“This Is Unquestionably The Best Way To Generate Tons Of Income From AI Right Now”

I’ve discovered a way to collect regular payouts of $650… $875… $1,100… $2,050… and even $3,500 thanks to a group of “not-so-silent partners” in the AI super boom.

Warning: Do not buy a single share of NVIDIA… Apple… Google… or Microsoft before reading this urgent alert.
– Robert Rapier
Income Investing Legend

Fellow Investor,

My name is Robert Rapier. I’m the Chief Income Strategist here at Investing Daily.

And I’m coming to you today from my home office in sunny Chandler, Arizona.

I generally prefer working behind the scenes…

Making sure regular investors like you always have access to the best investments, strategies, and tools available to protect — and grow — their wealth.

But the opportunity I’m going to share with you today holds so much potential…

I’ve decided to step out of my comfort zone to personally walk you through it.

Because I’ve discovered a surging corner of the artificial intelligence market…

One that amazingly enough has been around since the 1850s…

And has recently shifted from a mere afterthought to AI companies…

To an industry that now has the power to put them in a chokehold.

It’s also a group of companies that could help you to bank massive amounts of income…

Month after month.

This niche — once considered a “silent partner” in the AI revolution…

One that was barely given the time of day…

Has now become the 800-pound gorilla in the room.

Sadly, most regular investors don’t know about the obscure moneymaking opportunity it presents.

And as a result, they risk getting left behind.

But that doesn’t have to be your fate.

Because if you give me 5 minutes of your time, I’ll show you my full playbook on how to…

Collect payouts of $1,100… $1,450… and even $2,600… month after month…

All while setting yourself up to rake in huge capital gains along the way.

That’s not wishful thinking on my part.

Over the years, some of the companies in this niche have handed investors total returns of 290%… 987%… and 2,053%…

Which would multiply a $5,000 stake into $19,500… $54,350… and even a stunning $107,650.

And that’s BEFORE it became clear that without these key businesses

The AI boom would fizzle out before it ever got off the ground.

However, now that it’s clear AI is going to experience the kind of meteoric growth McKinsey & Company says could transform it into a $15 trillion behemoth…

“…analysis suggests that the value at stake from AI can reach $15 trillion.”

That’s the GDP of Germany, Japan, and India combined… and it’s nearly HALF the GDP of the United States today.

More importantly, a massive chunk of that money is going to gush into the niche I’m going to share with you today.

Which is why I can’t stress enough how rare… time-sensitive… and lucrative the opportunity has become.

Microsoft’s founder sees AI’s potential as well…


And billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban is confident the world’s first trillionaire will be someone who masters AI in a unique way…


Both bold statements from powerful men…

But I’m not surprised one bit by the enthusiasm of these visionaries.

Especially when you realize…

Unlike Netflix, which took 3.5 years to reach one million users…

Or Facebook whose user count hit 7 figures in just 10 months…

ChatGPT eclipsed the million-user milestone in a blistering 5-day stretch.

And today it has 0ver 180 million active users!

Chat GPT takes only 5 days to reach 1M users

That’s just the tip of the iceberg though.

Because ChatGPT isn’t the only AI “game” in town.

Some of the most profitable companies in the world are pouring stunning amounts of money into their own AI programs.

I’m talking about everyday names like Apple, which already snapped up 32 AI companies…

And whose CEO says…


Amazon invested at least $10 billion.

And its billionaire owner Jeff Bezos says this about AI…


Search titan Google threw its hat into the fray when it invested nearly $9.5 billion in AI…

With its CEO saying…


I shouldn’t have to say it but I will anyway…

When tech titans like these all start publicly making predictions this bold…

And back them up with billion-dollar investments…

It’s no longer a matter of “IF” AI will continue growing and become the most lucrative investment opportunity of our lives…

It’s a matter of “HOW BIG” it will get.

And part of the answer to that…

Depends on a handful of AI powerhouse companies that seem to have slipped by some of the world’s smartest investors.

Bottom line…

Without enough of the resource this niche provides… AI can’t grow.
And WILL NOT survive.

Robert RapierBefore I give you the full story on this opportunity, let me tell you a little more about myself.

As I mentioned, my name is Robert Rapier.

Some folks know me because of the work I do in Utility Forecaster, Income Forecaster, and Rapier’s Income Accelerator.

