A “Perversion” of Money – CIA Whistle-blower

Global Finance’s Most Lucrative and Deadly Game Has Begun at Last…


Will You Risk Losing It All… Or Secure Your Shot at an Extraordinary Return Before the Final Bell Sounds on American Liberty?

DATE: October 22, 2024

LOCATION: Lower Manhattan, New York.

AUTHOR: Dr. Stephen Leeb, Ph.D., Economist, NY Times Best Selling Author, and former Federal Reserve Chair nominee

Fellow American,

Take a look around and tell me what you see…

Do you see a rising tide of prices threatening to drown the middle class?

Do you see the growing horde of homeless people occupying the streets of our once “brightest” cities?

Can you feel the vicious political division between the right and left that threatens to tear our country in half?

Or the aggressive push towards greater government control by world leaders?

Dialogue about “new world governments” and “great resets”?


And do you see a breathless rush of technology?

An influx of cunning artificial intelligence programs like the much-hyped “ChatGPT”…

Or new, strange digital “metaverses” of reality?




I do.

In fact, I see these three dangerous threads…

  1. Social Chaos…
  2. Political Control…
  3. Runaway Technology…

Tangling together like a nest of rattlesnakes.

Scarier still in all this chaos, this uncertainty, and momentum, I also see an agenda…

One that is drawing us towards a tipping point of burning financial destruction

The End Game…

We’re entering the final chapter of a diabolical technological scheme.

And all sorts of credible publications, groups, and enlightened individuals across the globe are waking up to this frightening new reality…

According to the Wall Street Journal, the final conclusion of what I call the “End Game” could…


The World Bank claims it’s an extraordinary risk to global…


Senator Ted Cruz has cautioned in a press release it could…


And one CIA whistle-blower has gone a step further, calling it a…


These are strong words…

But not undeserved.

Because the End Game has one clear and diabolical goal…

The destruction of your money.

If the powers-that-be have their way, they will successfully use every technological tool, political trick, and economic tactic at their disposal to make the U.S. dollar obsolete.

And when they finally achieve this incredible re-ordering, a new kind of currency will rise to power in America…

Some call it programmable government “tokens”…

Some call it “virtual money”…

And some call it a “Central Bank Digital Cryptocurrency” (CBDC).

But we should call them what they really are… a razor-sharp knife at the throat of Lady Liberty.

The New Emperor of This World…

As Henry Kissinger once said…


And when they replace U.S. dollars with a digital currency, it will change the reality of money itself.

Whoever controls it will rule as the de-facto king of the world…

And this new “emperor” will have unlimited power to…

If you don’t toe the line politically and be a “good little robot,” you could find yourself a financial outcast in this new digital world.

Unable to shop, travel, or pay your electricity bill.

Already, the promise of this kind of boundless power is seducing political leaders worldwide…

And right now it’s a white-knuckled race to see who emerges as the new king of currency.

110+ Countries Are Vying To Develop Their Own "CBDC"…

To replace all money as we currently know it.

In a scheme currency expert Rich Checkan has claimed is…


And after years of research, I’ve identified the major players in this sinister game…

I’m going to let you in on just who to watch in the next few minutes.

As well as the simple yet powerful steps you can take right now to survive, thrive, and even profit when the real financial fallout of the End Game hits in full force.

I’m going to show you how you can protect yourself from a future where cash is outlawed…

Currency is digital, programmable, and could be wielded as a devastating financial weapon by a rival government…

Or perhaps an even more dangerous reality… where our own government turns against us.

And then I’m going to show how you can begin to build wealth now (and rapidly)…

Despite their plans…

Through a tiny, real-world investment that trades for just $5 as I write this…

One that is primed to enter a profit trajectory that could potentially mint thousands of new millionaires.

The Last Time This Tiny $5 Investment Was “Primed”… Life-Changing Gains of 2,313% Were Up for Grabs…

Because in the End Game, I’m convinced it won’t be tech stocks, “balanced funds,” cash, or any other typical investment that makes a few individuals wildly rich.

All my research indicates it will be the tiny and obscure $5 real-world investment I’m going to share with you now…

Give me the next few minutes of your undivided attention and I’ll show you everything I’ve uncovered about the End Game…

But more importantly, how the path to potentially life-changing returns could start today, with little more than the change in your pocket.

