35-Year Trading Veteran Reveals:

My “I.V.L. System”
To Make Wall Street Pay YOU

EXCLUSIVE: Collect Regular Deposits of
$2,950 or More Every Thursday

Hi, my name is Jim Fink.

And I’m an options trader…

Except I don’t buy options the way other traders do.

In fact, I don’t buy anything at all.

As I’ll explain in a moment, with my winning strategy, you sit back and let Wall Street come to you…

Wall Street does all the buying, and they’ll even compete for the chance to deposit money in your trading account.

Get ready, because you haven’t heard this story before…

I’m going to show you how to receive regular payments of $2,950 or more.

I call it my “I.V.L System”, and it spits out winners at a shocking clip.

It works for beginners and for seasoned trading experts alike.

So even if you don’t know what an option is… this system is for you.

Or if you’re a pro who trades 10 contracts a day… this is for you, too.

I keep it simple — every single week I’ll send you easy-to-read instructions that’ll put you on Wall Street’s payment list.

You get the money right away, up-front, in your trading account.

I’ve been doing this for 35 years, and it’s the most effective way I know to consistently earn life-changing income.

But let me warn you: I’m a bit unconventional.

I don’t do what everyone else does.

And I hate offices.

That’s why you’ll usually find me by the pool…

Or in the garden…

And it’s why I once made a $5,735 winning trade while standing in the middle of a grocery store!

You see, when you use my “I.V.L.” winning strategy, you can earn income from anywhere you can take your laptop or smartphone.

Wall Street will deposit money straight into your trading account.

My Winning “I.V.L.” Strategy Keeps It Simple: Let Wall Street Come to You

I’d like you to honestly consider the following question: do you really think small-time investors like you and me can beat Wall Street at its own game?

Well, unfortunately, I have some bad news… because the answer to this question is a firm “no.”

I’m a realist, and I’m not going to sugarcoat the hard truth: Wall Street insiders have too many advantages.

They’re bigger and faster — and investors like you and me will never beat them to the best trades.

So why am I rushing you this urgent presentation?

Because there IS another way around.

This is where my winning “I.V.L.” strategy comes in.

We don’t try to keep up with the big boys.

We do the exact opposite: we let them fight it out, competing with each other for the chance to pay US.

It sounds crazy, but I promise you… IT WORKS.

Using the “I.V.L” method, in just one month alone I closed out trades for quick, easy gains of 37.9%… 33.9%… and 100%!

Here’s how my strategy works:

Now, I realize this may sound hard to believe, but I’ll explain everything in detail in just a moment.

And even if you already know a bit about selling options — I assure you, my strategy is different than anything else you may have tried in the past.

It’s for real — no devious tricks.

Believe it or not…

Wall Street is ready… willing… and excited at the chance to send you money.

In the past few months alone, using the “I.V.L” strategy I’ve given a small group of investors the opportunity to cash out for $1,550 on an Abbott Laboratories trade… $1,650 on a LabCorp Holdings trade… $4,200 on a Thermo Fisher Scientific trade… $2,500 on an ADP trade… and that’s just to name a handful.

My strategy is so accurate that in the first half of this year alone, my win rate on 51 closed trades was 100%. Seriously. 100%.

I don’t like to brag… but I will. Because I don’t see anyone else coming close to pulling this off.

These are payments you could have collected from actual trades.

I’m showing you this list because it’s what most of the investors who use my service are seeing.

Payouts like these — and even larger — are sent up-front, straight into the trading accounts of everyone on Wall Street’s payment list.

One of these investors, named John D., wrote to tell me of his success with this strategy:

“I have an 82% win rate. 49 wins out of 60. I am ahead $24,000 this year.”

I also heard from Garret L., who shared how much he’s been making each year:

“I usually buy several of the recommended trades, 5 to 10 options per trade. Over the past 2 years, I have earned about $40K per year.”

He’s consistently received payments just like the ones I listed above.