And others recognize my name from the articles I’ve written for Forbes, Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, or Business Insider…

Where I cover the energy and utility markets.

But what you likely don’t know about me is that I grew up on a farm in Oklahoma…

Right in the heart of oil and gas country.

It’s why after working my way through Texas A&M I spent a large part of my life hip-deep in the energy industry. Working as a consultant… an engineer… and a high-level executive for companies like ConocoPhillips.

It was a career that took me from open-ocean oil rigs in Scotland to the coral reefs of Hawaii… to Germany… the Netherlands… New Zealand… Malaysia… Montana… and Texas.

But my real passion has always been helping others.

I know what it’s like to grow up without a lot of money. And once I figured out how to make it…

I wanted to share my research with as many people as possible.

That desire to help is how I landed at one of the world’s most trusted financial research publishers…

Investing Daily.

And that’s where I’ve spent the last 12 years, guiding my readers to the world’s safest and most lucrative income investments.

What On Earth Does Energy Have To Do With AI?

So why is an energy industry veteran turned income investing specialist so interested in AI…

And how does what I’ve done for the past three decades make me uniquely qualified to guide you through this opportunity?

I’m not going to beat around the bush here…

It’s just not my style.

I’m locked in on this situation right now because of the incredible income opportunities it has created.

I’m not talking about a little bit of cash here either…

In the next few minutes, I’m going to show you how to collect regular payouts of $650… $875… $1,100… $2,050… and even $3,500 thanks to the not-so-silent partner in the AI superboom.

And you’ll be able to do it without enduring the gut-wrenching ups and downs investing in overpriced chipmakers and tech stocks will put you through.

You see, the massive data centers that companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon use…


Are home to thousands of servers and their $30,000+ Nvidia chips which act as the “brains” of AI.

And they use a shocking amount of electricity.

That’s not just my opinion…

Scientific American says…


Business Insider agrees, saying that Amazon’s data centers in one state alone…


The Washington Post says…


And peer-reviewed analysis by a PhD candidate at the VU Amsterdam School of Business and Economics recently led to The New York Times saying that in the next few years alone…


I added the emphasis to the last line…

Because it’s critical.

As I showed you earlier…

Every day, AI usage expands and becomes more engrained into everything we do…

And as more and more people jump on the bandwagon…

AI’s Demand For Electricity Is Going Parabolic… And So Are the Profits




Naturally, most investors totally whiffed on this opportunity at the beginning of the AI boom…

It just wasn’t “sexy” enough for them.

Especially with chip stocks like Nvidia tacking on 590% since June of 2022.

But recently it seems they’ve finally put 2 and 2 together and concluded a chip stock’s share price can’t go up forever.

And that realization sent them scrambling to find the next big thing in AI…

Which incredibly enough, turns out to be…


Because they’ve finally started plowing tons of cash into the most logical stocks that will benefit from booming electricity demand…

“Boring” utility companies.

Here’s what The Wall Street Journal says…


That’s music to the ears of my Utility Forecaster advisory subscribers…

Because that type of attention from the mainstream financial press has sent the share price of some of the stocks I cover soaring.

AI electricity demand and the headlines it’s generating has been such a strong tailwind, in fact, I recently sent an update to my readers that included this…

“Over the past month, we recorded one of the best performances in Utility Forecaster history.”

And while I have the names of two utility stocks I’d like to share with you today….

One that’s been on a 31% tear (and rising) since the beginning of the year, while paying a rock-solid $2.08 annual dividend…

And another that’s tacked on over 12% in the last few months and doles out a stout $2.48…

The stocks I cover in my utility newsletter only scratch the surface of the ocean of opportunities the AI superboom is creating.

Because the fact of the matter is…

All the electricity AI devours to identify and analyze trends… predict outcomes… and answer questions…

Needs to come from somewhere.

Renewable sources like solar and wind account for about 23% of electric generation…

“…the emphasis on renewables as the only source of power is fatally flawed in terms of meeting the real demands of the market.”
–Richard Kinder, Executive Chairman, Kinder Morgan

And nuclear energy contributes another 18%…

But the vast majority of electricity generation comes from natural gas.

That’s right…

Despite the push for zero-emission sources…

Natural gas still accounts for 39% of our country’s electricity generation.

And according to Goldman Sachs, it’s not going to ease up anytime soon.

