
Fellow Investor,

Hi, Jim Fink here.

I know you’re busy…

So let me get right to the point.

It’s been a hell of a year. A few years really…

And frankly, it’s looking like the next couple are going to be just as challenging… if not more so.

Which is why I’ve put together something special for you.

Something that will benefit you not only for the coming year…

But for the rest of your life.

In short, it’s a Legacy subscription to ALL FOUR of my investing advisories…

Which means…

I’m Offering You and 49 Other Investors Access to Everything I Do — For the Rest of Your Life

I understand if that sounds hard to believe…

Especially when you consider the full combined value of my 4 services is $10,995 right now…

And that’s when I multiply that by the 50 people I want to “give it all away” to…

It clocks in at a staggering $549,750.

So, let me explain why I’d do something that on the surface sounds so, well, crazy

If you’re reading this, it’s because in the last year, your name has shown up in the top 1% of our subscriber list.

You’ve invested your time — and money — supporting the research we do here at Investing Daily.

And I’d like to personally thank you for that.

Since you’ve been following our work for a while now, you’ve probably seen me from time to time…

Offering to show you a new way to protect — and grow — your wealth.

But I promise you, this letter is something new.

And in it, I’m going to put a deal in front of you that holds SO much profit potential — and is stacked so heavily in your favor — my publisher is only letting me open the doors to the first 50 people bold enough to take action today.

And the reason for that is simple.

What you’re about to see is the opportunity to play an even more important role in our business…

And change your financial future… forever.

Because when you accept my invitation today, you’ll no longer be a regular subscriber…

You’ll officially be a part of my Platinum Alliance.

The Platinum Alliance is my top-tier membership level.

And it’s perfect for people who want the best of the best.

Investors whose goal is to significantly increase their wealth.

And most importantly…

Folks who are bold enough — and smart enough — to jump on an incredible opportunity when it’s put in front of them.

In short, since you’re reading this…

We’re looking for you!

When you join the Platinum Alliance, it automatically entitles you to receive every advisory I head up… FREE for life.

Is it any wonder why people who know about this elite membership are constantly asking us to open new slots?

And that when we do, they quickly snap them up?

After all…

At the risk of repeating myself…

When you join, you get free access to everything I publish

Everything I do

For the rest of your life.

For me and the team here at Investing Daily, that means we make a little less money in the long run.

But it brings us the kind of stability that only comes with a group of investors who’ve made a serious, lasting commitment…

Not only to furthering their wealth-building efforts…

But to our business as well.

Best of all…

This commitment gives us the freedom to spend less time selling you subscriptions, and more time providing you with the best investment research available to individual investors today.

I’m so convinced a Platinum Alliance membership is the single most important thing you can do to secure your financial future during what promises to be a tumultuous year (and beyond)…

I’m going to let you join for literally pennies on the dollar.

But first things first…

Let me show you everything you’ll get when you take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


Platinum Alliance Benefit #1:


The Safe Way to Make $185 a Day with Options
(One-Year Price: $3,000)


I’ve discovered a set of options strategies that allow you to collect thousands of dollars several times a month

And do it in a way that’s safer than trading stocks.

I promise you, that’s not an exaggeration. Or wishful thinking.

Over the past decade, Warren Buffett has made over $4.9 billion trading options the same way I do.

Each Thursday, I send all the lucrative, step-by-step details out to subscribers of my Options for Income advisory.

And from just a few minutes of their time, here are the gains they had the opportunity to take part in… in just a single year:


By simply trading 10 contracts on each of the companies you see here, you would have collected a stunning $67,548.70 — or an average of $185.06 a day!

Some folks paid up to $3,000 a year to belong to Options for Income.

And based on notes like the ones below, I’m sure they’re more than glad they did.

Now to be clear…

Not everyone sees this level of success following my lead.

But at the same time…

It’s important to remember when you secure your Platinum Alliance Charter Membership today, you’ll receive the same Options for Income plays that lead to letters like these.

And you’ll get them at no additional cost.

You’ll also get access to my Velocity Trader service…


Platinum Alliance Benefit #2:


Multiply the Gains of Regular Stocks by Up to 800%
(One-Year Price: $3,000)


If you’ve ever wished there was a way to make massive amounts of money in stunningly short amounts of time, then you’ll absolutely love my high-octane options advisory, Velocity Trader.

Because I’ve figured out a way to take regular stock movements of 8%, 17%, or 34% and MULTIPLY them into staggering profits of 100%, 300%, and even 800%.

Sometimes even more.

Better still, my scientific system turns these profitable trades around as little as 3 days.

Every Tuesday, I send out two sentences of instructions to my subscribers.

And by simply following them in their online accounts, or reading them word for word to their broker, they’ve had the chance to take part in over 626 winners — out of 647 closed trades — in just 8 years.


