These 12 Simple Words
Could Hand You
$1,463 Every Thursday

Repeating THIS short phrase to your broker could flood your account with more income than you ever thought possible…


Fellow Investor,

If you have a home computer, laptop, tablet, or a cell phone with an internet connection…

I’d like to show you a little-known way to withdraw $1,463 or more from the stock market each Thursday.

This simple market move takes only 7 minutes to do.

And the money shows up in your account right away.

It isn’t a loan. The money you make is yours to keep and spend on whatever you want.

You can use it to pay the mortgage… put your kids through college… or take a lavish Caribbean vacation.

This moneymaking secret has nothing to do with day trading… market timing… or any other risky, nerve-racking strategy.

You don’t have to make any difficult trading decisions.

And you don’t need any specialized training or financial skills, either.

Instead, it’s a clever income trick that few investors know about, yet it’s incredibly easy to use.

We simply provide you with the instructions—just two short sentences—each Thursday morning before the market opens.

You follow them word for word in your trading account (or tell them to your broker by phone)…

And the money appears in your account in a few minutes.

It’s that simple.

As one person we showed this secret to told us:

In fact, we’ve already shown this to hundreds of investors, who are now collecting money this way.

Like Indiana resident, Frank R., who reports he’s made $3,000 a week for four years in a row.


Or Jack Miranda, who let us know he wanted to see if the money he made was as good as we promised and ended up making over $100,000 in just a little over a year.


So what’s behind this income secret?

A man named Jim Fink.

Jim’s a lawyer by training.

And he worked at a firm that Forbes called, “the most powerful firm on Wall Street.”

But that all changed when he discovered this income secret…

Because before long, he had used it to make a cool $5 million fortune.

That massive windfall allowed him to ditch the 70-hour work weeks…

The politics…

And all the hassles that came with his corporate gig…

And retire at the tender age of 37.

Today, he fills his days spending time with his family…

Traveling the world…

And sharing this incredible moneymaking secret with regular investors just like you, so you too can live financially stress-free.

Here’s how his program works…

12 Simple Words That Give
Immediate Payouts In Any Market

The first thing you should know is that Jim’s approach is totally, 100%, a trading strategy.

If you’re looking to generate income from holding stocks that sit in your account for weeks, months, or even years—this isn’t for you.

His strategy generates immediate income whenever you use it.

Every single Thursday. Week after week. Month after month. Year after year.


Let me show you a recent trade with the biotech giant Amgen so you can see just how powerful Jim’s program is…

If you had followed this recommendation you could have raked in $600, $800, even $1,200 in a matter of minutes.

You see, Amgen’s shares are on a tear and have tripled in the past decade.

It also pays a healthy 3.3% dividend.

Now, you could have bought some shares and hoped the price kept going up. And in the meantime, collected its quarterly dividend.

Or you could have opened up Jim’s Thursday morning email and collected an instant payout.

The instructions were simple.

Just 12 words.

All you had to do was follow them in your account and—presto!

Money in your account.

No waiting for the stock to go up. No hanging around for a tiny dividend.

Jim’s instructions showed you how to make a special market move that let you lock in an instant $195 payout.

That’s the bare minimum you’d have made.

And it only took 7 minutes.

Of course, you could have collected even more. Because with Jim’s program, you decide how much you get paid…

Just like with any other investment, you could have entered a larger trade and made $1,950… $3,900… $4,875… or more.

Still, in just 7 minutes.

Simply put, you make more money, much faster than with regular stock trades.

Just ask Dan Campbell. He says he tries to make $2,000 every week.


And Colorado retiree Benjamin L., reports Jim’s program is the best he has ever used… and that that he makes about $4,000 a month.


At the core of this strategy are Jim’s three income keys for getting paid right away. These keys work with amazing accuracy.

In fact, Jim’s been sharing his trades with investors for eight years. And he’s helped them get paid EVERY SINGLE THURSDAY since.

As Boston retiree, Jamie Collins, put it, “It’s phenomenal. I wish I had known about it when it first started.”