Now, you’re probably worried I’ve cherry-picked these winners.

But I have some good news.

When you use my winning “I.V.L” strategy, you’ll be able to keep the cash on almost every trade you make…

96% of the time, last I checked.

I’ve got nothing to hide.

I’m basing these numbers on 13 full years of trading.

Wall Street has paid me hundreds of times, and the math is easy: out of 1,196 trades my system has pinpointed, 1,150 of them have closed out in the green.

That means my trades make money 96% of the time.

In the last few months alone, I’ve pinpointed how to pull easy payouts of $1,200… $1,550… $1,150… $2,750… and $3,500. Just to name a few. And in each of these trades, the money is paid out right away.

Take my winning trade on Netflix, for example… investors who made this move had the opportunity to receive that $2,500 right away, up-front.

Now, ask yourself: how would you like to get deposits from Wall Street, put right into your trading account, starting next week?

I have next week’s trade all ready to go — and you can get started in just ten minutes flat.

Though, I’ll admit to you right now, there is a catch: the number of people I can share this trade with is strictly limited

So if you’re just browsing around and don’t have a real interest in a new way of trading…

One that puts cash in your pocket — upfront — every time — then save yourself some time and look elsewhere.

Because on top of only being able to share this trade with a small group of investors…

It’s also an extremely limited opportunity.

Which is why I’m going to show you right here — right now — how to receive regular payments of up to $2,950 and higher from one simple system that takes less than 10 minutes of “work” each week…

I’ve been doing this personally for over 35 years.

And in the 13+ years I’ve been making these recommendations to my readers, I’ve been right 96% of the time.

Let me explain how I found out about this winning strategy — and the unique secrets behind how it works.

Harvard, Yale, Columbia, UVA…
I Did It Wrong

Again, my name is Jim Fink.

I’m the son of two teachers, and I grew up with a love of learning — so I thought prestigious Ivy League degrees would teach me what I needed to succeed in life.

I attended Yale for my undergrad, got a public policy degree from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, a law degree from Columbia, and then an MBA from the Darden School at the University of Virginia.

(I’ll admit now that perhaps I went a bit overboard on my education.)

But it’s because I was searching for something…

And unfortunately, that “something” remained elusive.

While I enjoyed my studies, I never learned the valuable secrets that would make me successful in the way I wanted to be.

So next up I tried the career route.

I received a generous offer from a big-time law firm in Chicago, working 90 hours a week.

I made a great salary, I had a fancy lifestyle, and I ate at the best restaurants — but I was miserable.

I knew I needed to make a change.

That’s when I heard about trading options…

And just like I did with my Ivy League schooling, I went in whole hog. I put everything I had into learning how to trade them.

My Old Colleagues Laughed
When I Left My Career to Trade Options —
But Then I Made $5.3 Million

Now, let me go on record and say my old law colleagues are some smart guys.

Several of them stuck with the law firm and even made partner.

After years and years of hard work, they’re millionaires.

I keep in touch and nod politely at their stories — but ultimately their tales of office drama confirm how happy I am about my choice to go a completely different route.

I opened my trading account with $50,000.

(You can start with even less.)

I had stacks of books on options trading and got some advice from my friends in finance…

But I was no instant success.

Most of my first trades were losers, and I was continually outgunned by bigger, better traders on the market.

I never seemed to move fast enough on the best trades.

That’s when I realized I’d have to try a different strategy.

I spent the next five years doing exactly that — and it paid off.

Here’s a photo of my actual bank statement.

bank statement

As you can see, my account balance grew to $5,345,054.20.

This success completely changed my life.

And today I want to show you how to do the same…

Now, I’m not going to promise you the moon, or that you’ll be able to haul in millions right away.

And full disclosure: some of this money was made through riskier trading methods I don’t use anymore.

But after decades of making all kinds of trades, I can say with confidence my winning strategy is truly the best approach to options I’ve ever found.

