
You’re a click away from uncovering how to earn up to $51,338 a year from the legal marijuana boom

One simple profit-sharing “plan” & less than 2 minutes of work is all it takes

Before I activate your membership and rush you the report which has all the details of the unique Maryland company that’s legally obligated to hand over 90% of the profit it makes from the marijuana market…

There are a few things you need to know.

First, it’s critical you take action immediately.

The next check run is right around the corner.

And if you don’t get your name on the list in time, you’ll miss out on the next round of payouts.

That’s a big deal.

Because some folks are already collecting $6,755… $17,257… $21,859… and even $512,635.

And they’re doing it multiple times a year thanks to this company’s “plan.”

Better still, this company is so profitable it increased its payouts 16 times in the past seven years.

To the tune of 1,166%.

Let me put that in perspective for you.

Assuming Andy B. started with the same number of shares he holds today…

He collected a $1,013 profit-sharing payout from this company in October of 2017.

His very next payout jumped to $1,688. Then they shot up to $2,364. Then to $3,039. Then $4,053. Then again (11 more times!) to $12,294.

And as I write this… the next payment he receives is set to clock in at $12,834.

Catherine H.’s payouts started at $1,725. Grew to $2,876. Jumped to $4,026. Then to $5,177. Then to $6,903. Then to $8,973. Then again to $11,505. And then grew TEN MORE TIMES on the way to $21,859.

And Gary K.’s payouts have exploded from $6,593 to $10,989.

Then to $15,385… $19,781… $26,374… then a dozen more times to $83,520.

That’s a staggering difference.

And it brings up a second big reason you need to make your move today…

You may never get a chance to join this “plan” at this price ever again.

I’m not going to mince words here.

You can join this profit-sharing “plan” right now for less than $150.

But I doubt it’ll be such a bargain for long.

This company is so good at what it does…

Its value has soared along with its payouts.

I’m not talking about 10%… 25%… or even 80%.

This company shot up 528% in the last seven years.

That’s enough to turn every $500 into $3,142…

$1,000 into $6,285…

And $7,500 into $47,137.

That money is on top of the growing payouts it sends out like clockwork.

Now just imagine what will happen when more states vote to legalize marijuana during the upcoming election.

Its share price (and its payouts) could skyrocket 2x… 3x… maybe even 5x higher than they are today.

That’s not wishful thinking.

report coverThis company only has a presence in 18 of the 40 states that have legalized medical use.

Which means there’s an opportunity for it to quickly expand into all states it doesn’t operate in yet.

Or any new states that legalize medical marijuana in the months to come.

And based on its incredible growth arc so far…

That’s exactly what I expect to happen.

I’ve put everything I know about this company and its special “plan” in a report called How To Collect Up To $51,338 Every Year From The Legal Marijuana Boom.

I’d like to send you a free copy right now!

This free report is just the beginning of what I’d like you to have though.

Two Money-Making Bonus Reports

As I mentioned, I’ve been a professional investor for over three decades.

So while the profit-sharing “plan” I showed you today is the very best way I’ve found to make money from the soaring legal marijuana market…

It’s just one of many ways there are to set yourself up for massive payouts.

Which is why on top of giving you a free copy of How To Collect Up To $51,338 Every Year From The Legal Marijuana Boom

I have two more money-making gifts I’d like to send you, today — free of charge.

(Value $149 – Yours FREE!)
Virtual Landlording

report coverThe first is Virtual Landlording: How to Profit From Real Estate for Pennies on the Dollar.

We all know you can make a fortune in real estate.

But did you know you can do it without risking your entire life savings on far-flung ventures like flipping houses? Or buying rental properties?

Well, you can. Because there’s a special type of security called a Real Estate Investment Trust (or REIT for short) you can own in your regular brokerage account.

And it gives you all the advantages of owning real estate…

But with far less risk.

Inside this briefing you’ll discover:

You’ll also get a second bonus briefing on a unique play in the AI space that could make the gains already made in AI look like chump change.