Of course, exactly how much money that’s up for grabs will depend on market conditions as well as how much you’re willing to put into this.

Stake $1,250… and you could be looking at a payday of as much as $27,500…

Start with $6,200 and you could walk away with up to $136,400…

And if you have the means and courage to put down $50,000, you could claim your shot at a windfall that will have the bank teller treating you a little differently from now on…

I’m talking about the potential for an extraordinary $1.1 million End Game bounty added to your retirement savings…

I’ll explain exactly how that’s possible in just a moment.

But first, understand this — you must move swiftly and decisively…

Now is the time to rapidly build wealth… during the lead-up to the End Game… when you can still take steps to secure new profits…

Not after the dust has settled and the shape of money itself has changed.

And if you’re worried about whether it’s right to profit while millions have their freedoms snatched from their hands…

Don’t be — if what I’m predicting holds true, the money will be made either way…

And if you don’t claim your share, someone else will.

Things are not looking good… and likely won’t get better anytime soon.

The "normal" we grew up with no longer exists… and every penny you’ve ever made is at risk.

So, please pay close attention…

As I reveal the shocking reason every man, woman, and child — everyone you love, anyone you’ve EVER known — could face a historic reckoning in the coming months.

So just who exactly is giving you this urgent warning?

PhD. Speaks: “Why I’m Compelled To Share This Disturbing Vision”

My name is Dr. Stephen Leeb.

I’m an economist with a B.S. in Economics from Wharton School of Business...

The same school attended by Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, and Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, amongst others.

I also hold a master’s degree in Mathematics and PhD. in Psychology...

Which I completed simultaneously, and in just three years — an academic record that has (to my knowledge) yet to be surpassed in four decades.

I’ve advised Congress on energy matters and the direction of the economy.

And in 2016, I was even recommended as the next Federal Reserve Chairman.

I’ve appeared on Fox News, CNN, NPR, and Bloomberg TV...

Been featured in the LA Times, Wall Street Journal and Forbes Magazine…

And have published a number of chillingly accurate predictions in my writings and across my NY Times best-selling catalog of books…

In my 1986 book Getting in on the Ground Floor, I accurately predicted the Dow’s rise above 4,000, nine years before it reached that momentous milestone

In my bestseller Defying the Market, I accurately predicted the collapse of the Dot-Com bubble a full 12 months before the NASDAQ peaked

In my 2004 book The Oil Factor: Protect Yourself and Profit from the Coming Energy Crisis, I accurately predicted $100-a-barrel oil a YEAR before prices skyrocketed...

In my 2006 book The Coming Economic Collapse, I predicted the 2008 housing crash…

And in my 2011 book Red Alert, I warned Americans of the coming rare material shortage the Biden Administration is only seeming to catch on to now

And while it’s not a moniker I’m completely fond of, I’ve also been called an “Oracle” of macroeconomic trends…

I’ve always said what I meant and meant what I said… even when it rubbed people the wrong way.

And when I’ve put my reputation behind a macroeconomic prediction, I’ve been proven right and vindicated, time and time again.

Which is perhaps why American businessman and billionaire Thomas Kaplan considers me…


But I’m not here to brag about my credentials.

I only share them with you now so you understand I’m no fresh-out-of-school rookie who’s yet to cut their teeth in the real world...

And in hope that you take the message I’m sharing with you today very seriously…

Because I’m about to sketch out a terrifying vision of America’s future.

Your financial future

As Ronald Regan once said — “If not us, who? If not now, when?”

The World Spins Towards Digital Destruction…

To understand what’s happening in America today...

To understand the dangers ahead…

And to understand your role in this wealth building opportunity…

We must first understand what the three threads of social, political, and technological change are pulling towards.

Follow these forces like a gingerbread trail of rat poison and you’ll discover they lead in a very surprising direction.

First stop — one of the greatest rivals the United States has ever faced…

The 1.4-billion-people strong nation of China...

With their totalitarian leader Xi Jinping...

And one of the most oppressive regimes on earth — the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

I know what happens 10,000 miles away seems irrelevant here at home…

And it’s hard to believe anything Jinping does could affect us here on American soil.

But this is a very dangerous way of thinking…

Our world is now more connected than ever before, with over 16,000 miles of fiber optic cable stretching out to connect the world wide web.