Investor Dick K. agrees:

“I think it is the best investment service I have ever experienced and am able to retire with confidence using Jim’s strategy. I have been able to achieve gains of $10-$12k a month with a $200k+ account.”

But I’m not going to ask you to take our word for it.

I want to show it to you, so you can see for yourself.

In fact, if you start following my instructions today, you’ll have the opportunity to receive 52 payments from these instructions over the next year. One every single week.

(More on this in a moment…)

Now, you don’t need to leave your career to make steady income.

Though considering the ease with which you can pull in these regular deposits from Wall Street, you might want to.

I can show you how to set yourself up so your payments add up to a modest “salary” of $65,000 or more each year.

Here’s what Lyle from Florida recently wrote to me:

“65 to 70% winners. Close to $1400.00 to $1800.00 week. Great!”

And here’s what I heard from Les from Boston:

“I went from ‘afraid of options’ to ‘comfortable with options’… I had no idea that I could achieve this level of investing.”

There are plenty of regular investors who use my service as their primary source of income…

While others do it on the side for extra cash.

Howard T., from Los Angeles, CA, sent me an email saying that he used some of this money to book a scuba diving trip to Fiji.

Ask yourself: what would you do with regular payments from Wall Street?

I’ve boiled down the trading process to keep it simple and straightforward…

It’s the opposite of what most people think of when it comes to options investing.

From the get-go my approach was different… and that’s because of who I learned it from.

The Secrets I Stole from the
Sweaty Trading Pits of Chicago

 Chicago Board of ExchangeIt all started when I made a visit to the Chicago Board Options Exchange…

Back in the 80s the trading pits were full of loud traders using the old “open outcry” system.

I’m talking about the big guys who wore jackets and flashed fast hand signals to buy and sell.

You should have seen these big fellows!

They shoved and shouted their way through each and every trade.

Most of these guys didn’t have college degrees or any experience in finance…

And yet, that didn’t stop them from making millions of dollars.

Now, these are some no-punches-pulled kind of guys.

When I told some of them about my first attempts in trading options, they started to laugh.

Loud, coarse, belly laughs.

It was in a friendly way — but I’ll admit, my feelings were hurt.

But then their tone softened.

“Look, it’s just that you’re doing it backwards,” one guy said.

And in a thick Chicago accent he told me exactly why…

I needed to sell options if I wanted to make consistent money.

“It’s all about the notebook in my hand,” he explained.

Greedy insiders in Chicago and on Wall Street would call in big, aggressive trades…

And these pit traders would jot down each option they sold in their notebook.

That’s it. That’s all these guys did.

They waited and watched as Wall Street called in their trades…

And when the moment was just right they’d flash a hand signal and take the other end of the trade, selling the option.

This revelation struck me like a lightning bolt: I really did have it backwards.

And just like that, the seeds of my “I.V.L” strategy were born.

I decided then and there to only SELL options.

Now, the digital trading revolution has made the pit trader obsolete today.

That trading floor is now long gone, and those big shouting guys have all retired.

But their technique has survived…

It’s just moved to the computer.

And that means you can use it, too.

Today, Wall Street uses its technical prowess to make more options trades than ever.

And now you can be the one with the “notebook,” taking the other end of the trade.

Thanks to digital efficiency, you get the money in your trading account right away, up-front.

I’ve also found a unique way to feed Wall Street’s greed.

I can still hear the words of one Chicago pit trader echoing in my head:

“Wall Street is dog-eat-dog. They’re fighting each other. So feed them something they want, and they’ll compete with each other to pay you — you’ll almost always come out on top.”

As I honed my skills, that’s exactly what I learned how to do.

And thanks to computers and online digital trading, I also found a new, unique way to get Wall Street’s attention…

My “Dog Whistle” Brings
Wall Street Insiders Running

Now, most of the stock market is busy with people who are chasing what’s popular — like Apple, Microsoft, and Google.