(Value $149 – Yours FREE!)
The Everyday Investor’s Guide to Making a Fortune From AI’s Second Surge

report coverInside, I’ll…

Better still, with most experts agreeing the REAL AI growth story is just beginning…

I’ve included the details on two other “must have” AI stocks as well.

We’ll walk through everything you need to know about each one including how to put your name on their lists before they send the next round of payouts.

These bonuses are valued at $447.
But we’ll send them to you free of charge when you agree to try out
Personal Finance

The minutes you say yes, you also get immediate access to:

pf hero shot

Monthly Issues — Every month, you’ll get a 12-page issue of Personal Finance. Inside, my team will deliver the real picture on what’s currently happening in the markets...

Inside, you’ll not only get the real picture on what’s currently happening in the markets...

You’ll get a number of actionable recommendations on how to make money from it.

From investments that pay safe, recurring income streams of $567... $652... $767... $882... and even $1,071...

All the way to opportunities which can safely multiply $1,000 into $9,487... $12,949... and even $30,725...

You’re guaranteed to find a number of exciting new moneymaking ideas in every issue.

Flash Trade Alerts
When it’s time to make a move on one of our positions, or a new opportunity comes along that can’t wait for the next issue, you’ll get a flash alert that tells you exactly what to do.

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The website also has copies of every issue, article, flash alert, and special report we’ve ever put out.

And it’s home to a unique feature you won’t find anywhere else – Personal Finance’s Stock Talk Message Board.  

If you ever have a comment about one of our recommendations or want to dive deeper into why we made it, just post a note to our message board and we’ll be sure to answer you back.

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Get Everything I Just Showed You For 70% Off The Regular Price

Typically we charge $129 for a one-year subscription.

But today is different. I don’t want anything to stand in the way of you learning how to collect your first marijuana profit-sharing payout…

So I’m slashing our regular price by nearly 70%.

Which means when join us now, you’ll only pay $39.

And thanks to my double-barreled 100% Satisfaction Guarantee — you’ll be doing it completely risk free.


I want you to be 100% sure Personal Finance is right for you. So I’m giving you three full months to try it out at my expense.

That’s plenty of time to check out everything on the Personal Finance website… read a few issues… take part in the moneymaking opportunities you’ll discover in the free reports…

And even stuff a handful of these profit-sharing payouts straight into your portfolio.

If at any time during those 90 days you’re not completely happy with what you’re getting from us — or the profits you’re seeing — simply let our Customer Service team know.

And we’ll issue you a prompt, no-questions-asked refund for every penny of your membership.

I have no interest in keeping your money unless you’re 100% satisfied.


And even if it’s past the 90-day mark and you find yourself unhappy for any reason, we still have your back.

Simply let us know and we’ll give you a refund for the unused portion of your subscription.

In the off chance you do decide Personal Finance isn’t all I promised, I insist you keep all the free reports and issues you receive as my way of saying thank you for giving it a try.

You need to make your move now.

I’ve done everything I can to make joining Personal Finance today a no-brainer.

I’ve shown you countless examples of real people who are raking in regular payouts of $3,230… $17,128… $21,753… or even $51,338 from the legal marijuana boom.

I’m offering to send you a suite of reports that will show you how collect payouts like these 44 times in the next year.

I’m giving you 90 days to try out Personal Finance completely risk-free.

And I’ve even slashed the price to join by nearly 70% – so when you sign up today you’ll be doing it for the lowest price we’ve ever offered.

But you need to act now.

To prevent any hard feelings from the feet-draggers out there…

We’re going to stop letting people join Personal Finance under this special deal… without warning… perhaps as early as midnight tonight.

So unless my publisher has a change of heart, you might never see it again.

The best choice is yours — and yours alone — to make…

Right now.

Claim your spot by completing the secure order form below.

I look forward to helping you grow your wealth…

Welcome to Personal Finance!

Jim Pearce
Chief Investment Strategist
Personal Finance


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