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Fellow Investor,

I want to thank you for joining me on the path to earning an average of $185 per day, every day… forever.

That adds up to $67,548 per year. Once you’ve learned the details of my unique strategy, you’ll be equipped to achieve those kinds of results.

It takes just 9 minutes to complete lucrative trades that earn $1,050, $2,100, and $4,400 like clockwork…

Thousands of men and women who had never traded this way in their lives are now trading options this way, and many are making more than $100,000 a year.

Again, my name is Jim Fink.

I’ve been trading the options market for more than three decades, and my publisher is so confident in my system that he’s willing to go out on a limb with this promise…

Our Promise: You’ll Profit at Least
8 Out of 10 Times

As I explained earlier, the $67,548 per year I mentioned above isn’t a hypothetical number.

It’s what you could have actually made in a single year if you’d followed the recommendations released to a small group of investors inside my premium options trading advisory.

The system that drives these trades is so reliable that my publisher is willing to stand behind its performance.

Who else is willing to do the same?

(I can’t think of anyone!)

I’m able to achieve such fantastic results because of the unbeatable safety and consistency of my trading methods…

We Make Money on 85% of Our Trades

Just look at the numbers. Out of 346 recently completed trade recommendations, I made money on 293 of them – an 84.7% success rate.

That’s unheard of in stocks, options, or anything else.

Many of my followers are collecting payments of $1,700, $2,050, and even $4,050 several times each month because of it.

In fact, so many of my followers have collected over $100,000 that I’ve started a “$100,000 Club.”

Let me be clear – these people are not investing geniuses. They’re just regular folks who were willing to take a chance and try a new way of building wealth.

It’s also true that the regular rate for access to my trading service is $1,950. But with today’s offer to join Personal Finance, you won’t pay even one-tenth that.

And the results could be so outstanding that it won’t take you long to justify the investment…

Your Membership Will “Pay for Itself”

You can easily make back your membership fee – and then some! – with your very first trade, which you’ll get full access to as soon as you fill out the short order form below.

Once you receive it, contact your broker and make sure your account is set up to trade options. Then just read the step-by-step instructions to your broker or make the trade yourself online. It’s that simple.

And remember – it’s just the first of a long string of cash payouts that you could receive using this strategy.

Just look at this list of some of our biggest recent winners from my premiere options service…

And remember, I consistently make profits on 85% of my trades because I follow my #1 rule…

Don’t Buy Options… SELL Them!

As I’ve described in detail, my strategy is built on the strategy of selling options.

When you sell options, the odds of winning tilt in your favor. Because every time the buyers strike out, you’re the one keeping their money.

And that’s why selling options is about the closest you can get to never losing money investing.

This low-risk options trading strategy has helped wealthy billionaires collect enormous sums. Warren Buffett himself used a similar strategy to collect $4.9 billion in cash.

But I have an edge that makes this strategy even more bulletproof…

Use My “Secret Sauce”
to Increase Your Safety

I have a secret that gives me a powerful edge and improves my odds of banking a winner.

It’s called seasonality. It’s the tendency of stocks to move in a given direction during a particular time of the year.

Because seasonality provides such an edge, I use a proprietary software tool covering thousands of stocks, showing exactly how they move over various time periods.

It’s such a powerful tool that I use it whenever I make a trade.

Of course, you won’t personally need to use any such software. Because whenever you get a trade from me, all of that work is already done. All you have to do is reap the benefits!

Are You Ready to Start Making an
Extra $185 Per Day?

I hope so… because that’s exactly the kind of potential waiting for you when you say “yes” and join me today inside Personal Finance.

Join today for one year and you’ll receive:

Or, if you really want to accelerate your potential, sign up for two years, and you’ll also get these extra bonuses:

I won’t pretend that everything you touch using this strategy will turn to gold. It’s true what they say, there’s risk in any investment. And this one is no different.

But considering I’ve been doing this for years with almost unbroken success…

I don’t think I’m going out on a limb by saying I think you’ll be happy you locked up access to trades I release in Personal Finance.

And the best part? It takes you only 9 minutes to make these trades!

Another Gift…

Not only can you collect constant income with these simple options strategies, but you can also collect this income TAX-FREE.

That’s right. Thanks to a loophole in the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, you can grow your account up to a million dollars – and not pay a dime to Uncle Sam.

I’ll tell you all about it in my special report, “The Biggest Legal Loophole in the IRS Tax Code!

It’s yours FREE when you agree to try Personal Finance… but only when you fill out the short form below to finalize your order.

Get Started Now

Again, the regular one-year rate for access to my most elite options trading service is $1,950.

But when you take me up on this offer, you don’t have to pay half that. Or one-quarter. Or even one-tenth.

Because for the first 100 people who respond today, my publisher is letting new Personal Finance subscribers join for only $39!

Or extend your savings even more by accepting the extra bonuses that come with a deeply discounted two-year subscription!

These prices are the lowest we’ve ever offered for access to my options trading strategy. And given my track record of averaging $185 per day in income using it, you’ll be ahead of the game immediately after joining.

Remember… all you have to do is give Personal Finance a try. It’s risk-free for 90 days so that you’ll have plenty of time to make sure that it’s right for you.

You’re covered by TWO iron-clad guarantees…

Risk-Free Guarantee #1:

You have 90 days to come in and look around, and receive 100% of your money back if it’s not right for you. Need more time? After 90 days, you’re always entitled to a pro-rated refund of your unused subscription time.

Risk-Free Guarantee #2:

If you don’t win on 85% of your trades you make during this time, we’ll pay you back. Heck, even if you do and you just don’t feel confident in me during your first 90 days, simply give us a call and we’ll refund every penny of your subscription fee. Our Customer Service team will ensure that it’s fast and painless to cancel if you decide it’s not right for you.

Needless to say, we don’t get many refund requests.

But thanks to these powerful satisfaction guarantees, there’s no reason you shouldn’t us a try…

And I’m confident you’ll be very happy when you’re collecting large payouts of your own.

Remember, hundreds of investors just like you have joined my top tier options service and are already averaging $185 a day or more.

Many of them say they have already made more than $100,000 following my recommendations.

Don’t miss out on your chance to start down the same path they’re on…

All you need to do is fill out the short order form below.

To Your Investing Success,


Jim Fink
Senior Analyst
Personal Finance