Sometimes I make trades based on these stocks, but most of the time they’re not necessarily the popular stocks.

You see, I’m focused on something more specific: what Wall Street insiders want.

They’re the ones who are going to pay us.

And their priorities are a little different than the rest of the market.

They’re looking for specific kinds of trading patterns that’ll help them pay off big

Now, as I told you before, we’re not big enough or fast enough to outrun the pack and get to these trades.

But the odds tilt back in our favor when we figure out what the pack wants.

I’ve spent my career honing my research skills — and my track record proves I’m onto what works.

Once I’m sure what Wall Street is after, we can use our other advantage…

We can blow a “dog whistle” that lets Wall Street know we’re here.

Our trades won’t mean much to the rest of the market, but Wall Street insiders will hear you loud and clear…

The moment we enter our trades, Wall Street insiders will race each other for the chance to put money in our accounts.

I’m intentionally selecting trades based on what Wall Street wants to buy.

This way, we’re in control.

My winning strategy helps me find at least two trades every single week (sometimes more), and I send out simple instructions to the investors who follow my service.

These instructions are step-by-step, and even a first-time options beginner can handle them.

As Jacob told us:

“Jim’s is an excellent advisory service. I have gained my greatest options knowledge from him.”

Truly, anybody can do it.

Investor Jack B. shared his profits with us:

“I started following Jim in February 2017 (it has been great: 142 closed positions $187,000 profit). THANK YOU JIM!”

And I provide additional detail and a complete explanation of my research for experienced traders and those who want to learn more.

You’ll receive your instructions first thing every Thursday morning, and you can setup your trade in ten minutes flat.

As Ken C. wrote:

“Jim is an excellent teacher, but only if you follow his instructions! I have been trading options for 12+ years and following Jim for approximately 5 years – He is by far the most versatile and consistent options trader I have ever encountered.”

There’s no time to waste: I’ve already found my trades for next week.

Wall Street is hungry, and I’ve found exactly what they’re looking for — they’re ready to charge in.

And if you act quickly there’s still time to get on Wall Street’s payment list.

But remember — there’s a limit to how many investors can be in on these trades.

I only have a handful of spots open, and they’re going fast.

I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity while you have the chance.

The moment they hear the whistle, Wall Street will rush to deposit money right into your trading account.

In options lingo this is known as being “in the money.”

In some ways, it’s almost like running your own casino.

I Don’t Play at Casinos — I AM the Casino

When it comes to options, I like to think of myself as the casino in the trade.

Because casinos get paid up front, before the game takes place… they’re “in the money” right away.

That’s why gamblers are doing it wrong: they’re the first to shell out cash.

They’re putting up all the money with the blind hope of winning big…

And to be sure, a few of them will win big.

But as we both know, most of the time they’ll lose, and the casino will get to keep all of the money that was put on the table.

My winning strategy works the same way…

Wall Street insiders are smart and fast — but they’re just like these gamblers.

They’re paying out all this money to buy big, fast options trades.

So, set yourself up as the casino!

This way you can keep most of the money that’s put on the table.

But we have another benefit as well.

You’ve probably heard of a casino’s “house advantage” — because in most games of chance it’s more likely the casino will win.

My winning strategy has the same kind of house advantage.

I call it my “I.V.L” strategy.

I don’t like to brag much about my fancy degrees… but it’s thanks to my unique Ivy League education that this strategy came alive in my head. So I just shortened it to “I.V.L” to keep it simple.

And my “I.V.L.” house advantage is built right in…

Because there are only three possible scenarios when you sell an option:

  1. The underlying stock goes up — you make money
  2. The underlying stock goes nowhere — you still make money
  3. The underlying stock goes down — you either break even or lose a small amount, with your loss limited by two built-in safety measures

It’s about consistency and safety… year after year, decade after decade.

