This PAYCODE puts $1,640 or more in your pocket every Thursday at 9:03AM


Copy and paste this simple line of code…
And cash in every single week of the year.
It’s that simple.
(Full Story below)

Fellow Investor,

Thursday morning at 9:03 AM, a simple line of code hits your inbox.

You copy and paste it into your investment account…

Click the “confirm” button…

And your account is credited with an immediate $1,640.

Repeat again the week after with a new code…

And the week after that with yet another code…

52 weeks a year… effectively turning every Thursday into payday.

The money you get isn’t any kind of cash advance, loan, or rebate.

Sometimes this code is valid for a few days.

Other times, only a few hours.

So fair warning — if you want to use it, you’ll have to be okay with moving fast.

Because in every case, it unlocks an immediate payout.

You see, I’m about to share with you the same type of PAYCODE used by Wall Street to transfer millions of dollars into their accounts each day.

The thing is, there’s no reason regular investors like you and I can’t use it to cash in, too.

You don’t need any prior experience to do what I’m to show you.

No degrees in finance.

And you won’t need to spend hours in front of the computer, either.

In fact, if you have an active internet connection…

Can copy a simple line of numbers and letters…

And paste it into your brokerage account…

You have all the technical skills you need to collect payouts every single Thursday.


I don’t blame you.

So was Jerome P….

He had a hard time believing anything like this was possible until he input the code… clicked the “confirm” button… and saw the money appear in his account a moment later.

He told me afterward:


And he isn’t the only one who regularly taps into the incredible power of these PAYCODES…

Wess H. told me:


And Narinder N. reported:


Keep watching… see how these codes work… then try them yourself.

Because you too could join folks like Gary P. who said…


Results not typical, for details see our disclosure page linked below..

As I mentioned, anyone can use these codes, if they know how.

Wall Street creates thousands of them every week.

Some are more lucrative than others. So we sort through them, pick out the best ones, and share them with you each Thursday.

In fact, if you’d been with us over the past twelve years, you could have woken up every Thursday morning… used the 19-digit PAYCODE we sent… and received a cash deposit before you even finished your breakfast.

Week after week after week.

As one of our subscribers reported…


Right now, I’m holding onto a PAYCODE that’s primed and ready to hand you up to $1,640.

It’s yours to use today, thanks to a man named Jim Fink…

Chicago lawyer uncovers Wall Street’s income secret

Originally, Jim was a lawyer by trade.

He worked at a firm that Forbes called, “the most powerful firm on Wall Street.”

But that all changed when he discovered this income secret and used it to make a cool $5 million fortune.

It convinced him that there was a better way to make a living… one which allowed him to ditch the 70-hour work weeks…

The office politics…

And all the hassles that came with his corporate law gig…

Retiring at the early age of 37.

Now, he fills his days spending time with his family…

Traveling the world…

And sharing this incredible strategy with regular investors like you.

So what’s the secret behind these PAYCODES?

The first thing you should know is that despite the unusual way they work — PAYCODES are a completely legitimate way to make money in the stock market.

You see, we’ve been conditioned by Wall Street to think you have to buy a stock and wait for it to go up before you can profit…

And that getting paid up front is impossible.

But that simply isn’t the case.

And what most people don’t realize is that the PAYCODES technique Jim uses…

Is simply another — more versatile — way to take advantage of situations where most investors would normally just buy and sell shares.

Let me show you what I mean with a recent opportunity on the health insurance giant, UnitedHealth Group.

If you had followed the PAYCODE opportunity Jim singled out, you could have grabbed $365… $1,400… $2,900 or more in a matter of minutes.

You see, UnitedHealth’s business is booming, and its shares have doubled over the past three years.

It also pays a tiny 1.4% dividend.

To take advantage of it, you could have bought some shares and hoped the price would keep going up. And in the meantime, collect its “barely there” quarterly dividend.

That’s what most people would have done.

Or, you could have done something different, and instead, opened Jim’s email…

Copied and pasted UnitedHealth’s PAYCODE into your brokerage account…

And hit the “confirm” button.

Then, two minutes later — bingo!

You’d have money appear in your account, courtesy of your UnitedHealth PAYCODE.

No waiting for the stock to go up. No hanging around months on end for a tiny dividend.

That PAYCODE would have given you an instant $365 payment.

That’s the bare minimum you’d have made.

Of course, how much you make is completely up to you.

Had you taken a larger stake, you could have walked away with $730… $2,200… $4,000 or more.

Just keep in mind that just like any investment you make, using these PAYCODES does expose you to some risk… it’s the stock market, there’s simply no way around it.