Because they’ve not only predicted that we’ll need an ADDITIONAL 47 GW of electric generation capacity to satisfy the AI boom…

Which is enough to power well over 35 million homes…

They’ve also calculated that nearly 60% of that demand will be satisfied via electricity produced by natural gas.

Figures like that are what lead the founder of Energy Capital Partners, Doug Kimmelman, to say…

“Gas is the only cost-efficient energy generation capable of providing the type of 24/7 reliable power required by the big technology companies to power the AI boom.”

Are there other options out there to help us tackle this problem?

Sure, but none that could start putting money in your pocket today.

Nuclear power, and the small modular reactors (SMRs) that many other analysts are gushing over right now…

Could eventually chip away at the amount of natural gas we use to generate electricity for AI…

But the reality is…

With full scale reactors taking up to 10 years to build…

And SMRs taking 2-3 years to build…

The opportunity to rake in recurring payouts from nuclear energy is quite a way down the road.



Which means…

Today, in the world of electricity generation…

Natural gas is king.


And if there’s one thing I’m sure of as someone who’s not only spent 30 years in the energy business…

But also makes a living helping regular Americans become better, more successful investors…

It’s that…

AI’s Voracious Energy Appetite Is Unquestionably The BEST Way To Generate Tons Of Income Right Now

And to show you how to squeeze every nickel out of this opportunity…

I want to send you a “special situation” report that includes a full write-up on 6 recommendations that tick all of the boxes from each of my three income-focused advisories…

Utility Forecaster… Income Forecaster… and Rapier’s Income Accelerator.

Using the three different – powerful – income strategies I’ve perfected in each over the years…

Gives you a full 360-degree blueprint for collecting reach as high as $960… $1,560… $1,860… $2,010… and even $2,650…

Some of which — amazingly enough — are paid out the minute you place the trade.

Before I show you how to claim a free copy of this valuable report…

Let me give you a better look at what you’ll find inside.

Income Forecaster Opportunity #1:

For a stock to make it into my Income Forecaster portfolio…

It needs to pass a set of 5 rigorous financial tests that ensure it’s safely primed to deliver payouts of 7.5%…

And possesses the potential to deliver share price growth of at least 30%.

I’ve found a company that easily clears all those hurdles…

And is perfectly positioned to ride the AI superboom to new heights.

It’s an energy company that provides a wide range of services related to the transportation, storage, and selling of natural gas…

Including using its extensive 20,000-plus mile network of pipelines to deliver natural gas to utility companies in data center hotbeds like Texas…

Where it is connected to 55-60% of the gas-fired power plants.

That’s a big deal…

Because developers require three critical resources to build data centers…

And meeting those requirements in Texas becomes even more critical when you know that the Dallas-Fort Worth area is the second largest data center market in the country.

I’m not the only energy expert who sees the opportunity here…

An analyst from TPH Energy recently said…

“We have even more conviction that [Opportunity #1] is in one of the best positions to capture the upcoming AI and natural gas demand ramp, especially in the Texas region.”
– Zack Van Everen

This stock currently pays out an 8.29% yield….

Which means you stand to collect $1,280 for every 1,000 shares you own.

And while it trades for around $16 right now…

As more and more people connect the dots and realize the profit potential AI could add to its bottom line…

It wouldn’t shock me to see it race as high as $34.

Which would let you turn every $5,000 invested into $11,240.

It also means you’re running out of time to lock in the opportunity for maximum gains.

All the profitable details are in my special situation report, The AI 360 Blueprint: Six Ways to Cash In On the AI Energy Boom.

I’ll show you how to claim a free copy in just a second…

Before I do, let me quickly tell you about…

Income Forecaster Opportunity #2:

Similar to the opportunity I just covered…

This company’s pipelines are located within 50 miles of 45% of all North American natural gas power generation.

And according to the CEO, that gives them a leg up on the competition when it comes to supplying data centers with the power they need.

“…the buildout of data centers and generative AI is forecasted to require a material increase in power generation. This new power generation will be fed by a combination of natural gas and renewables and supports our view that the world needs all forms of energy. As the sector evolves, [we are] well-positioned to serve this increased demand through the vast footprint of our assets connected to key supply basins… It’s a competitive advantage that we have to offer in jurisdictions throughout North America.”