Here’s what Thomas C. recently wrote to me:

“I have been using Jim’s system since January 2018 and his systems are the best I have found in fourteen years of active trading.”

So, how am I able to maintain such incredible consistency?

The secret is to keep time on your side.

Don’t Bet Against the Universe

Let me put it this way: I don’t suggest taking risks that run contrary to the inviolable laws of the universe.

We all know time flows in a single direction and never turns around.

Any eight-year-old can tell you this. So can the world’s brightest physicists.

That’s why if you want to make consistent money, you shouldn’t send your money in the opposite direction of time.

You see, the majority of options trades expire worthless.

So don’t try and fight it!

Get paid up front, keep the money, and let those worthless trades expire.

Keep on time’s good side.

There are also two safety measures I use to ensure I’m always on the right side of a trade.

The first is the fact you can “roll with the punches” by extending your trade a little longer.

Thanks to my winning “I.V.L” strategy, you can get a little bit more time if you need it.

The second safety measure is a backup “hedge-bet” trade that only comes into play if something unexpected happens.

These hedge bets work just like insurance — you pay a little extra, and then if there’s a disaster they kick into play.

I’m a pro at spotting when a hedge bet might give a little extra safety on a trade.

These safety measures have helped me achieve a 96% win rate.

That means I get it right 96% of the time!

And they’re unique to this kind of trading…

Nothing else on the stock market has insurance options like this!

They’re all part of my winning strategy.

That’s why my deposits from Wall Street have been so consistent over the long-term.

Remember how I told you that it was only in recent years that I jumped into sharing my options trades, after many years of Ivy League schools and cutthroat law firms?

Well, starting in 2011, my first eight years “in the newsletter game” were good. Very good… and very profitable.

Let me show you…


Here’s every single trade I’ve made since I started my sharing my winning “I.V.L.” strategy eight years ago.

Like I told you, I hate to brag. But the numbers don’t lie.

I’ve been right 96% of the time.

So far, I’ve handed my readers 1,150 chances to make easy payouts.

I challenge you to find another kind of trading (in options OR in stocks) that can match this success.

This year so far, I’ve cashed out for $1,200 on an AutoNation trade… $1,550 on an Extra Space Storage trade… $1,150 on a NetEase trade… $2,750 on a Fair Isaac trade… and that’s just to name a handful.

Just last month alone I closed out trades for easy gains of 51.25%… 42.86%… and 81.16%!

My winning “I.V.L.” strategy has other advantages as well…

Chief among them is the fact you’ll no longer have to lay out your hard-earned money when you make trades.

Keep Your Money Where It Belongs —
In Your Trading Account

Just think of all the times you’ve had to sit on the sidelines while your cash is all tied up with stock trades that aren’t going anywhere.

With my winning strategy, you don’t have to do that anymore…

Instead you collect option payments (called “premiums”) up-­front, on ­demand.

You see, with options you’re never trading any actual stock shares…

You use “contracts” that expire after a specific amount of time — and when you’re selling the contracts, like I do, you get keep all of the up-front money when it expires.

As I explained earlier, most contracts aren’t used and expire worthless, so this consistently works in our favor.

And remember, it’s worked for me 96% of the time!

But that’s not all…

You also get more trading power than you would with regular stocks.

A lot more.

Let me explain exactly how this works.

Instead of risking $6,858 to buy 100 shares of Hess Corp (NYSE:HES), you can get the same amount of trading power for only $345 like some of my early readers did.

Take a look at this chart.

As you can see, the performance of Hess Corp’s stock over this period isn’t very exciting.

It makes a handful of small dips, and then settles just slightly above where it started.

Investors holding shares of stock were probably disappointed, especially since more than $6,000 of their money was tied up in a stock going nowhere.


Which route would you rather take?

The one where you have to risk $6,800 to make less than 1% profit…

Or the one where you can risk nearly 20x less and walk away with a 44.9% return?

I think the choice is clear.