That’s little wonder since he says he’s made $256,000 in the first three years of trading this way.

Let me show you the secret behind Jim’s three income keys. Follow these keys and you can collect a reliable income starting this Thursday…

The 1st Income Key To Getting Paid
Each Thursday

Exploit predictable stock moves that happen over and over again

The first key to getting paid every Thursday is using stocks that do the same thing each year—year after year.

You see, some stocks are highly affected by predictable, recurring events.

For instance, certain airline stocks go up before the summer vacation season. Dip in the fall. And spike again before the winter holidays.

Some retail stocks spike around Black Friday…

And stocks of accounting businesses take off before each tax season…

It’s called “SEASONALITY.”

Some stocks follow these patterns more than others.

And when you find one that does, trading it can be…

As Easy As Printing Your Own Money

Take Merck for instance. One of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world.

Over the past decade, its shares have always gone up from the third week of April until the third week of July. Some years the price went up more than others. But it’s always gone up.

That’s the time of the year many hospitals and healthcare providers stock up on medical supplies—driving up the company’s earnings. And its share price.

Seeing this, Jim knew that there was a very high probability of the stock going up again—just like it did every year. So he recommended a 7–Minute Trade on Merck.

And sure enough, the stock did exactly what he expected.

If you took advantage of this situation, you could have pocketed a guaranteed payout of up to $1,200.

Finding stocks with a strong seasonality is the first key to getting paid on Thursdays.

Some stock moves are so predictable, Jim puts out trades on them over and over again. For instance…

His 7–Minute Trades on Amazon could have paid you $800 or more, year after year…


Just like Procter & Gamble…


And Apple…


And countless others…




To find these stocks, Jim uses a “10-Year Stock Seasonality Navigator.”

It’s his proprietary computer program that tracks these seasonal patterns with uncanny accuracy. And alerts Jim to…

The Most Reliable Price Moves Each Week

California resident, Harry L. says he’s used Jim’s system to collect $12,000.


He collected $12,000.

Cameron L. made over $10,000.


And Virginia retiree, Lawrence B., told us he makes up to $5,000 a month.


Now, earlier I told you Jim’s system has nothing to do with day trading or any other stressful trading technique.

So how is it that it can pay you so quickly? That’s…

The 2nd Income Key To Getting Paid
Each Thursday

The only investment that pays right away

Jim’s 7–Minute Trade doesn’t rely on buying and selling stocks.

That means you aren’t trying to capture some tiny daily stock move.

Doing that would never pay you so fast.

Or so reliably.

Instead, Jim’s income secret relies exclusively on options.

Now, I know the idea of options might make some people feel uneasy, and I can understand why.

You see, options attract a lot of speculators who think of the options market as a casino.

They’re more interested in a rare chance of making 1,000% gain… even though the odds of doing it are no different than pulling the handle on a slot machine.

This is NOT what Jim’s 7–Minute Trade is about.

Jim’s program helps you generate safe income from the options market just like the large firms on Wall Street.

You see, options are the only investment that can put money in your account right away.

They’re a way to trade stocks, but without buying and selling the actual shares.

Used wisely, they can flood your trading account with money, while cutting your risk to a minimum.

To see what I mean, I’ll show you a recent trade with the railroad giant, Union Pacific.

Its stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange and is one of the S&P 500 blue chips.

The stock also has a strong seasonal pattern that affects much of the railway industry.

And its shares nearly always go up from start of April to early May. In fact, they’ve done this over and over again for a decade.

If you took advantage of this event the last time it happened, you could have done it the old-fashioned way… bought some of the company’s stock, and after a month, your shares would have gone up 4.2%.

At that point you could keep hanging on to them for more possible gains… though there’s no seasonal pattern to indicate they would. Or you could sell.

On the other hand—instead of buying the stock in April—you could have placed Jim’s unique trade.

As soon as you did, you would have locked in an instant payout of up to $1,400.

That money was not a loan. Not a temporary deposit of any kind. It was yours to spend as you wanted.

It didn’t matter if the stock went up one, two or ten percent.

