of my “Paycheck” recommendations.
I’m making you this outrageous offer for one simple reason…
I realize that if you’ve never traded this way, bringing home this much money week after week may not seem real to you.
And you may think that even though it worked for other regular folks…
That it might not work for you.
Which is why I want you to try it out…
To follow the simple instructions I send out and actually see for yourself as the money appears in your account a moment later.
But that’s not all I want you to experience…
When you take me up on this highly discounted “seeing-is-believing” offer today…
You’ll also unlock 12 months of access to the full suite of Options for Income membership privileges, including:
Here you get to meet your fellow investors… hear their stories and experiences… post your own if you care to… and form new friendships.
As many members have told us, being part of our family can give you the assurance and confidence to embrace this new income strategy, knowing that you have help any time you need it.
You may even find — more often than not — that if you have any concerns, someone else has had them too.
And you’ll see the feedback and assurance they received from veteran members… or sometimes even me.
Plus, when you join our family, we do everything we can to ensure you have everything you need to succeed including…
These videos give an even more detailed overview of my “Weekly Paycheck” strategy.
And they’ll give you an over-the-shoulder look at my instant income approach in action.
Frankly, I could easily charge thousands of dollars for access to just these videos alone…
Or even sell them as a special course…
But as an Options for Income member you get free access to them the moment you join us today.
Bottom line: I want to make it as easy as possible for you to start bringing home “Weekly Paychecks,” just like our subscribers…
Kelly M. made $9,474 in the first two months and told us she’s thrilled.
Arizona native Gabe F. let us know he made $25,000.
And Richard C. says he pulls in $10,000-$12,000 a month.
You’re just a click away from joining these folks inside Options for Income… and you’ll be doing it at a deeply discounted rate…
Just be aware that we simply cannot offer refunds on this deal.
We have to do this to deter people from signing up just to learn my “Weekly Paycheck” strategy, and then immediately canceling afterward.
I realize it sounds absurd, but sadly, there’s people out there who actually do this.
So to be fair to my loyal, standup Options for Income members…
And to keep out all the looky-loos and tire kickers…
All subscription orders are final.
But that doesn’t mean that you’re out of luck if you find yourself unhappy with what I’m giving you.
Simply call our toll-free customer service line…
And one of our dedicated reps can help you move the balance of your subscription to one of Investing Daily’s other services.
Based on the 14 years I’ve run Options for Income…
I don’t think that’ll be an issue though.
Especially when you remember out of the 1,193 trades I’ve released to members…
1,148 of them have closed out as winners.
That’s an incredible 96.2% winning track record!
And it’s the kind of performance that’s led to folks taking time out of their busy schedules to send me notes like these…
One member of Options for Income even went as far as to give this piece of advice to folks who haven’t made up their mind yet…
To take advantage of the unprecedented opportunity to get 8 months of Options for Income “on the house”…
Simply fill out your information below.
The right choice is yours — and yours alone — to make.
I hope to see you on the inside.
Jim Fink
Founder & Chief Strategist
Options for Income
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