Why Are These Cannabis Stocks Jumping +1,000%?

It happens every election. No matter who’s running for office. The last time, you had a chance to grab 569%… 1,020%… 2,426% and higher.

Now it’s happening again, and you’ve no time to lose. Here’s how to bag your share…


By John Persinos | October 22

Dear Wealth Seeker,

The presidential election has already kicked into high gear…

For most people, it’s all about the candidates, their promises, and the petty bickering.

But for a small group of in-the-know investors who follow my work...

It’s about profits!

Because every four years, the presidential campaigns kick off a massive profit wave in one of the most unlikely corners of Wall Street...

The cannabis market!

It happened in 2016, when Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton went head to head.

trump hillary

And a small group of cannabis stocks soared 746%... 1,738%... even 9,900...




To put that into perspective, a 9,900% gain multiplies every $1,000 invested into a whopping $100,000...

money stack

$5,000 into $500,000...

money stack

And $10,000 into a life-changing $1 million windfall.

money stack

2016 was a big year for pot stock investors… but was this a fluke? A once-in-a-lifetime chance that most people missed out on?

Only time would tell…

As the next election cycle hit its stride and we witnessed Biden and Trump duke it out on the campaign trail…

Savvy pot stock investors once again reaped the rewards...

trump biden

During the election cycle some cannabis stocks soared to highs of 960%... 1,261%... even 2,768%.

2,768% is enough to turn a tiny $1,000 investment into an all-cash deal on a brand new Harley cruiser...


Turn a $5,000 stake into a Palm Springs condo.


And a $10,000 stake could cover your grandkid’s entire college degree… room, board, books, and all.


Now it’s 2024…

Will federal legalization finally happen?

Not likely.

With Harris entering the race, many are hopeful.

But in all practicality, it STILL isn't likely.

Nor does it matter.

Are more states going to legalize it?


But even if new state-level legalization falls flat at the polls this year, it won’t matter.

Will cannabis be reclassified by the DEA so that it’s not in the same category as LSD and heroin?

Amazingly, it looks like THAT is finally going to happen (I’ll get into that in a moment).

But even if it didn’t...

It still wouldn’t matter.

As you’re about to see, the reason I expect a select group of pot stocks to skyrocket is due to a rare trifecta of politics... Wall Street profit hunting... and human nature…

That, when they collide, create a catalyst in the pot market that delivers some of the largest gains we see in the market..

And it happens almost like clockwork… every election cycle.

Before I go any further,

Let me ask you a question.

If you saw something happen during 2016’s election cycle...

Then you saw THE SAME THING happen when the presidential hopefuls campaigned again in 2020...

And now you saw irrefutable proof that the fuse is already lit in 2024...

Right now… today…

Would it really be that crazy to believe that the same thing is about to happen all over again?

Of course not.

What’s crazy is having all that proof…

And NOT taking advantage of some of the most predictable gains around.

Because a small group of cannabis stocks have already started their next big election run.

With some shooting up... 11%... 23%... and 37%.


Which means one thing — and one thing only…

The time to get in is NOW!

Even a few weeks delay could cost you… BIG TIME.

I know that sounds extreme…

I mean, how big of a difference can a couple of weeks really make?

Well, just consider what happened in 2020…

You could have taken a stake in GrowGeneration, one of the largest hydroponics suppliers in the U.S.

By getting in when the presidential nominees began their campaigns — you would have netted an enormous 2,486% gain.


That’s enough to turn every $1,000 into $25,800.

money stack

But by delaying your move by just a month… your gains would have shrunk to $15,000.

money stack

That’s a huge hit to your profits… $10,000 gone in a flash.

And if you’d waited even longer?

Say until just a few weeks before the election, when marijuana was on the tip of everyone’s tongue…

Your investment would have racked up just $4,100... giving you “only” a 310% total gain.

Now, bringing home 310% is nothing to scoff at.

Not by any means.

But it pales in comparison to what you could have made if you’d played the full marijuana election curve.

Doing so would have handed you nearly $20,000 more in profits.

Now obviously not every cannabis stock takes off like this.

But you don’t have to worry about sifting through all of them… trying to separate the winners from the losers…

Because I’m about to show you how I find the stocks holding the biggest potential for massive profits... and exactly why I’m so confident I can do the same for you.

To put it simply:

The presidential race is on...

A select group of cannabis stocks I’ve pinpointed are already taking off...

And we don’t have a moment to waste.

So let’s dive in…

How Wall Street exploits Washington...
and how we’re using it to rack up massive Pot Stock profits

John PersinosMy name is John Persinos.

I’ve never run for office.

But at the same time, I’m no stranger to Capitol Hill.

Because I’ve worked with some of the top movers and shakers in D.C.