Profits of that magnitude have delighted my subscribers.

Like Albert L., who sent me a note saying he loves my system because it’s…

And I’m sure John M. would agree. Because he recently sent us this note about his experience as a member of Velocity Trader

It’s not just the winners that make subscribers happy, though.

We’re fully aware that every investor comes to us with a different level of investing experience.

And no matter what yours may be — questions come up from time to time.

That’s why we give you unprecedented direct access to me through our Stock Talk message boards.

Member Nick A. is extremely appreciative of the explanations he gets…

Arnold S. from Fremont, California agrees. He says my service has “opened my eyes on options and the strategies to employ”…

And Mary R. from Austin, Texas says she enjoys the education she gets from me and other Velocity Trader members on the website forums.

That’s high praise…

And I’m flattered of course.

But I’m sure it has less to do with me being a nice guy…

Or answering a question here or there…

And more to do with the fact that I’ve gone over 6 years without closing a losing trade inside Velocity Trader!

I’m also doubly certain my Velocity Profit Multiplier’s performance is the reason people gladly put their name on a waiting list to get access to my trades each time we close a membership drive.

You can move to the front of the line and start getting them delivered to your inbox right away…

But only when you take me up on my offer to secure a lifetime upgrade membership to Fink’s Platinum Alliance.

I’ll show you how in just a minute…

But first let me tell you about the third service you’ll get lifetime access to…


Platinum Alliance Benefit #3:


The Four-Pronged Profit Machine Pinpointing Massive Winners… In As Little As One Day
(One-Year Price: $2,995)


I know it may sound incredible…

But I run a 3rd service where I show regular investors how to multiply stock moves as small as 1% into gains like the ones below.


And it’s all thanks to my Paragon system…

A four-pronged profit machine that allows you to press “fast forward” on your moneymaking efforts and rake in winners that help you pile up even more cash like…

Bottom line: It’s amazing.

If you put a modest $2,500 investment into each of these 6 trades…

You’d be sitting on $34,950 today.

Look, I understand if the idea of making that kind of money seems outlandish.

Rich F. felt that way too. Until he started following my lead.

But now that he’s sitting on $106,000… he’s a believer.

Jeff T. from St. Petersburg, Florida told us he raked in over six figures, too.

Dan G. says he made $28,000 in a single month. And more than $200,000 in total.

And Paul from Framingham, Massachusetts let us know he’s not worried one bit about running out of retirement cash now that he has access to my work.

I typically charge $2,995 for a years’ worth of my Inner Circle recommendations alone…

But you’ll get them free for life when you secure your Platinum Alliance upgrade today.

You’ll also get free — lifetime — access to my newest advisory…


Platinum Alliance Benefit #4:


6 Ways to Profit Each Month From A Pair of Seasonal Stocks
(One-Year Price: $2,000)


Chances are, if you’re reading this unique — potentially life-changing — invitation…

You and I have already had great success together trading options based on stocks with strong seasonality.

And before I go any further, I want to go on record by declaring that the recommendations I make in Velocity TraderOptions for Income, and Inner Circle are still my favorite types of trades!

At the same time though — I have no problem making money other ways too…

In fact, when the market is as mixed up as it is today…

It demands a multi-pronged approach.

Which I’m sure is the reason I get a lot of people also asking me for straight-up stock picks and single-leg options trades on the best seasonal opportunities I find.

And for years, while I certainly understood WHY folks wanted me to give them more ways to profit…

I wasn’t sure HOW I could give them everything they were asking for…

But that all changed a few months ago…

Because as luck would have it… I stumbled on a NEW, more powerful high-end seasonality tool.

And after putting it through its paces…

It didn’t take me long to put 2 and 2 together and realize this program could get me dialed-in on some quick-hit profit opportunities with simple, seasonal, single-leg call options… and pinpoint accuracy.

All I needed was a way to get them into the hands of folks who needed them the most.

So not long ago, I launched a beta service called Seasonal Stock Alert.

It’s so “exclusive” that only a few dozen people are testing it right now…

And I’m certain they’re glad they are…

Because the first trade I closed out delivered a whopping 227%!

Which means any of my “beta testers” that dropped a modest $5,000 into this trade…

Would have walked away with a $16,350 total return!

There’s more where that came from too…

Because a number of my open trades are already sporting respectable gains as well.

One of which, Shawn L., says has him sitting on more than $1,000…

And that’s just from the call option recommendations.

You see, when I single out a new pick for Seasonal Stock Alert readers…

You don’t just get the instructions on how to buy the single-leg call option. You’ll get…

3 ways to profit from every pick.