My recommendation…

Pick up shares of this energy giant and enjoy the payouts of its stout 7.69% yield while you watch share prices soar as much as 34% — and even higher — on the back of the explosive energy demand from AI.

Before I move on to my utility income opportunities…

I want to put a point on something about the two companies I just showed you…

Unlike nuclear power, which may or may not factor into powering a handful of deep pocketed AI datacenters down the road…

Both of these companies are ALREADY feeding AI’s relentless demand for power.

Which means when you pick up shares today you’re not just setting yourself up for regular cash payouts…

You’ll also lock in the opportunity to capture any dividend and share price growth in the months and years to come.

Utility Forecaster Opportunity #1:

One of the most direct ways to profit from AI’s voracious appetite for energy…

Is to invest in utilities.

And while that may seem to run counter to the utility sector’s reputation as being boring…

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Especially if your idea of a good investment is one that doesn’t leave you feeling like you’re on an out-of-control roller coaster.

The challenge is…

With nearly 3,000 electric utilities in the United States…

Separating the winners from the contenders is a monumental task.

The good news is…

Utility Forecaster has been covering these businesses for 35 years.

So I don’t feel like I’m going out on a limb when I say we’ve been doing it longer — and better — than anyone else I know.

I mean think about it — no business lasts over three decades if it doesn’t deliver on its promises.

And one of the things I’m promising is the first utility I’ve pinpointed…

Is hands-down one of the best ways to set yourself up for AI energy profits.

Because this smart player is not only located in some of the biggest data center markets (including Texas)…

It already has a proven history of rewarding investors…

Juicing its dividend over 19% since 2020…

While at the same time boosting its share price 51.36%…

Which is good enough to multiply a $5,000 stake into $7,563.

That’s what I consider the ultimate win-win situation!

Now imagine what will happen as electricity demand continues to explode…

It wouldn’t shock me if it tacked on that much again. Only quicker this time.

I’m not the only one that feels that way either…

One company insider just boosted his holdings by 55% when he picked up $150,000 worth of shares.

That’s a big deal.

Because when you start seeing company insiders making major moves like this…

With their own money…

It means they see big things on the horizon.

And in this case, I can’t argue with that.

All the details about this smart outfit are in your copy of The AI 360 Blueprint.

You’ll also find:

Utility Forecaster Opportunity #2:

With its natural gas facilities generating over 1,600 megawatts of power…

And a robust combination of renewable energy that includes wind, solar, and battery power…

This utility is in line to capture more than its fair share of current demand.

It also stands to meet the sustainability goals of datacenters in the future.

Throw in a dividend that’s increased 48.6% in the last four years…

Which allows investors who hold 1,000 shares to collect $2,060 over and over again….

And a near identical 46.9% pop in share price…

You’ll definitely want to consider adding shares now to lock in the full profit potential.

I’ll also give you the instructions for a pair of simple trades you can make that will let you collect instant income from companies supplying power to the AI superboom.

Rapier’s Income Accelerator Opportunity #1:

The first instant income trade is on the largest electricity generator in Texas.

While many of its competitors are scrambling to ramp up their renewable or nuclear power supplies…

This smart operator is seizing the opportunity to satisfy TODAY’S demand by adding 2,000 MW of power generated with natural gas.

And it’s doing it with a combination of new plants, transforming a coal plant, and upgrading its existing plants.

The simple move I’ll show you how to make with this company could allow you to stuff as much as $2,650 of income into your pockets within seconds of hitting the submit button on your broker’s website.

Rapier’s Income Accelerator Opportunity #2:

I’ll also show you how to collect instant income from another Texas energy provider that’s in discussions with a number of data centers that could increase demand 3x over the next 36 months.

Best of all — making this move on either company allows you to collect cold hard cash whether their natural gas plans pan out or not…

And you’ll be able to do it over and over again.

I’ll walk you through exactly how it works in my special situation report, The AI 360 Blueprint: Six Ways to Cash In On the AI Energy Boom.

Ordinarily, I’d break the recommendations in this report into three pieces and share with each service’s subscribers…

But this situation is so rare and unique…

I’m only sharing the report with investors who are serious enough to claim a spot in my new exclusive membership level called Rapier’s Platinum Income Alliance.