And, as I’m sure you know all too well, while stocks have tended to rise higher over the long term, they can also spend long periods of time going nowhere at all.

That’s why my winning strategy is so effective…

Because it allows you to make amazing gains even in a market that’s going nowhere.

That’s a lot more powerful than you might think.

So powerful, in fact, that it’s attracted the notice of the world’s most powerful investors.

This includes famed billionaire Warren Buffett.

Yes, you heard that correctly — even Warren Buffett trades options.

And he uses some strategies that are similar to mine, selling options just like I do.

Buffett knows exactly how to offer Wall Street what they’re looking for, and they’ve paid him generous sums of up-front money.

In fact, at one point in time, a tally of Buffett’s options wins added up to a massive $4.9 billion!

Forbes covered it with this headline: “Be like Warren Buffett: sell options.”

It really is the best way to trade.

And I’ve perfected these techniques with my winning strategy.

Investor Mark R. from Potomac, VA, agrees.

He’s a serious guy and he isn’t easily swayed by trendy fads or new ideas.

He had never traded options before he encountered me, and he wasn’t convinced at first.

Here’s what changed his mind. He explains…

“I find Jim’s services to be the most consistent in delivering profits. I am up $189,000 (rounded figure) from his advice. What I find really valuable is the teaching I get from Jim and the others in the forum that I am able to do some trades on my own.”

Years of successful options trading have transformed him into a true believer. He goes on to add…

“I have invested for over 30 years in the market, and this is by far the best strategy I have experienced. Not only that, but it’s interesting – you learn a lot from all the input, and have the challenge of grasping the concepts. Bravo!!! Wishing Mr. Fink a long and joyful life!!! I have over $40k in gains Feb thru Sept. Has to be over 30% annualized. GREAT STUFF! So well done!!!!””

But it gets even better.

I still haven’t told you my biggest secret…

Make Money on the Same Stock —
Again and Again

I use seasonal patterns to repeatedly make the same profits on the stocks Wall Street is looking for.

I have a disciplined technique I’ve perfected over my career.

But there’s a lot more to it than just my experience.

I’m very scientific about it.

Remember, in the past few months alone, I’ve closed out 51 winning trades!

I’ve recently given folks the chance to cash out for $2,500 on Netflix… $1,550 on Crown Castle… $1,400 on Lockheed Martin… $1,800 on Johnson & Johnson… $1,500 on ResMed… and $2,900 on IQVIA Holdings, just to name a few.

You see, I also use a special tool that I call my “10-Year Seasonality Navigator.”

This software app produces precise statistical results for each and every stock I trade by combing through the last ten years of pricing data from every single stock in the S&P 500.

It’s looking for patterns in a given stock’s price year-over-year, as well as how those patterns compare to the overall market.

I know all this sounds complicated, so let me give you a peek “under the hood” and walk you through one of my favorite examples on how it works.

A while back I made a trade on Expedia (NSDQ:EXPE) that returned 47.06%. I received an up­-front cash payment of $1,600 and the trade completed when the option expired just weeks later.

I knew that between its start date on April 10th and the July expiration, the stock has risen in nine of the past ten years.

Seasonal patterns predicted this trade, just like it does for many of my winners.

Now, here’s what I mean by this “seasonality”…


If you look at this chart, you’ll notice that the Expedia stock had risen over the time period of our trade during 9 of the last 10 years — giving us a 90% seasonal probability.

I’m not especially worried by how much…

Regular stock investors were excited when this stock made 48.8%, as it did in year four.

And they were disappointed when it only made 0.3%, as it did the following year.

But either year was just fine with me — because options give me the ability to collect great returns in both years.

Now, I’d like you to pause for just a moment and imagine how blissful your life could be if you didn’t really care whether or not the stock you’re trading earns 0.3%… or 48.8%.

That’s the power of seasonality analysis.

Here’s how it maximizes the profit from each trade:

And then, best of all…

That’s why I’m often able to make trade after trade, on the exact same stock, every single year!