Because every monthly alert I issue will also include a 2-sentence set of instructions you can execute in your online account (or say to your broker) to sell a naked put option which allows you to collect instant income…

And you’ll also get a full breakdown on buying the stock outright…

Including the limit price.

Better still, I’ll do it for two different stocks…

Which means…

You get six ways to profit each month!

How many trades you choose to take part in… well, that’s completely up to you.

Fair warning though…

The next round of recommendations is due out in a matter of days…

So you have another — more time-sensitive — decision to make right here, right now…

Are you going to seize the opportunity to secure a seat in my Platinum Alliance…

Or are you going to let it slip through your fingers?

Before you choose the path that’s right for you…

I’d like to take a second to point out exactly what you’ll get as a member of this elite group.

The regular price for each of my services add up to $10,995.


And that’s just for a single year of each.

But they’re automatically included as part of your Platinum Alliance membership.

Think about that for a moment…

When you sign up today, the value of what you’ll get in the coming year from me is nearly $11,000…

The five-year value of my current line-up will total $54,975…

In ten years it will be worth $109,950…

And that in order to maintain access to everything the Platinum Alliance has to offer, you’ll only have to pay a small $299 annual fee to cover administrative costs.

When you take all that into account…

And include the fact that you can pass your membership on to your heirs the same as gold coins, stocks, or a plot of land…

I don’t think it’s hard to understand why my publisher felt a $4,995 price tag was, in his words, “Disastrously low!”

Because at that price — the cost to join us is just a drop in the bucket compared to the multiple lifetimes of profit opportunities you’ll unlock.

But if you’re still not sure, here’s one more thing for you to consider.

I’m so committed to filling all 50 slots…

I’m slashing $1,000 off the price.

Which means when you join now…

Your membership in the Platinum Alliance — one which lasts a lifetime — is only $3,995.

Best of all, you’re covered by my double-barreled protection plan too…


I want you to be 100% sure that a Platinum Alliance membership is right for you.

So I’m giving you 30 full days to try it out at my expense.

That’s plenty of time to check out all the websites for each of my services…

Take part in the moneymaking opportunities you’ll get in the weekly trade alerts…

And maybe even bank a few winners.

If at any time during those 30 days you’re not completely happy with what you’re getting from your Platinum Alliance membership — or the profits you’re seeing — just let our Customer Care team know…

And we’ll issue you a prompt, no-questions-asked refund for every penny of your membership.

I have no interest in keeping your money unless you’re 100% satisfied.

Your protection doesn’t end when the 30 days are over either.

I’m so committed to helping you succeed — I’m making you a second…

Outrageous guarantee, too.


If, in the course of the next twelve months, the closed trades from my 4 portfolios don’t give you the opportunity to bank a total of 24 triple-digit winners — just let us know and I’ll refund what you paid to get in the door today.

Let me be clear about that.

If you “only” see 23 triple-digit winners — and put $1,000 into each one — you’ll be sitting on a staggering $23,000 in profits before commissions…

And while that would be enough to cover your Platinum Alliance membership fee more than 5 times over…

It’s still not good enough. Because 23 is one less than 24.

And a promise is a promise.

So just give us a call to let us know I fell short, and we’ll cover your membership fee in full.

Let’s face it, if I wasn’t 100% positive I could deliver on this promise…

I would never shout it from the rooftops.

I couldn’t afford to!

Because 50 open slots at $3,995 would cost me nearly $200,000.

To sum it up — when you join me in Fink’s Platinum Alliance now, you’ll get $10,995 worth of financial research for free…

Not just for one year.

But every year.

For the rest of your life.

And you’ll only pay a ONE-TIME membership fee (plus a small annual maintenance fee starting on your one-year anniversary).

We can only accept 50 people today.

It won’t take long to fill those slots.

So time is of the essence.

Yes! I want to join the Jim Fink's Platinum Alliance

You could literally be on the road to experiencing a lifetime of profit opportunities as early as tomorrow morning.

Don't miss out.

Click the button to review all the details on how you can set yourself up to make a stone-cold fortune in the next year by joining the Platinum Alliance.

Thanks for your time and attention.

This is Jim Fink, signing off.

To your wealth,

Jim Fink
Jim Fink's Platinum Alliance
July 2023

Yes! I want to join Jim Fink's Platinum Alliance

P.S. Remember, when you join you’re covered by two iron-clad guarantees.

Guarantee #1 gives you 30 full days to try out everything the Platinum Alliance has to offer. If at any time during this 30-day window you don’t believe this membership level is right for you, simply let our Customer Care team know.

And we will promptly refund every dollar you paid.

Guarantee #2 puts us on the hook for your entire membership fee.

If I don’t give you the opportunity to take part in 24 triple-digit winners in the next year — just say the word and we’ll cover your entire membership fee.

Yes! I want to join the Jim Fink's Platinum Alliance

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