When you join

I won’t just send The AI 360 Blueprint

I’ll also give you a legacy membership to ALL THREE of my income investing advisories…

Which put another way means…

I Want To Give You Access To Every Single Income Investing Recommendation I Ever Release… For the Rest of Your Life

I understand if that sounds hard to believe.

Especially when you know that if I asked you to pony up the full price for each of these three advisories… it would set you back $3,245. For just a single year.

And it probably sounds even more incredible when I multiply that $3,245 price tag by the 100 people I’ve carved a spot out for today…

Because the money I’m basically “walking away from” by giving these folks lifetime access to my income picks…

Costs us a whopping $324,500. Every year.

So why do it then?

Especially when it means Investing Daily makes less money in the long run?

Because it brings us the kind of stability that only comes with a group of investors who’ve made a serious, lasting commitment…

Not only to furthering their wealth-building efforts…

But to our business as well.

Best of all…

This commitment gives us the freedom to spend less time selling you subscriptions, and more time providing you with the best investment research available to individual investors today.

I’m so convinced joining my Platinum Income Alliance is the single most important thing you can do to secure your financial future during what promises to be a tumultuous year (and beyond)…

I’m not only going to let you join for literally pennies on the dollar…

I’m going to give you four gifts valued at $1,688.

Before I give you the full details…

I want to be clear about something…

We put the Platinum Income Alliance together for people who want the best of the best.

Investors whose goal is to significantly increase their income.

And most importantly…

Folks who are bold enough — and smart enough — to jump on an incredible opportunity when it’s put in front of them…

Like the opportunity to collect massive payouts from AI’s spiraling energy demand.

The challenge is…

With well over 15,000 investors following my work…

I can’t promise the 100 spots we’ve opened will last more than a few hours.

So whatever you do…

Don’t put off reading the rest of this invitation.

Because it’s first come — first served.

report coverAnd the folks who take quick action are the only ones guaranteed to get a FREE copy of The AI 360 Blueprint: Six Ways to Cash In On the AI Energy Boom.

Inside I’ll give you the details on:

But that’s not all. Because you’ll also lock in lifetime access to the full suite of benefits I’m going to cover for you now.

Rapier’s Platinum Income Alliance Benefit #1

My Top 5 Unlimited Income Picks

(Not Available Anywhere Else.
At Any Cost. Value: $497)

report coverAll investors are different.

And each has financial goals that are unique as their fingerprint.

Which is why my three existing research advisories evaluate the risk and return profiles of the 9,000+ stocks that trade around the globe…

In completely different ways.

And while — in my humble opinion — each does a fantastic job at hitting its intended mark…

It also means there always a few stocks I’d love to recommend…

But don’t because they don’t meet all the criteria of any single advisory.

Typically, the stocks that land on the “cutting room floor”…

Have a slightly higher risk profile than what any of my existing services allow for…

But that also means, they have what it takes to deliver…

OVERSIZED yields and OUTSIZED capital gains.

And because of their asymmetric potential…

They’re either stocks I would own — or in some cases — do own.

In fact, some of them are my personal favorites!

I’ll release the names of my top 5 unlimited income stocks…

Along with a short writeup on why each has made this very exclusive list…

To members of my Platinum Income Alliance

Each and every month.

Which means over the course of just one year…

You could see up to 60 new income investing ideas.

That’s over and above the recommendations I make in Utility Forecaster, Income Forecaster, and Rapier’s Income Accelerator…

You’ll also get…

Rapier’s Platinum Income Alliance Benefit #2

The Ultimate Guide To Unlimited Income

(Not Available Anywhere Else.
At Any Cost. Value: $297)

report coverIf you’ve been following my work already…

It comes as no surprise that I do a lot more than the average Wall Street analyst when I “look under the hood” of an income opportunity.

And it all starts with the gauntlet of proprietary criteria I put each stock through…

One that places a premium on what I call “longevity DNA.”

Or, put another way, the stock can’t just deliver positive earnings on occasion

It must have a consistent history of delivering exceptional earnings. Quarter after quarter.

It can’t just pay out ordinary-sized dividends either…

It must have a long history of growing its payouts to shareholders too.


It can’t just stand poised to hand out generous capital gains…

It must be able to do it with limited downside risk.