China Is Much Closer Than You’d Think…

And thinking about the world in purely physical terms, rather than digital ones, could cause you to miss out an extraordinary opportunity… the likes and impact of which we may never see again.

Worse yet, it could sentence you to a financial future that has more in common with a prison than a comfortable retirement enclave in Florida.

You see, for years the United States has been ensnared in a desperate power-struggle with the Chinese Communist Party…

We’ve traded economic sanctions instead of missile strikes...




Computer espionage… bits and bytes in lieu of bullets…

And political posturing and saber-rattling instead of all-out war.

But today, things seem to be accelerating towards a crushing conclusion…

China is going for our throat.

China’s Attempt on The Throne…

For decades, the United States has reigned as the world’s dominant economic and military power…

And the U.S. dollar enjoyed reserve currency status — the primary currency international trade is carried out in — as a result.

Trading partners in the Middle East, Brazil, and China had to deal — to their dismay — with the almighty U.S. dollar...

Often at an economic disadvantage.

And it planted a seething resentment in our greatest rival — the Chinese Communist Party.

In an attempt to upend our military dominance, they’ve built up their Navy into the largest sea force in the world…

Now, they’re coming for our economic “crown” by attacking the USD’s reserve currency status...

A deathblow that could turn millions of Americans’ dreams of a comfortable retirement into a financial nightmare.

But that nightmare doesn’t have to become YOUR reality.

In fact, I believe it’s possible for investors to use this “all-out assault” on America — and the U.S. dollar — to actually grow their account by much as 24x …

Even though it’s no minor conflict…

The World’s Never Seen An Attack Quite Like This…

Because in April 2020, China became the first major economy in history to launch its own central bank digital cryptocurrency (CBDC)…

It’s called the Digital Yuan (e-yuan).

And what was once a tiny and obscure curiosity on the world stage is now a powerful force to be reckoned with…

It’s given the Chinese Communist Party the ability to track the transactions of as many as 1.4 billion people in REAL TIME.

A population larger than the U.S., Mexico, United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, France, Germany, Brazil, Italy, South Korea, Ukraine, and Saudi Arabia COMBINED…

All of whom can now be watched and monitored by a deeply dangerous political party…

One that is famous for making billionaires like Alibaba’s Jack Ma simply “disappear”…


And one that is reported to hold over 1 million of its citizens in “re-education” camps, where they are tortured for holding the “wrong” beliefs.

But this master play by the Chinese Communist Party has done much more than give them total financial control over their citizens…

It’s put the retirement plans of millions of Americans in its crosshairs.

As The Wall Street Journal reports…


But ironically, it’s also laid the ground for a rare profit opportunity with true seven-figure potential

If you understand what Xi Jinping really wants, that is, and what it’s leading to…

Welcome to Xi Jinping’s World …

To put it simply — China doesn’t want to just rule China.

Their “eternal leader” Xi Jinping wants to re-shape the world into his own maniacal vision.

He believes time and momentum are on his side…


And he knows the greatest weapon he has in his arsenal isn’t a tank, ship, or airplane…

Instead, it's an economic time bomb that’s already approaching detonation.

He’s working feverishly to replace U.S. dollars with the Digital Yuan as the world’s reserve currency.

Seeking to hit us where it hurts most — our wallets.

And this is a very personal war.

If Xi has his way, when you shop online, you’ll have to convert your USD into Chinese e-yuan — at a rate that heavily favors China.

When you fill your tank with gas, you might have to ask for permission from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), to make sure you haven’t gone over your “quota”…

And when your grandchildren hang their college diploma on the wall… it’ll represent an education they had to pay for with the e-yuan.

This may seem far-fetched, but the truth is Xi has been tirelessly working towards a version of this vision for decades…

(He once tried to alter the United Nation’s Declaration of Human Rights to China’s benefit.)

And it seems as if his dream of a China-lead world — with the digital yuan as the lynchpin — is dangerously close.

In October of 2022, the Central Banks of China, Hong Kong, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates announced a first in history…

The completion of the “mBridge” – the multiple central bank digital currency bridge.

The mBridge: A Bold Threat to U.S. Financial Dominance…

Which allows cross country trading in digital currencies without U.S. Dollar participation via cutting-edge blockchain technology.

Let me repeat, the United States dollar — the world’s “reserve currency” for eight decades — was excluded from this historic first.