With options you can lock in huge gains and enjoy the money right away.

No wonder subscribers like Seattle resident, Fraser A., are telling us they’ve ditched buy-and-hold strategies and only trade options.


Every Thursday they have a chance to turn a recurring stock move into instant cash…

For instance, not long ago Jim recommended a trade with T-Mobile…

You could have bought the stock in March and sold it two months later for a 5.7% gain…

Or you could have used Jim’s 7–Minute Trade and collected a $1,550 payout right away.

And on the same Thursday, Jim also recommended McDonald’s—whose stock also has a strong seasonal pattern.

Holding the stock the old-fashioned way would have made you a nice 10% gain.

But Jim’s trade paid out nearly five times that.

And it did it in just a few minutes.

Once again, all you had to do was follow Jim’s instructions… just 12 simple words you input into your account… and bam!

Money in your account.

It was yours to keep and to spend as you wanted.

Just ask any of our subscribers, like, Ernie T., who says if you want to earn consistent income, you should consider Jim’s program.


Or Winston H., who said he can’t wait for Thursday’s now that he has access to Jim’s lucrative recommendations.


Ensuring you get paid is the hallmark of Jim’s trading system.

That’s why his third income key ensures you can get paid even if things don’t go as planned…

The 3rd Income Key To Getting Paid
Each Thursday

Lock in huge gains while protecting your downside…

The best part about using options the way Jim does—is that unlike stocks—it doesn’t matter how much or how little the stock price goes up.

In fact, it doesn’t even matter if price goes up at all.

Or if it drops.

That’s because with options you can grab money from stocks going up, as well as down.

Or even both at the same time.

It’s a key feature for Jim’s 7–Minute Trade, because there aren’t any crystal balls when it comes to the stock market.

There’s no guarantee a stock will repeat the same pattern this year, even though it’s already done so for the past decade.

That’s why Jim designs his trades so you always get paid.

His Salesforce trade is a perfect example.

Salesforce is the largest online sales services provider in the world.

Over the past decade, its shares have gone up from February till May—nine out of ten times…

Mainly because its largest volume of business comes during this time of the year.

And because of that, there’s a 90% seasonal probability of its share price going up during this period.

So Jim recommended a trade to take advantage of this advanced knowledge on February 13.

And if you followed his simple instructions… you could have banked an instant payout of up to $1,400 or more.

The thing is, this year Salesforce’s stock didn’t go as it had in the past.

Plagued by technical problems and stiff competition, its share price actually dropped by nearly 4%.

If you had held the stock, you’d have lost money.

But thanks to the way Jim designs his trades, that didn’t matter to anyone who followed his recommendation.

You see, Jim uses a special kind of options trade with a built-in safety net that not only pays you up front, but also protects you from losing all your money.

It’s called a ‘SPREAD’ trade.

And it has the ability to pay you even if a stock price starts to drop.

Now that doesn’t happen very often… Jim’s Seasonality Navigator all but ensures that.

However, I don’t want to give you the idea that you can never lose money.

No system is perfect, and Jim’s is no exception.

But thanks to the built-in safety nets, your losses are strictly limited.

Better still, losses are as rare as a July snowstorm.

In fact, Jim hasn’t had one in over a year and a half…

And in total he has a 94% win rate.

That’s an incredible track record! Especially when you consider the very top money managers on Wall Street boast a 70% winning track record.

In comparison, Jim’s 94% win rate is as close to perfect as you can come in the real world.

And don’t worry—making these trades is easy.

Simply follow Jim’s instructions on Thursday… just 12 simple words… and you’ll see the money appear in your brokerage account a few minutes later.

That’s all there’s to it.

Chicago retiree, Lincoln Young, would back me up on that. He recently told us he makes about $1,000 a month following Jim’s lead.


Juan W., has already made $106,000[8] and said,


And California native, Ron C., wrote in to let us know he rakes in between $10,000 and $12,000 each month.


Imagine what an extra $10,000 a month can do for your finances. You could pay off your mortgage… retire early… and live more comfortably than you imagined.