There are far more hurdles a stock needs to clear before it has a shot at making my monthly Top 5 list…

And while it’s not necessary to understand the details of the analysis my system performs to profit from stocks it singles out…

If you’re the kind of person who likes to “see how the sausage is made”…

This report will give you all the research I perform, laid out for you in plain, easy-to-understand English.

And as a Platinum Income Alliance member…

You won’t pay a penny extra to see how I do it.

I’ll even show you how I use this proprietary ranking tool to pinpoint the best profit opportunities inside the vaunted Dividend Aristocrats list…

Rapier’s Platinum Income Alliance Benefit #3

The Top 5 Dividend Aristocrats To Buy Now

(Not Available Anywhere Else.
At Any Cost. Value: $397)

report coverIf you’ve been an income investor for any length of time, I’m willing to bet you’re aware of the term “Dividend Aristocrats.”

These elite income stocks are some of the most stable dividend payers in the market. But did you know that to qualify as an “Aristocrat,” a stock must:

With criteria like that, it’s little wonder that only large, stable companies make the cut.

And it’s even less surprising how few of them there really are.

In fact, out of the thousands of stocks that trade hands each day…

Only 68 passed the test.

That’s an exclusive list to be sure.

But at the same time — it’s still a big enough group to prevent most investors from owning shares of every company.

So twice a year, I run the Dividend Aristocrats through my proprietary system and instead of evaluating them by the size of their yield…

Or their dividend growth rate…

I have it rank them by which ones are the best value.

Which means if you buy them…

You’re not only getting a good deal…

You’re also setting yourself up for a bigger gain when Wall Street figures out shares are worth more than they’re selling for and starts snapping them up at a breakneck pace.

I just finished ranking the entire 2024 list of “Aristocrats”…

And I’ve put all the details on the top 5 in a special report called The Top 5 Dividend Aristocrats To Buy Now.

I’ll share it with you free of charge the moment you join my Platinum Income Alliance.

I’ll also make sure you have lifetime access to…

Rapier’s Platinum Income Alliance Benefit #4


Trades With 3x to 20x MORE Income Than Dividends Alone

(One-Year Value: $2,000)

If you’re tired of settling for meager… even insulting dividends…

Then today could be the single greatest turning point in the history of your financial well-being.

Because you could secure access to my simple, reliable system for collecting extra cash…

One that could help you generate $650… $875… $1,100… and even $2,650 virtually every week.

And one that hasn’t posted a loss…


Which means it’s done its job flawlessly — for over 3 years.

The secret is in the 6 filters my proprietary system uses to identify…

Trades with 3x to 20x MORE income than the normal dividend.

After you make a few of these easy instant cash trades for yourself…

I wouldn’t be surprised if you NEVER go back to just collecting “normal” dividends… or using a strict buy-and-hold-only approach… ever again.

If that possibility excites you — you’re exactly the type of person I want inside Income Accelerator.

And the moment you get access…

You’ll be on the receiving end of a steady stream of opportunities for instant-cash payouts like $475 on AT&T… $1,350 on Delta Air Lines… $1,570 on Kilroy Realty… and $2,400 on NetApp…

Within seconds of hitting “trade,” cash payments could start piling up in your account…

Every. Single. Time.

Just take a look at some of the closed trades inside our portfolio:


With payouts like these, it’s no mystery why our publisher didn’t think twice about valuing a year’s worth of my income trades at $2,000…

And that each time we open new spots — people flood in as fast as we can process the memberships.

Good folks like Randall T. who let me know he made over $17,000 in the first year he followed my work.


Richard J. had a similar experience…


And Margaret C. had even better results, saying…


If I just delivered winning trades, that would be one thing…

But I also pride myself on giving my readers the tools, knowledge, and skills to successfully navigate (and profit) from the market… no matter how crazy it gets.

Like Richard J. who wrote in to say…


And Anna K. made my day with this note…


Your results may be different of course.

But the point I’m trying to drive home with you is that joining this elite investing group will radically alter your financial future for the better.

I also hope it’s clear how the value of everything you’ll get is growing by leaps and bounds.

In fact, if you paid the regular price for everything I’ve shown you so far, it would cost you $3,688.

But you’ll get it all free for life when you take one of the slots I’m opening in my Platinum Income Alliance.

You’ll also get…

Rapier’s Platinum Income Alliance Benefit #5


The Perfect Safe-Harbor Income Stocks — For ANY Market

(One-Year Value: $149)

At 35 years old, Utility Forecaster is one of the longest running newsletters around.