The results speak for themselves.

And the investors who follow my service agree…

Like Dan, who made a 76% gain in just 5 weeks. And Sal, who made an easy 80%.

Join Me Right Now in
Collecting Payments from Wall Street

Now it’s your turn to get regular deposits from Wall Street in your trading account too.

All you have to do is agree to try, at no risk to you today, my Options for Income trading service.

Get Started Now!

Here’s what you’ll get when you join Options for Income:

I know for new members, options can seem a little daunting. That’s why my team and I spent countless hours creating easy-to-follow videos to show you the ropes.

We walk you through EXACTLY what you need to know. We give you a tour of the website and show you how to find what you need… explain the important terms… and share our best tips, including how to avoid common pitfalls.

When you join Options for Income, you become part of an elite community of self-­directed investors with a shared goal of making life-­changing income.

Most of the people in this community were complete options novices at first.

So if you’re feeling a little nervous because this is new to you, don’t be.

Here’s a funny story...

The president of our company, Phil Ash, wasn’t so sure about trading options himself.

He’d seen my bank statements and my trading account balance, and told me that he had complete faith in my ability to make this kind of money.

But while he believed in me, he didn’t believe in himself.

He didn’t think that he could do it — on his own.

So I sat him down and showed him my simple instructions. Two basic sentences, that’s it. Phil made a number of trades and did just fine.

He also realized later that he was never alone, because I was there to help him and answer any questions he had.

That’s still the case today, and not just for Phil, because you’ll be able to ask all of your questions on our message board and I’ll get right back to you.

As Charles recently wrote:

“For those who are new to Jim’s trades, take advantage of the forum to educate yourselves about options. Jim’s system, with its built-in safeguards, when properly followed, is a fantastic tool in your arsenal to achieving financial independence. Jim – I cannot thank you enough, keep up the great work!!"

And subscriber Marcus told us:

“I think so highly of Jim and his logic, knowledge and expertise. Not only it is very profitable but educational part of service is second to none.”

Now’s your chance to put my service to work for you...

But you need to act right now.

You Only Have Until 11:59 pm on Wednesday
to Join Options for Income...

I’ve already found your trades — they have near-­perfect seasonality and will be able to deliver up-­front income of at least $1,100 for every 10 contracts you trade.

Probably more.

I’ll report the exact details in my trade instructions.

But in order to get this trade in your email box on time, you need to complete your order by 11:59 pm Wednesday night.

That way our system can process your order and put your email address on my list.

There’s a lot that goes on over here behind the scenes.

I put a lot of extra time into making myself available for new Options for Income investors.

You can ask any questions you like on my Options for Income message boards. The close-knit community is always willing and eager to help… and I personally jump into the board and help answer questions for everyone to see.

But there’s another, more important reason why I limit membership... I’m protecting the integrity of each trade we make.

Remember, I’m carefully selecting the trades Wall Street wants most.

And I don’t want you to ever have to compete with other investors to get your trades filled.

We want Wall Street to come running the moment the “dog whistle” is blown.

That’s why I’ve had to put a hard limit on how many new members I can let in at a time.

Every time we open up access to this service, demand is overwhelming.

There are a handful of spots available, and they’re going fast.

Acting right now is the only way to guarantee you get one of these spots — and all new orders must be complete by 11:59 pm ET on Wednesday night.

When they’re filled we’ll stop registering new customers and I don’t know when you’ll get another opportunity to join me.

And that means you’d miss out on the next round of payouts like $1,450… $1,350… $1,550… $1,600… $1,450… $1,250… and $3,500.

Let Me Make This Easy —
Here’s How You Can Pay NOTHING
to Join Options for Income

Now, the standard price for Members-Only access to Options for Income is $3,000.

Given all of the exclusive features you receive, that’s an outstanding bargain. You could have covered that membership cost many times just from a few trades I’ve closed out in recent months!