For instance, this past Thursday you could have collected two $1,200 payouts. The previous week a $1,200 and a $1,300 payout. The week before that $1,450 and $2,900 payouts.

This coming Thursday will be no different.

As Louisiana subscriber, Denise C., put it,


So how do you join these smart investors and start grabbing your Thursday payouts?

That’s easy.

Just try out Jim’s trading service…

Retire Early with Options for Income

Jim calls his service “Options for Income“, because that’s exactly what it gives you.

It uses the unique features of stock options, to:

Options are the only investment tool that can give you these amazing benefits.

You don’t need any special skills or prior experience to use them.

Just a willingness to try something you may have never done before.

Every Thursday morning, Jim will email you—or text you if you prefer—at least two income opportunities that can pay you that same day.

He’ll tell you exactly how the stocks of these companies have repeatedly behaved the same way each year.

And why, after giving them a thorough personal investigation, he expects them to do the same again.

Included, you’ll find his instructions for each options trade that exploits a recurring, predictable stock pattern.

These will be just 12 simple words. You input them, word-for-word, into your brokerage account…

…and click the “CONFIRM” button.

In the next few minutes the money for each trade will appear in your brokerage account.

And you’re done.

Free to enjoy the rest of your day as you want.

So if you have an open mind… I think you’re going to love this…

As Pennsylvania retiree, Roger M., told us…


Wichita retiree, Michael S., said;


And Florida resident, JD Roseville, reports…


How to Get Paid This Thursday

As soon as you join Options for Income, you’ll receive:

As a new member, you’ll get access to our full suite of membership privileges, including:

This is our most popular membership feature.

You see, Options for Income isn’t just some aloof trading service. When you join Options for Income, you become part of our extended family.

You get to meet your fellow subscribers… hear their stories and experiences… post your own if you care to… and form new friendships.

As many members told us, being part of our family can give you the assurance and confidence to embrace your new income strategy, knowing that you have help any time you need it.

You may even find—more often than not—that if you have any concerns, someone else has had them too.

And you’ll see the feedback and assurance they received from veteran members or Jim himself.

As one subscriber, Evan B., tells us…


When you join our family, we ensure you have everything you need to succeed.

That’s why you’ll also get immediate access to…

…our Introductory Training Videos. They are a set of six videos we created to help you get started.

Whether you’re completely new to trading, or an options veteran, our video series ensures you can start generating an immediate income just as I showed you.

Here, you’ll see in a few minutes what took Jim decades to master.

In fact, it’s like pressing fast-forward to the end of the story with all the rewards and success, but without any of the trial and error.

We’ll show you how to set up an options account with your online broker.

You’ll learn basic options terminology and symbols.

We’ll show you the difference between the two main types of options, called put options and call options.

You’ll see how options spreads—the technique Jim uses—lock in gains while saving you from catastrophic losses.

You’ll learn how selling options is much safer than buying them.

And why the Boston Globe claims this strategy is, “safe enough for widows’ and orphans’ money.”

And once you’ve mastered the basics, we’ll show you to how Jim puts these together to generate a consistent and immediate income.

With these videos you’ll be well on your way to becoming an options pro.

Watch them as often as you like. If all you want to do is trade for yourself and generate instant cash from the stocks in your portfolio, this video series will show you how to do it.

Or, if you simply want to follow Jim’s recommendations, then you’ll understand the mechanics behind Jim’s easy, 12-word instructions every Thursday morning.

The Introductory Training Videos are the most detailed overview of Jim’s 7–Minute Trade available anywhere.

As far as I know, they are the only place you’ll be able to see Jim’s instant income approach in action.

Frankly, we could easily charge thousands of dollars for access to just these videos alone, or sell them as a special course.

But as an Options for Income member, you can have free access to them today.

And of course, you’ll be added to Jim’s email list, alongside folks like:

Vince S., who wrote,


Joey S., agrees, saying,


Once you start using Jim’s recommendations… I suspect you’ll never think about investing the same way ever again.

As far as I know, it’s the first service of its kind in our industry.