Including a stint as press secretary for Senator Byron Dorgan.

I’ve seen how the wheels of bureaucracy turn... and how closed-door deals turn into bills and then laws.

And more importantly I’ve witnessed firsthand how Wall Street’s fat cats take advantage of political events to put ungodly amounts of profit into their pockets.

Events exactly like the one we have with cannabis stocks today.

You see, even though the federal government hasn’t legalized cannabis, 38 states have already passed their own laws to end the prohibition in one way or another.

And while these state laws are lighting the fires of hope of full federal legalization for many Americans...

It isn’t truly on the table in Washington this year, no matter what Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, or anyone vying for one of the 468 congressional seats up for reelection this year say in the weeks and months ahead.

Even though Harris is the first major party candidate to support 100% legalization of cannabis, with the childish bickering between the Democrats and Republicans growing by the day…

They’ll never come together to federally legalize marijuana this year…

Or anytime soon for that matter.

That stalemate — or if we’re being direct, boondoggle — is actually a godsend for investors…

Because it creates a unique situation that makes some pot stocks take off +1,000% or more every four years.

The key point I’m trying to make here is massive election year gains in the marijuana market don’t hinge one bit on how much — or how little — progress cannabis actually makes on the legal front.

And it doesn’t matter who we elect to the Oval Office… Congress... or the Senate either.

Profiting from the hope of Prohibition’s end

To see what I mean, just look at what happened in 2016...

Presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump had just set out on the campaign trail.

And just like today, state cannabis laws diverged from federal law...

With legislators in California, Nevada, Maine, and seven other states debating the merits of legalizing cannabis in their state.

As far as the mainstream media was concerned, it made for some great speculation and attention-grabbing headlines...




Talk of sweeping legalization spread across social media too, feeding even more hype and speculation...


social media

That buzz meant more and more people were getting their hopes up... feeding on the hype… while also adding to it.

And just like a snowball rolling downhill... speculation spawned more speculation... which created even more headlines...


Keep in mind that in 2016 none of the presidential candidates ran a campaign promising legalization.

Yet the online speculation had many people CONVINCED it was coming...

The election — and the tantalizing expectation of change — had already set the wheels in motion.

As far as cannabis investors and enthusiasts were concerned, there was plenty of fuel to light the fires of hope that legalization could finally happen federally.

It sounds crazy, but with each article and every mention...

More and more people seemed to believe that legalization was imminent.

Ultimately, as we know, marijuana was not reclassified in 2016… and federal legalization didn’t happen.

But that didn’t stop the profits from rolling in...

To capture these gains, all you had to do was get into the right pot stocks when the presidential hopefuls started shaking hands and kissing babies...

And then cash out after the next administration settled in office.

In the four years following the 2016 election, a dozen more states legalized marijuana... widening the chasm between federal and state cannabis laws... and ultimately allowing the cannabis industry to grow into a $34 billion market...

And as 2020 rolled around… and Joe Biden and Donald Trump squared off to become the most powerful man in the world...

The media reignited the hopes of full legalization for pot fans, entrepreneurs, and investors alike.




And once again, the headlines sparked a new round of speculation of what might be...

Despite the fact that, just like the previous election, neither Biden nor Trump were running a campaign to legalize cannabis.

But that didn’t seem to matter to anyone this time, either.

What mattered — and what lit a new round of white-hot speculation — was that cannabis legislation made huge progress at state levels over the past four years.

And with the coming shuffle in the Senate and the Oval Office...

The stage was set once again to reignite hopes and feed the hype...

Hype that spread online like wildfire on social media, in blogs, podcasts, and forums...




All of which created a frenzy of speculation that spread into the stock market...

Catapulting share prices of a select group of pot stocks...

Remember, neither federal legalization nor rescheduling was truly up for grabs… but the simple fact that an election was going on and people were talking about it was enough to stir things up and send the share price of some pot stocks soaring.

As P.T. Barnum once said, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity.”

And I don’t think it’s going out on a limb here to say that investors bold enough to stake a claim in arguably the best pot stocks of 2016 and 2020 would agree…

Because that rampant speculation opened the doors for them to walk away with gains of 960%... 1,738%... 2,768%... and even a whopping 9,900%.

Now that the election is once again taking center stage, hype and speculation over federal legalization have exploded once again.

And with Harris taking Biden's place in the race... things could get even more exciting in the marijuana markets.

You see, while most people don't know this... she previously sponsored a legalization bill.

And when the mainstream outlets finally get their head on straight and remember that...

I expect it'll ignite even more wild speculation.

Then, adding even more fuel to this election year's fire is the fact that the DEA has just proposed officially rescheduling marijuana from schedule 1 to schedule 3.