Instead, the CCP’s digital yuan was the primary currency traded…

Meanwhile, Russian use of the Chinese yuan in global payments has skyrocketed since the U.S. kicked Putin out of the dollar system…

They’re now trading as much as ¥1.25 billion yuan a DAY… up from a previous ¥1 billion a week.

But again, it’s not just Russia, Hong Kong, the Middle East, or Thailand turning to China and their “e-yuan.”

Financial powerhouse Singapore, the world’s third largest financial center, is being seduced by the CCP as we speak…

It’s estimated that trading in digital yuan could offer them savings of as much as $16.72 billion.

Of course, such power financial temptations are hard to resist…

Especially when our leaders continue to be heavy-handed with China’s strategic partners, like Russia.

As Shuan Ding, a Chinese Chief Economist stated…


And at the end of the day, perception truly matters…

Our leaders now understand that if they slip up, for even a moment, allies and rival states alike could be won over to China’s new digital monetary system…

Or even forced to the table by harsh economic realities like loss of trading opportunities, tariffs, and so on…

This is putting our back against the wall.

Just think about what the world looks like without U.S. dollars at the center of it.

What your plans for retirement look like with a weakened currency that toppled from world powerhouse to minor player…

In this nightmare scenario everything turns upside down.

Our quality of life will rapidly slip… while our rivals get richer and richer…

Countless Americans could die as technology that saves lives is auctioned off to foreign states with stronger currencies…

And the lights across our nation could literally begin turning off as cities that rely on imports struggle to cover an ever-rising energy bill.

Again, this may seem far-fetched, like it couldn’t possibly happen in America.

But the risk of losing our reserve currency status to a foreign Central Bank Digital Cryptocurrency seems real enough that President Biden recently took urgent action…

And it was this Presidential act that partially paved the way for the potential $1.1 million End Game bounty sitting on the table for you today…

“Executive Order 14607” Changed The Course Of American History (And Your Retirement Plans) …

On March 9, 2022, he ordered an investigation into the development of a central bank digital currency in historic and wide-sweeping executive order: 14607...


And since then, his party members have advanced this agenda at every possible opportunity…

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has spearheaded a hearing on Central Bank Digital Currency…


Democrat Congressman Jim Himes released a white paper called Winning the Future of Money: A Proposal for a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency.”


And Sen. Elizabeth Warren used her platform to call for the creation of a U.S. CBDC…


They’ve made it exceedingly clear they are dead set on the creation of a U.S. Central Bank Digital Cryptocurrency.

After all, what other choice is there?

They cannot allow the Chinese Communist Party to topple the U.S. dollar with a digital yuan.

The geopolitical consequences would be… frightening, to say the least.

And besides, our politicians are as drunk on power as any other world leader.

I believe they will stop at nothing to hold onto their positions.

But while their motivation to develop a CBDC may be self-centered and intended to keep themselves in power…

Their success may — inadvertently — pave the way for some American investors to grow wildly rich…

Remember, if all goes to plan, investors could pocket gains reaching as high as 2,313%.

Which would return $11,565 in pure profits from a single $500 starting stake.

Every $1,000 put into this play would hand back over $23,000…

And investors bold enough to go “all in” with a $50,000, starting stake could be just a few clicks away from locking in a $1.1 million End Game bounty…

Here’s why…

A Checkmate Move? Phase II of “Project Cedar” Has Begun…

The New York Federal Reserve just launched the second phase of a project exploring “theoretical wholesale central bank digital currency.”

In other words, the back-end structure for a Central Bank Digital Cryptocurrency (CBDC) to rival the digital yuan — on home soil.

Its codename is “Project Cedar.”


And as part of this secretive exploration, they’ve initiated a 12-week pilot program with a “who’s-who” of banking giants.

They’ve enlisted Citibank with its 200 million customer accounts…

The $3 trillion bank HSBC…

TD Bank, Wells Fargo, BNY Mellon, U.S. Bank, PNC Bank…

And even Mastercard — with their 74 billion transactions a year — has jumped in headfirst.

All to test the large-scale feasibility of a “programmable digital money design.”

You don’t need to be a fortune teller to see where this is heading.

Our financial institutions, under the direction of the government, are pursuing the development of our own CBDC at a feverish pace…

Attempting to catch up to China’s e-yuan before it’s too late.

All while simultaneously unleashing an extraordinary wealth-building opportunity.