But unlike stocks, with Jim’s PAYCODES your risk is strictly limited to how much you’re willing to put on the line… and you get to decide that with every single PAYCODE.

I’ll cover how it works in more detail momentarily.

But for now, the point I’m trying to make is that with these PAYCODES, we’re not waiting around hoping a pick will pay off a year… five years… or even a decade from now.

Instead, you get paid up front every time.

As I mentioned before, the money you get isn’t any kind of cash advance, loan, or rebate.

Instead, it’s cold hard cash that’s yours to use however you want.

In fact, Jim’s been sharing PAYCODES for companies like UnitedHealth, Amazon, Apple, and many others since 2011… helping investors turn every single Thursday into PAYDAY.

But don’t just take my word for it. Here’s what some of his subscribers are saying…




Results not typical, for details see our disclosure page linked below.

We regularly receive notes like these from people who are enjoying their newfound way of generating income.

Now, I’ve just shown you that PAYCODES are another way to make money from the stock market.

But what I should point out is that even though we’re getting paid on the same day, these have nothing to do with day trading.

You aren’t flipping stocks… nor are you shorting them or using any other stressful or highly risky trading technique.

That’s simply because none of those techniques pay as reliably as PAYCODES do.

To make money this way, you need to use another investment most investors overlook.

Yet it’s one that’s so powerful… it puts money into your account in an instant.

Now, of course, you can’t do that with regular stocks…

But you can do it with options

How PAYCODES unlock instant cash every week

As you may know, options are a way to trade stocks without buying or selling the actual shares.

They open up a whole new world of possibilities… including the ability to pay you up front.

To see what I mean, look at this recent opportunity with the home improvement retailer, Home Depot.

Over the past five years its revenues have grown each and every year…

Allowing it to double its share price.

To take advantage of this success — once again — you could have done it the way most people did…

By picking up shares and hoping they’d keep going up.

And over the next few months, you would have made a 5% gain.

So if you bought — let’s say — $60,000 worth of shares, you’d have made nearly $3,000.

I don’t know about you, but that’s a lot of money to put up for a $3,000 payout.

On the other hand, instead of buying the stock, you could have used Jim’s PAYCODE for Home Depot.

It would have activated an options trade locking in an instant payout of up to $3,000…

And you wouldn’t have had to buy $60,000 worth of shares… or any shares at all.

Because with options you can lock in huge gains with a stake that’s a small fraction of what regular investors put up…

And best of all — you can enjoy the money right away.

For instance, one of Jim’s followers in California let us know he’s making $10,000 to $12,000 a month this way from his $200,000 retirement account.


Results not typical, for details see our disclosure page linked below..

That amount of income…

From an account that size…


Just consider that most investors would only get about $245 a month in dividends from a portfolio that size.

Yet, by using PAYCODES, your total income could end up nearly 50 times what a regular investor sees from dividends.

Simply put, you would need an account 50 times larger to generate the same income with dividends than you could with PAYCODES.

Which also means that, with dividend stocks, you are actually risking much more money to generate the same amount of income.

I mean, let’s face it…

Any kind of investment — whether it’s stocks, options, or whatever — has some risk to it.

Nothing is 100% failure-proof.

So knowing that, wouldn’t you want to put as little money on the line as you have to?

Especially in today’s uncertain market?

The good news is that by using PAYCODES, you can do that.

And don’t worry, making these trades is easy.

You simply…

Many of our subscribers agree with me when I say making money this way is easy. Like North Carolina resident Mark S., who told us…


Or Bob L. who wrote…


Now, I’ve shown you how Jim’s PAYCODES activate options trades that lock in immediate payouts.

What I haven’t shown you yet is how this kind of trade ensures you get paid up front and instantly no matter what’s going on in the market at large

Why Jim’s PAYCODES are far more reliable than stocks

I shouldn’t have to say it, but I will anyway…

The stock market is unpredictable.

Especially right now.

And even with the best analysis, you can’t always be sure about what a stock will do next.

That’s why Jim uses a specific type of options trading technique that works regardless of what the stock does afterward.

His Visa recommendation is a perfect example.

Visa is the largest credit card company in the world.

Over the past decade, its share price had gone up in the spring. Year after year. Like clockwork.

Some years it went up more than others. But over the past decade, it has ALWAYS gone up.

So Jim sent out a Visa PAYCODE that would take advantage of this situation.

The thing is, this year Visa’s shares didn’t go up.


Who’s to say.

Perhaps it was the looming threat of inflation that kept people from pulling out their credit cards like they usually do in springtime.