Yet, even that’s not all…

Because Wisconsin and ten other states are now planning to legalize cannabis at the state level too.

cannabis map

That’s more states than in any previous election year.

Keep in mind, it doesn’t matter that neither campaign's platforms include the legalization of cannabis.

It doesn’t matter if any more states legalize it...

It doesn’t matter if somehow the DEA ultimately fails to reclassify it...

All that matters is the green wave all this online hype creates…

And how it moves the share prices of certain cannabis stocks.

But here’s the thing…

This isn’t a wait-and-see type of opportunity.

The election is edging ever closer and share prices have already started to take off.

Which means the clock is ticking on your chance to make a move that could hand you gains of 569%... 1,023%... 2,426% (and even more) over the weeks and months ahead.

Remember, even a small delay or hesitation on your part could mean the difference between a retirement where you barely make ends meet each month…

And spending your days with toes in the sand and drink in hand.

Just consider that during the last election cycle, had you gotten into cannabis retailer, SNDL, at the start of the race...

You could have raked in a 2,770% profit...

Enough to turn every $1,000 into $28,700.

But even a week of hesitation, as insignificant as it may seem, would have wiped thousands of dollars of profits off the table... and would have only handed you back half the take-home stake of bold "first movers."

This is a critical point…

So I’m going to shine a bright light on it…

A small delay — only 7 days — would have cost you $14,000 in profits.

That’s enough to fly your entire family to Key West for a week-long vacation!

So how do you know which pot stocks are poised to soar…

And which ones to avoid like the plague?

That’s where my private research advisory Marijuana Profit Alert comes in…

Profiting from the most predictable market boom in history

Marijuana Profit Alert was built to deliver life-changing profits to its members from one of the most exciting events in history... the meteoric rise of a legal cannabis industry.

Investors who’ve followed my work from the beginning are already sitting on fat, triple-digit winners with some of our stocks shooting up as high as 938%.

report coverAnd I’d like you to become one of them.

When you do, I’ll send you an email that unlocks a free copy of my special report, Six Cannabis Stocks Poised to Dish Out Up to +1,000% in 2024.

Inside you’ll get the full details of a half-dozen pot stocks set to soar from this election’s hype cycle.

Each of these opportunities were handpicked by me… and could easily deliver the kind of gains that wipe away your money worries… not just for a few years, but FOREVER.

Take my top pick for example…

Now, obviously I can’t guarantee these stocks will perform the same as they did the last time Biden and Trump faced off.

But based on my research, I believe they’re our best shot at capturing large, life-changing gains from this election cycle.

As I mentioned…

You’ll get the full details in my report, Six Cannabis Stocks Poised to Dish Out Up to +1,000% in 2024.

It’s yours free of charge as soon as you agree to give my marijuana-focused investing service a try.

And while the six stocks you’ll discover there are the perfect TACTICAL way to play the election...

They’re not the only way we’re angling to make money in cannabis.

There are a lot of successful companies in this established (yet still burgeoning) market. And I cover them in detail in Marijuana Profit Alert...

The Latest Intel on Life-Changing Gains

You see, cannabis contains over 480 medicinal substances that biomed companies are racing to unlock.

As of last count, there have been 95 patents filed for cannabis cancer treatments, with hundreds more for other diseases.

It’s no wonder medical cannabis stocks like the one in our portfolio shot up 807% in its first three years.

And as impressive at that gain is…

I honestly believe it's just getting started.

These are the exact sort of companies I seek out and cover in my Marijuana Profit Alert.

Here’s everything you’ll get as a new member


Weekly Intelligence Briefings

MPA weeklyI cover the latest cannabis investment opportunities... industry changes... upcoming events... and current portfolio standings.

Flash Alerts

alertThe markets move fast and some things can’t wait for a weekly briefing. In those events, I’ll send you an instant alert so you can lock in the maximum possible gains on each of our portfolio holdings.

Model Portfolio

Track all the current holdings in our Open Portfolio with “buy up to” price guidance. Some of our open plays have shot up as high as 460% and even 938%... and others are still in the ”buy“ range…

Which means this is your opportunity to get in on the next Microsoft or Amazon of the cannabis sector before they become titans of industry.

Marijuana Insider Interview Series

videoEach month I host one-on-one interviews with CEOs, industry experts, medical professionals, and business leaders, giving you an exclusive behind-the-scenes look inside the world of legal cannabis.

Video Intelligence Briefs

videoI share the results of my investigations in candid video briefs so you’re up-to-speed on how current events are paving the way for both our immediate, and long-term, financial success.

Members-Only Marijuana Profit Alert Website

websiteYou get unrestricted access to all my research on emerging marijuana and psychedelic superstars.