But even if the U.S. defeats our bitter rival in the race to secure the world’s first reserve digital currency, there are some deeply disturbing consequences to the launch of a CBDC.

I’ve already touched on some of the privacy concerns…

But it could go well beyond your transactions being tracked or where you’ve been getting leaked…

They could force you to spend your money, even when you don’t want to.

Your Money Is Now Their Money…

Imagine a scenario where the government wants to get the economy moving…

For whatever reason, people are scared and are saving rather than spending.

But here’s the thing — in a future without cash, you can only save in CBDC.

There’s no money tucked under the mattress…

No roll of $20 bills in the freezer…

There’s just pixels on a glowing screen.

And this is deeply frightening.

As The Wall Street Journal reports…


Negative interest rates could act like a gun to your head.

In this scenario you have two choices…

Pay the government whatever interest rate they set just to be able to save money (what if it goes to -10%?)...

Or spend now so you get the most out of your dollars.

Rush the car purchase you were putting off for 5 years…

Buy some riskier asset, like a stock …

And in some cases, spend your retirement savings NOW, because it will be worth less tomorrow!

And what about spending on what you want to buy?

Well, that could be off the table too.

Just look at what founding chairman of the think tank Quilliam, Maajid Nawaz, has said about the potential impact of CBDC’s on your freedom to spend…


Burger quotas?

Force fed veganism?

As insane as this sounds, it’s not something that’s been dreamt up by conspiracy theorists.

Tom Mutton, a director of the Bank of England has agreed in principle, revealing…


I don’t know about you, but I don’t need some politician in an ivory tower telling me how to live my life.

And if they ban meat sales, just imagine what they’ll do when you try to buy a gun… or ammunition…

They could even ban travel…

Enforce a new vaccine…

Or prohibit spending on “dangerous” hobbies like hunting or target shooting.

This doesn’t sound like the kind of fun and free America I love…

Which is why it’s so important to take steps to build new and life-changing wealth now… and move it off grid before it becomes controlled.

I’ll show you exactly how I intend to do that in just a moment…

But first, you should know, the threat of having your freedom to spend “shut off” with the click of a button is just one small part of a much more sinister future.

Because CBDCs represent a frightening threat to the foundation of democracy itself…

Democracy’s Neck on the Bloody CHOPPING Block…

The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution reads…

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech…”

We protect free speech because without the ability t0 speak freely, it’s impossible to think freely…

And without the ability to think, innovation grinds to a halt.

But free speech is already on the chopping block in our nation in many absurd and disturbing ways.

School board officials in Virginia have suggested burning banned books they disagree with…

Chemistry Professor Nicholas Drapela was fired from Oregon State University after challenging climate change science — even though he holds a PhD…

And Kyle Kashuv, a survivor of the Parkland school shooting, had his admission to Harvard University revoked due to offensive comments he made in a private Google document when he was 16 years old.

If we were all held responsible for the terrible ideas we had as a teenager, we’d be in real trouble…

But this slaughter of free speech is now commonplace — debated by some, celebrated by many…

And a CBDC could accelerate this distortion of reality in terrible ways…

Because if you say the “wrong” words…

Hold an unpopular belief…

Or refuse to “lockdown”…

You could simply have your money confiscated.

Just imagine… you get a little heated one Friday night, post a comment to Facebook, and the next thing you know… your bank account access is…


Something like this — worse actually — happened in Canada recently…

Millions of dollars in Bitcoin were raised in support of the “Freedom Convoy,” a group of truckers protesting harsh Covid-19 measures.

In response, the government unleashed the “Emergencies Act”…

Cutting off the protesters from the financial system and seizing their cryptocurrency.


With the push of a button, millions of dollars were stripped away… and a protest was crushed in mere seconds, all while the person behind the scenes likely sat sipping on a cup of coffee.

No raids, no multi-force task units — just an empty account at the push of a button.

And terrifyingly, a Central Bank Digital Cryptocurrency could make this kind of seizure even easier.

As well as more common.

The very thought of something like this taking place on American soil is enough to make my blood boil.

But at the same time, I wouldn’t put it past our politicians if given the chance…

Our current leadership isn’t exactly what I’d call the “A-Team”…

And as the saying goes…

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely”…

Plus, we’ve never seen financial power like this before…

Which means this technology could literally trigger one of the most corrupt eras in human history.