Or it could have been something else.

In the end, the “why” doesn’t matter here…

Because the end result was that for the first time in years, Visa’s shares actually dropped.

Now 2% isn’t much to worry about as an investor.

Especially to anyone who followed Jim’s lead.

Because following his PAYCODE instructions word for word, you could have banked an instant $1,500.

That’s because it activated a special kind of options trade with a built-in safety net. It not only pays you up front, but also protects you from losing all your money if the trade goes against you.

It’s called a “Spread” trade.

In fact, Visa’s shares could even drop somewhat — which in this case they did — and it wouldn’t have made a difference to our trade.

Not one iota.

Now obviously nothing in the stock market is guaranteed.

So I don’t want to give you the idea that you Jim’s trades always pan out perfectly.

No system is perfect, and this is no exception.

But thanks to his built-in safety net, when you follow Jim’s lead to the letter… a loss is about as rare as a snowstorm in the Mojave Desert.

In fact, over the past six years, Jim has shared just one single trade that didn’t ultimately close out as a winner.

That’s an incredible 99% winning track record!

That’s about as close to perfect as you can come in the real world.

No wonder subscribers like New York resident Frank A. are telling us they’ve ditched buy-and-hold investing and only use Jim’s PAYCODE options strategy.


Another subscriber, John W., raked in $106,000 and told us…


While Indiana native Fred R. wrote in to say he’s now bringing in $3,000 each Thursday.


Results not typical, for details see our disclosure page linked below..

Can you imagine what an extra $3,000 a week could do for your finances?

You could pay off your mortgage… retire early… and live more comfortably than you imagined.

For instance, Jim recently sent out a PAYCODE that would have let you collect a $1,650 payout. The week prior, his PAYCODE opened up the opportunity for a $2,950 payout. The week before that $3,100.

He does this every Thursday, without fail…

As Michigan subscriber Deborah C. put it,


So how do you join these smart investors and start grabbing your Thursday payouts?

That’s easy.

Just try out Jim’s trading service…

Retire Early with Options for Income

Jim calls his service Options for Income — and that’s exactly what it gives you.

It uses the unique features of options spreads to:

And an additional benefit I haven’t yet mentioned…

You see, the option trade doesn’t end when you get your money, but a few weeks later.

And sometimes the unexpected happens, and a stock moves against us.

So to cover even these situations, Jim has yet another safety net that — with an additional cash stake — enables you to extend your trade giving you the opportunity to turn it into a winner.

It’s this amazing “trade extension” strategy that’s enabled Jim to have a 99% winning track record over the past six years.

Now I realize all this may sound a bit technical.

But the main point is that Jim’s PAYCODE strategy is the only one I know of that can give you these amazing benefits so you can keep making money, week after week.

And the best part is that when you trade his recommendations, you really don’t need any special skills or prior experience to use them.

All it takes is a willingness to try something you may have never done before…

And the ability to follow a simple set of instructions word for word.

As one subscriber, John D. in California, told us…


Another subscriber, David M., would back him on it, saying…


Every Thursday morning, Jim will email you his latest PAYCODES, along with detailed, step-by-step, instructions on how to enter them into your brokerage account.

You will get TWO income codes, so you can receive TWO payouts each week.

For instance, this past Thursday you could have collected a $1,400 and $1,650 payout.

The previous week, a $3,100 and a $2,950 payout.

The week before that, $3,100 and $1,500 payouts.

All you have to do is enter each PAYCODE…

Determine the size of your trade…

And click the “confirm” button.

From there you can sit back and watch as the money appears in your brokerage account over the next few minutes.

That’s all there is to it.

You’re free to enjoy the rest of your day as you like.

Then come next week, we’ll send you two new PAYCODES… as we’ll do the following week and every week after… for the whole year.

So if you’re willing to try something new, I truly believe you’ll love this new way of making money.

As one of our subscribers, Lyle S., wrote, everything is spelled out and it was easy to get started.


While Texas subscriber, Jason M., says Jim’s service gives him an easy-to-follow income stream. “The real deal” he calls it…


If you have an open mind… I think you’re going to love this.

Here’s how to get started…

How to Get Paid This Thursday (and EVERY Thursday afterward)

Simply let us know you want to get on Jim’s mailing list by joining Options for Income. As soon as you do, you’ll receive:

So regardless of what day of the week you’re watching this, if the markets are open, you can use the PAYCODES to deposit money into your account right away.

As a new member, we’ll give you access to our encrypted, members-only website.