And there’s one simple reason it has survived so long…

My subscribers demand we keep it around.

It’s not hard to understand why when you see the track record.

If you had invested a mere $5,000 into each of the picks you see below (I’ve censored their names to be fair to our paying subscribers)…


You’d be sitting on a staggering $551,600 profit.

I want to be upfront with you — when you see the portfolio for the first time, you’ll definitely notice these gains didn’t come overnight.

And to that, I say, “Who cares!”

Safely turning $5,000 in each of these positions into a $551,600 profit — no matter how long it takes — is an impossible feat for most investors.

But utilities make it happen for one key reason: there’s no substitute for them.

Or for Utility Forecaster. Because it’s the only newsletter I know of that can say it’s covered them for over three-and-a-half decades.

Subscribers agree. Over the years, they’ve stuffed our mailbox with letters like these:





As a new Platinum Income Alliance member you’ll get access to everything I do inside Utility Forecaster

Free… for life.

Here’s something else I’m sure you’ll enjoy…

Rapier’s Platinum Income Alliance Benefit #6


Payouts Of 7.5%… 9.3%… 11.1%…
And Even A Wallet-Stuffing 19.4%…
Are Just A Few Clicks Away

(One-Year Value: $1,096)

I’ve developed a way to pinpoint stocks that not only pay out extraordinary dividends…

But also have what it takes to grow share price substantially too.

And when I say my Income Forecaster system pinpoints stocks that safely pay out big dividends…

I’m not talking about companies that might hand out double the paltry 1.69% average stocks pay now…

Or even triple…

Not even close.

To pass the tests I demand a stock meets before I’ll recommend it to my Income Forecaster readers…

It needs to pay out nearly 4.5x better than that.

Which means it must not only sport the potential to shoot up 30%…

It must also dole out a 7.5% dividend…

Bare minimum!

That cuts out 97.5% of the stocks I start with…

All the way from 9,788…

To just 244.

So while on the surface my first hurdle looks somewhat elementary…

It sets the bar so high…

Only 2.5% of companies ever get out of the gate.

It also means that I need to look at stocks that don’t fit the mold of what makes my Utility Forecaster advisory one of Investing Daily’s top-ranked newsletters.

But that doesn’t bother me one bit.

Because the truth is…

Some folks need — or want — juicier returns than what utility stocks can offer.

I mean…

Imagine how much faster you could multiply your wealth when the payouts are up to 10x larger…

AND the capital gains start piling up too.

We’ve asked new subscribers to pay over $1,000 a year to get access to my Income Forecaster recommendations.

But you’ll get access to them free for life when you accept my invitation to upgrade to the Platinum Income Alliance today.

Fair warning though…

My next round of recommendations is due out in a matter of days…

So you have another — more time-sensitive — decision to make right here, right now…

Are you going to seize the opportunity to secure a seat in my Platinum Income Alliance?

Or are you going to let it slip through your fingers?

Before you choose the path that’s right for you…

I’d like to take a second to point out exactly what you’ll get as a member of this elite group.

The regular price for the recurring benefits you’ll get today adds up to $4,139.


And that’s just for a single year.

But it’s all automatically included as part of your Platinum Income Alliance membership. For Life.

Think about that for a moment…

When you sign up today, the value of what you’ll get in the coming year from me is over $4,100…

The five-year value of my current line-up adds up to $20,695…

In ten years it will be worth $41,390…

And that in order to maintain access to everything the Platinum Income Alliance has to offer, you’ll only have to pay a small annual fee to cover administrative costs.

When you take all that into account…

And include the fact that you can pass your membership on to your heirs the same as gold coins, stocks, or a plot of land…

I don’t think it’s hard to understand why my publisher felt a $2,495 price tag was, in his words, “Disastrously low!”

Because at that price — the cost to join us is just a drop in the bucket compared to the multiple lifetimes of income opportunities you’ll unlock.

But if you’re still not sure, here’s one more thing for you to consider.

I’m so committed to filling all 100 slots…

I’m Slashing $1,500 Off The Price

Which means when you join now…

Your membership in my Platinum Income Alliance — one which lasts a lifetime — is only $995.

I can’t emphasize how INVALUABLE this much income-producing research will be to your future.