VIP Customer Care

customer serviceAs a member you’ll have direct access to my U.S.-based VIP Customer Care team. They’re here to give you personal care Monday to Friday, while our offices are open, 8AM-6PM eastern time.

When I first sat down to put this presentation together for you…

My intention was to let you have a one-year Marijuana Profit Alert membership — including everything I just showed you — for $1,995...

Which is 80% off the regular price of $5,000.

And that would have been an incredible deal, considering you’ll have the opportunity to turn a $1,000 stake into $6,690… $11,230… and even $25,260 just by following my recommendations.

BUT I’m so convinced the election is touching off another round of massive winners…

That in just a moment…

I’m going to put a deal in front you that I can only describe as a “no-brainer”…

One that is designed explicitly to get you off the sidelines and into the game.

And to tip the odds even further in your favor, I’ll also show you a way to…

Boost your cannabis gains up to 10x
with one simple twist

I’ve found a way to boost the gains from our stocks even higher than what I’ve shown you so far...

It involves a clever strategy that’s used everyday on Wall Street, though few regular investors understand how to take advantage of it.

In short, this investment vehicle multiplies a stock’s gain by up to ten times.

That means if a stock’s price moves 5%... you can make up to 50%.

If it moves 80%... you could pocket as much as 800%.

And if it explodes 1,200%... you could make an astounding 12,000%

Wall Street pros have amassed vast fortunes with this trading strategy...

Investing legend Carl Icahn, for instance, used this special investment vehicle to grab $50 million in less than two weeks...

And Warren Buffett used it to make a staggering $4.9 billion over 4 years — that’s over $1 billion per year.

As impressive at that is…

I’ve rarely seen investors make this move on a marijuana stock...

And that’s shame… since, if done correctly, it could take an already impressive 700% stock move and multiply it into an enormous 7,000% return.

That’s good enough to turn every $500 into $35,500…

Every $1,000 into $71,000…

And those bold enough to put $10,000 into that opportunity?

They would pocket a return big enough to change the entire trajectory of their retirement…

Over $710,000… from a single trade.

Of course, nothing in the market is guaranteed…

And you should never put more money into a trade than you can live without…

But even if I’m only "half right"…

And you only make 3,500% using this move…

You’d still walk away with over $350,000 from a trade like that.

I’ve put all the details on how to use this strategy, including the exact step-by-step instructions on how to apply it to one of my favorite cannabis plays this year…

report coverInto a second research report simply titled, How to 10X Your Cannabis Gains.

Just like the first report, it’s yours free of charge today, when you try my service, Marijuana Profit Alert...

I’ve laid my cards on the table… shown you everything at stake… and exactly how much you stand to gain.

The presidential race is on, and share prices are already climbing.

That means even a delay as short as a few days could shave thousands of dollars in profit off a winning trade…


The time to get in is NOW!

And if you’re still on the fence, there’s one last thing I want you to consider that when you join me today you’ll…

Get 6 months of Marijuana Profit Alert FREE

In addition to the in-depth analysis in my Six Cannabis Stocks Poised to Dish Out Up to +1,000% in 2024…

AND your exclusive copy of How to 10X Your Cannabis Gains using a unique trading "twist" that could rocket your returns up to 10 times higher…

When you secure your membership to Marijuana Profit Alert today…

Instead of paying the already highly-discounted price for a year of my service…

When you say “yes” to this special deal today…

You’ll only need to cover the first 6 months of membership…

I’ll cover the rest… on the house.

So instead of paying $1,995 for a year’s worth of my work…

Today it’s yours for only $995.

That's a savings of $1,000…

Money you could put in your pocket… or towards a stake in this year’s top pot stocks for a shot at returns of 569%... 1,020%... 2,426% or more.

It’s an unbelievable deal, and unfortunately one I may not be able to keep on the table for long.

As you can see, I’m pulling out all the stops to make joining me inside Marijuana Profit Alert the easiest decision you’ll make today…

All that’s left is for you to click the big green button below:

I want in

Still not sure?

I understand. And I’ve got you covered.

The only way I can truly show you how serious I am about standing behind my research is by following the same guidance my father gave me many years ago: "Put your money where your mouth is."

So when you join me today, you’re covered by…

My Ironclad One-Year Performance Guarantee

Here’s the “no catch” details…

guarantee box

That’s it. Nice and easy.

Just the way it should be.

Now, the choice is yours...

You can keep investing the same way you’ve been doing it... and keep getting the same average results along with everybody else...

OR... you can join Marijuana Profit Alert and discover how to profit from one of the largest wealth-building events of our lifetime.

I look forward to seeing you on the inside.


John Persinos
Marijuana Profit Alert

I want in

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