And once you’re logged in, you’ll have full access to all the benefits and privileges that come with your membership.

The first thing most people notice is that as an Options for Income member, you’ve become a part of a large, extended family.

And you’ll be able to meet your fellow members on our Options for Income Forum.

This is one of the more popular features for our members.

It’s a great place to meet your fellow subscribers… hear their stories and experiences… post your own if you care to… and form new friendships.

And if you have any questions about our trades, you’ll be able to get feedback from Jim or our other members there.

As one subscriber, Eric B. in Hawaii, tells us,


You see, when you join Options for Income, we want to ensure you have everything you need to succeed.

That’s why you’ll also get immediate access to the members-only Introductory Training Video Course.

It’s a six-part video series which introduces you to this exciting way of making money…

So whether you’re completely new to trading, or an options veteran, Jim’s in-depth video series ensures you have everything you need to start generating immediate income, right away.

You’ll discover in just a few minutes what took Jim decades to master.

In fact, it’s like pressing fast-forward to the end of the story with all the rewards and success, but without the same crushing cost that comes from trial and error.

This course is the culmination of Jim’s work, boiled down into six easy-to-follow videos.

They are the most detailed overview of Jim’s PAYCODE strategy available anywhere.

And as far as I know, they are the only place you can see Jim’s instant income approach in action.

Frankly, we could easily charge thousands of dollars for access to just these videos alone… or sell them as a special course.

As one Nevada subscriber, James E., told us…


The good news is that as an Options for Income member, the six-part Introductory Training Video Course is yours FREE, as part of your membership.

You can use it to hit the ground running and you’ll also be able come back to them any time you need a refresher.

So by now you’re probably wondering, “How much does it cost to try Options for Income?”

How to get Options for Income to pay for itself

Options for Income is undoubtedly a one-of-a-kind service…

I can’t think of another analyst who’s cracked the code for generating immediate weekly income the way Jim has.

That’s why a single year of Options for Income is conservatively valued at $3,000.

Frankly, I think it’s a bargain at this price.

Especially when you consider you could easily make that amount or more from your first few payouts alone.

Like our subscriber Kelly M., who says she’s thrilled after making $9,474 in the first two months.


Or Woodrow C. in Georgia, who says he earns $2-3,000 each Thursday morning…


Or Jeff S., who started off small with just $10,000… and made his full subscription cost back in the first three months…


And Roger M., who says he’s doing better now than when his money was professionally managed…


Results not typical, for details see our disclosure page linked below..

But I understand that if you’ve never used PAYCODES before, you may doubt that you could personally make money like this.

So, to make your decision about trying Jim’s service easier, we’re willing to give you a one-time offer…

Get 6 Months “On the House”

When you agree to try out Options for Income for just six months we’ll cover an additional six months of service, at no additional cost to you.

So instead of paying the full membership price of $3,000…

You’re getting an entire year of total, uninterrupted access to Options For Income for just $1,495… a fraction of the regular rate.

Believe me, this is an unbelievable deal — especially considering that your entire membership fee could be recouped with a single PAYCODE recommendation from Jim.

I’m making this offer for one simple reason…

I realize that if you’ve never traded this way, making these kinds of gains may not seem real to you.

You may even doubt that you could personally make money like this.

And I know you’ve got to try it — to enter the PAYCODE and see the money appear a moment later — before you’re convinced.

So I want to make it as easy as possible for you to try Jim’s service…

And join subscribers like Wyoming retiree, Syed S., who’s life changed after making $66,000 the first year, and $82,000 the year after.


Or Terry H., who told us he was able to retire with confidence, after discovering PAYCODES…


Results not typical, for details see our disclosure page linked below..

But, before you make your decision, there’s one more thing you should be aware of…

There’s just one catch…

I can only make this offer available to a limited number of people… filling the slots on a first-come, first-served basis.

As I showed you, Options for Income isn’t your typical research advisory.

When you sign up, you become part of our family, and we provide you with all the added support you need to succeed with this strategy.

We simply couldn’t provide this level of service to a large crowd of people.

As a result, we have to cap the membership to give you the level of service you deserve.

So if you understand the value of the opportunity I’ve just shown you, I suggest you act prudently, but quickly.

Just remember — you don’t need ANY experience to do this. Just a willingness to try something new.

Patrick M. “hemmed and hawed” for six months before trying his first PAYCODE.

But after entering the code, he was rewarded with $2,800 and said…


So what are you waiting for?

Click on the link below.

You’ll be taken to a secure order page where you’ll be able to review everything before submitting your order.


Phil Ash
President, Options for Income

Sign up now

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