It could quite literally shift your retirement account into overdrive… and put more money in your pocket than you ever thought possible…

Month after month…

For the rest of your life.

And with the massive $1,500 discount thrown in…

It’s as close to a no-brainer as I’ve ever seen…

Especially when you consider taking advantage of even a small fraction of the income recommendations I send out could more than pay back your membership fee.

If you want to secure a spot at the table… I strongly suggest you do it by clicking the “I’m In” button below.

Because as I mentioned before…

We are only letting 100 people secure lifetime access to my Platinum Income Alliance.

So I wouldn’t step away for any longer than it takes you to find your credit card.

Because if you do, you may find that you’ve missed your chance.

Yes, Robert, I'm In!

And if you're still not convinced that a membership this powerful — and this profitable — is right for you...

That's perfectly fine too.

Our annual subscribers play a large part in our success. And maybe you'll be ready to join if we ever open new slots again.

I emphasized "if" for a reason.

Because of the exclusive nature of this membership…

And the substantial discount I’m letting people join under….

I can’t guarantee we’ll open the doors again after we fill the open slots today.

At this point, you have two options…

And if you’re still not sure, I understand…

While the membership fee isn’t going to put you in the poor house…

It’s not free either.

Which is why I’m going out of my way to put your mind at ease. When you take me up on this incredible offer today, you’re not jumping in without a parachute…

I’ll make sure you’re covered with my one-of-a-kind Double-Barrel Satisfaction Guarantee too.

guarantee box

I want you to be 100% sure that a Platinum Income Alliance membership is right for you.

So I’m giving you 30 full days to try it out at my expense.

That’s plenty of time to read the four bonus reports…

burst reports

Check out all the websites for each of my services…

And take part in the income opportunities you’ll find inside them.

If at any time during those 30 days you’re not completely happy with what you’re getting from your Platinum Income Alliance membership — or the income you’re seeing — just let our Customer Care team know…

And we’ll issue you a prompt, no-questions-asked refund for every penny of your membership.

I have no interest in keeping your money unless you’re 100% satisfied.

Your protection doesn’t end when the 30 days are over either.

I’m so committed to helping you increase your income and wealth — I’m making you a second outrageous guarantee, too...

guarantee box

Here’s how it works…

If, in the course of the next twelve months, I don’t give you the opportunity to triple the S&P 500’s average dividend yield AT LEAST two dozen times — simply call my customer care team and they will refund every penny you’ve paid today.

Let me be clear about that.

If you “only” see 23 recommendations from me that deliver 3x the S&Ps average yield….

No matter how much cash they put in your pocket…

That’s still not good enough for me. Because 23 is one less than 24.

And a promise is a promise.

So just give us a call to let us know, and I’ll cover whatever you paid to upgrade to the Platinum Income Alliance.

Let’s face it, if I wasn’t 100% positive I could deliver on my promise…

I would never shout it from the rooftops.

I couldn’t afford to!

Because 100 open slots at $995 would cost me a staggering $99,500…

To sum it up — when you join me in the Platinum Income Alliance now, you’ll get $4,139 worth of income-producing research for free…

Not just for one year.

But every year.

For the rest of your life.

And you’ll only pay a ONE-TIME membership fee (plus a small annual maintenance fee starting on your one-year anniversary).

We can only accept 100 people today.

It won’t take long to fill those slots.

So time is of the essence.

Yes, Robert, I'm In!

You could literally be on the road to experiencing a lifetime of unlimited income opportunities as early as tomorrow morning.

Don't miss out.

Click the big blue button to review all the benefits you’ll receive as a member of Rapier’s Platinum Income Alliance.

Thanks for your time and attention.

This is Robert Rapier signing off.

To a lifetime of unlimited income,

Robert Rapier
Rapier’s Platinum Income Alliance

Yes, Robert, I'm In!

P.S. Remember, when you join you’re covered by two iron-clad guarantees.

Guarantee #1 gives you 30 full days to try out everything the Platinum Income Alliance has to offer. If at any time during this 30-day window you don’t believe this membership level is right for you, simply let our customer care team know, and they will promptly refund every dollar you paid.

Guarantee #2 puts me on the hook for your entire membership fee.

If I don’t show you AT LEAST 24 income opportunities that triple the S&P 500’s average yield in the next year — just say the word and I’ll return your entire membership fee.

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