When will Americans wake up and face facts?

China has launched a central bank digital currency — the digital yuan — that is rolling out to its 1.4 billion citizens as we speak.

America is racing to play catch up with a version of our own, led by Biden and his pack of supporters…

And virtually every developed nation on earth is moving in the same direction.

It’s a mad race for power, a pursuit of the sort of financial control that can corrupt even a “good” government.

Add this all together, and there is only one frightening conclusion I can logically come to…

The world is rapidly moving towards the replacement of ALL physical cash with digital money.

It’s the culmination of the three powerful threads of social, political and technological change that have already been playing havoc with our society at virtually every level.

And while there are arguably some benefits to CBDCs…

The potential downside is profound and deeply troubling.

If you care about your financial privacy…


And self-sovereignty…

I believe you must prepare now for this digital checkmate or risk getting sideswiped by a more powerful player.

And while it can all seem very confusing and overwhelming, the first step you should take is rather simple.

And could be extremely lucrative ($5 to start with is all it takes for a shot at gains up to 2,313%)…

Step 1: Take Your Wealth “Off Grid” And Out of The System…

Bear in mind, you do not have to believe exactly as I do…

At heart, I’m a patriot.

For decades, I stood in awe of our brilliant innovators — like the remarkable Bell Labs team…

Inventors who are credited with the creation of radio astronomy, the transistor, the laser, and countless other ground-breaking works that earned them a total of NINE Nobel Prizes…

I marveled at our powerful economy that gave us a standard of living that most countries could only dream of…

And our fair, heroic leaders who pulled the world out of the horror of World War II.

And while I deeply hope for a return to these values…

For a productive America to emerge, led by an honorable leader who preserves our values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...

Unfortunately, I have little faith that scenario will play out (at least not any time in the near future).

So, if you can see the writing on the wall, and are not willing to lay down and accept whatever suffocating level of control that could come alongside CBDCs…

It would be extremely wise to consider taking some of your wealth “off grid”…

By moving your cash out of the system and into a free and growing asset — what I call a “Liberated Asset Class”…

You can ensure you will remain freer and more protected than if you were to sit idly by and let the End Game play out in front of you.

The choice you make today could mean the difference between suffering as a pawn in the End Game… or walking away, head held high, like a king.

And to help you take this first step towards ensuring your financial liberty, I’ve put together a brand-new report I want to send to you today for free. It’s called…

Liberated Assets: A Sovereign Guide to Wealth & Freedom ($199 Value, YOURS FREE)

Inside you’ll discover two powerful “liberated assets” — that aren’t Bitcoin — and that can secure your wealth and personal liberty as we enter a new age of Central Bank Digital control…

I’m going to show you how to claim a copy of this extraordinary guide for FREE in just a moment…

But first, I mentioned a rare and extraordinary opportunity earlier…

An obscure $5 investment that is primed for life-changing gains...

One that, for bold investors, holds the potential to yield an astounding $1.1 million windfall… more than enough to not only insulate yourself and family’s future against the chaos to come, but also allow you to profit THROUGH it… no matter where the world goes next.

It’s time you heard a bit more about…

Step 2: The Trade for a New Age: Turning Chaos into Cash ($199 Value, YOURS FREE)

Nathan Rothschild, a member of the Rothschild banking family once said…

“The time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.”

Brutal imagery aside, this quote has endured since the 19th century as it hints at a deep financial truth

During times of unrest, extraordinary opportunities emerge.

Today, CBDCs are putting privacy on the chopping block…

And as millions, perhaps BILLIONS, of people wake up to this terrifying financial reality…

A new and truly once-in-a-generation 2,313% wealth-building opportunity is presenting itself.

I believe once people begin to awaken to the dangers of what we’re facing, they will stampede into the one asset that guarantees absolute anonymity…

Absolute security…

And that has served as an incomparable store of value for well over 5,000 years.

What esteemed financial writer Richard Lion Russell once called “indestructible wealth”…

The “king” of precious metals…


Now it may not surprise you to learn that global demand for gold is at record highs…

It’s up 28% last year, reaching 1,181 tons…

And in the last quarter of 2022 alone, central banks bought 400 metric tons of gold.

Bloomberg reports it’s…


And who’s buying up all this gold is also telling

With Russia and China among the top buyers.

It’s also the fastest buying pace we’ve seen in 55 years.