That’s why the price for one full year of Options for Income is $3,000.

Frankly, I think it’s a bargain at this price.

The fact is, you could easily make two to three times that amount by collecting a single payout next Thursday.

Just ask Kelly Miller, who made $9,474 in the first two months and told us she’s thrilled.


Arizona native, Gabe F., let us know he made $25,000.


And Myron G., says he’s made enough to replace a $60,000 a year job.


That’s what makes this opportunity so valuable… Your Thursday morning income could easily help you retire early.

But as a special offer we’re making available today, you can try Options for Income for much less than that.

Before I give you the details, there’s one more thing I’d like to give you when you become a new member today…

Premium: 10-Year Stock Seasonality Navigator

I showed you how at the core of Jim’s trading system is his proprietary 10-Year Stock Seasonality Navigator.

It tracks the recurring seasonal patterns some stocks go through each year, so you can use them to generate a safe, consistent income.

This computer program is the foundation of Jim’s 1st Income Key.

Knowing what a stock will do over the next week—because it’s done it for the past ten years—eliminates most of the risk and uncertainty in trading.

It’s the reason Jim’s track record has a 94% win rate. Far higher than any money manager I know of on Wall Street.

You may hear of other people using seasonality patterns to make money. But none of them have the proprietary computer program that Jim has to detect it.

In fact, Jim paid a lot of money to have this program created and fine-tuned, so it does exactly what he wanted.

What I haven’t mentioned, is that as an Options for Income subscriber, Jim lets you have this computer program for free!

As soon as you sign up, we’ll show you how to download and install it.

This is, of course, completely optional.

If all you want to do is follow Jim’s 12-word instructions on Thursday to make money, you can do that. And you’ll benefit from everything I showed you.

But as an added benefit for his subscribers, he lets you have your own 10-Year Stock Seasonality Navigator to check the stocks in your portfolio… to invest on your own… or to earn even more income on Mondays, Tuesdays, or any other day of the week you choose.

It’s the only program of its kind that I know of. And it’s not available for sale at any price.

But as an Options for Income subscriber, it’s yours free, included in your membership.

You can download and use it today, as soon as we confirm your subscription.

Now, I understand that if you’ve never used Jim’s trading strategy before, you may doubt that you could personally make money like this.

It’s not uncommon for people to subscribe, make their first trade, and be completely surprised when the money shows up in their account in a few minutes.

As one subscriber, Josh P. in Washington state, told us, “I checked my account and it was $18,000 up. I thought that my brokerage made a mistake, so I immediately cashed out. Upon further investigation, that was my profit!!”

So, to make your decision about trying Jim’s service easier, I’m willing to give you a one-time offer…

Save 35% For Today Only!

When you join Options for Income today, I’ll let you do it for the low price of only $1,950 .

That’s a 35% savings!

Believe me, this is an unbelievable deal—especially considering that you could recoup this small subscription fee with your first trade.

I’m making this offer for one simple reason. I know many people are hesitant to try anything new when it comes to their finances.

So I’m dropping the price to get you off the sidelines and into the game.

I hope it’s clear by now just now good this deal is….

Especially when you remember that following Jim’s lead could easily help you replace your working income as early as this year.

Just like it did for Wyoming retiree, Sammy Snyder, who made $66,692 the first year he joined, and $82,371 the second.

Or Jack Goodman, who told us he no longer needs a job now that he has access to Jim’s work.


Now, before you make your decision, there’s one more thing you should be aware of…

There is, however, one catch…

I can only make this offer available to 400 new members… filling the slots on a first-come, first-served basis.

As I showed you, Options for Income isn’t your typical research advisory.

When you sign up, you become part of our family, and we provide you with all the added support you need to succeed with this strategy.

We simply couldn’t provide this level of service to a large crowd of people.

As a result, we have to limit the membership to give you the level of service you deserve.

So if you’re interested, click on the link below. This will take you to a secure order page, where you’ll be able to review everything before submitting your order.


Jeff Little signature

Jeff Little
Publisher, Options for Income

Sign up now

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