New subscribers will happily pay that price for years to come.

But today, I’m going to offer you a better deal...

In fact, I’d like to give you one of the best deals I’ve ever offered...

(I had to BEG my publisher to allow new members to come in at this rock-bottom price!)

Because I don’t want you to pay a dime for my service.

Here’s how...

Remember, the up-front weekly payments my subscribers are getting from following my recommendations can be as much as $2,950... and they’re getting fresh opportunities every single week.

And you can have you first deposit as soon as next week.

So here’s what I’m going to do...

I’m going to start by cutting my membership price well below our $3,000 standard rate.

Once you’ve made a few trades, it should cover the cost of your membership.

This way your membership in Options for Income pays for itself almost immediately!

Having said that there are no refunds after you join.

I’m sorry it has to be that way. But we simply can’t afford to waste one of the precious few membership slots we’ve opened up on someone who’s not committed to following my winning system.

Remember you’ll be receiving your first Options for Income trade alert first thing on Thursday morning, and it could result in an immediate deposit of up to $2,000 into your account.

And I’m confident you’ll be so happy you joined.

Like Kevin C., a traveling medical professional and member of my “$100,000 Club,” who recently wrote:

“Joining Jim’s service is, quite frankly, one my life’s best decisions... Give it a try! It’s worth your time.”

Member loyalty like that is why we don’t have slots open up very often, and why there are currently only a few openings available.

You’ll see why, once you try it out for yourself...

But there’s more...

I want you to be successful for the long­-term with my service.

Which is why I’ve convinced my publisher to extend a 365-­day “peace ­of ­mind” guarantee.

That way it will be impossible for you to have any regrets about your performance in the year ahead...

You’ll Have the Chance to Get
AT LEAST 88 Payouts from Wall Street —
Or I Work for Free

While it’s true I can’t promise you a “sure thing” on every trade we make, I have overwhelming statistical probability on my side...

The hard numbers say I can deliver a successful outcome on 96% of my closed trades, like I did over the past thirteen years.

Including a win streak where I closed out 51 winners out of 51 recommendations!

So any losing trades you encounter won’t chip away much from the mountain of income you’ve already earned.

Payouts we’ve taken over the past few months, like:

… just to name a few.

That’s why it’s not difficult for me to promise you’ll have the opportunity for at least 88 immediate deposits if you follow my instructions over the next 12 months.

If you trade 5 contracts on each of these 88 recommendations, and collect an average of $960...

You could be sitting on $84,491 in profits over the next year.

Heck, even if you did the bare minimum and only trade a single contract on each opportunity, that’s still $16,898 — far more than the cost of membership!

If for some reason I haven’t given you those 88 opportunities, simply call my customer service team and I’ll extend your membership for another year free of charge.

My team is based right here in America and is at your service to politely answer any questions or make any adjustments you’d like to your Membership.

I hope by now you see why this is such an easy decision.

This Opportunity Won’t Come Around Again

But please… don’t wait and risk squandering this opportunity...

We’re opening up membership for only a few short days.

There are only a few spots open and they won’t last long.

These slots are strictly first come, first served. Once they’re filled, I don’t know when they’ll open back up again… if ever.

I’d love for you to have one of them.

This is your chance to earn up-­front deposits from Wall Street every week using my Options for Income service.

In no time flat, you could be receiving your own payouts of $1,500… $2,600… or even $3,200 directly to your account.

All you have to do is click the button below to get started.

Get Started Now!

This will take you to a short order form, and you’ll be up and running in no time at all.

Just be sure to do it right away. Spaces at this rock-bottom membership price are going fast…

And when they’re gone…

Well, they’re gone.

Don’t let your opportunity to use my "I.V.L." system slip away…

Please click the button above to get started — you’ll be glad that you did.

To Your Success,

Jim Fink signature
Jim Fink
Founder and Editor, Options for Income



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