There are all sorts of reasons why this could be happening…

For one, gold has done remarkably well recently, holding up better than virtually all other assets during 2022 — the worst year for stocks in at least 50 years.

And CNBC reports prices have hit 6-month highs after climbing nearly $200/oz since November.


But it suggests these world leaders, and the financial elites calling the shots, understand something many Americans simply do not.

Do they see gold as essential to their plans for establishing CBDCs?

One plausible theory is they intend to back the world’s first reserve CBDC with gold...

An objective store of value underpinning a new currency is the one sure way they can get allies and enemies alike to agree on its value.

Then again, perhaps it is simply a matter of control… if they own all the gold, it becomes much harder for regular people to self-insure and retain their financial sovereignty.

Or it could even just be a serious hedge against all of the inflationary pressure that’s been spreading across the globe like a forest fire.

Honestly… it’s difficult to say.

There are thousands of cogs in this machine and to know the intentions of all the major players is near impossible.

Regardless of their reasons, one thing is crystal clear to me…

The End Game is ON.

And I believe one of the very best places you can put your money now is GOLD — before it returns to record highs.

That would typically be a smart move for you and your family… one that many analysts and advisors would likely recommend even under normal circumstances…

And if you WANT to invest in physical gold, I certainly won’t steer you away from it… I’ve even got my eye on a few options for that right now.

But know this — holding a handful of coins, bullion, or bars is NOT the best way to take advantage of this rush…

While I think there are extraordinary gains ahead for owners of physical gold...

Simply holding bullion cannot and will not create the kind of inter-generational wealth needed to survive and thrive the future we’re facing today.

This is not a typical market.. and these are not typical times.

Which is why my Trade for a New Age is actually an obscure $5 asset that amplifies even fractional movements in the price of gold into extraordinary profits…

Especially during chaotic times like now.

Case in point...

From 1979 to 1980, when the world was struggling through one of the highest inflationary periods in history, this asset class dominated…

Returning average gains of 2,313% in just two years…

With individual companies in the class posting gains as high as 3,988%...


Even a jaw dropping 13,025%.

We saw similar results again from 2001 to 2011, when the world was dealing with the fallout from the most chaotic tech moment in history — the Dot Com bubble — this asset class returned an average of 2,306%.

With individual companies showing gains of 2,860%...


And even 11,050%.

Today we’re looking at almost identical conditions.

Without being crass, it’s worth spelling out exactly what these kinds of gains could mean for your financial future…

An average return of 2,313% could turn a $1,250 stake into a $27,500 payday…

A $6,200 investment into $136,400…

And a $50,000 starting stake — while a substantial investment worth thinking over — into a life-changing $1.1 million.

Again, let me remind you — this is not about greed.

This is about survival.

So any asset that can deliver these kinds of gains must be able to achieve it fast…

Before the final conclusion of the End Game has played out...

Before Orwellian levels of control come crashing down on your finances like a steel trap...

And before your privacy disappears with the click of a button thanks to the rise of a new reserve CBDC controlled by power hungry politicians.

And that’s why I’m recommending my Trade for a New Age.

This exciting opportunity is a junior gold miner.

The exact kind of asset that did so well from 1979 to 1981… and again from 2001 to 2010…

And is primed right now for an explosive, wealth building run for the ages.

You Can Either Witness What’s Coming from the Sidelines… Or Stake Your Claim on This Potential $600 Billion “Home Run”…

Junior miners are companies that are typically still in the exploration and development phase.

But this is much more than an ordinary miner…

For instance — what do you call a junior miner that’s sitting on one of the largest gold deposits in the world…

With federal and state permits already nailed down…

And in partnership with one of the largest players in the industry?

I call that a home run...

An opportunity with so much profit potential packed into it that simply HOLDING it at the right time could lead to a $1.1 million payday.

Sound “too good to be true”?

I don’t blame you for being skeptical.

But before you simply write this off and walk away — let me show you some concrete numbers that lead me to this projection so you can get an idea of exactly what you’re leaving on the table today…

Firstly, this little-known $5 company is sitting on 39 million ounces of gold...

Which is estimated to produce 1.3 million ounces of gold a year for the next 27 years.

And places among the top five gold deposits on the planet, at a time when demand for virtually all resources is sky-high.

As you’ve probably seen, gold prices have been on a tear, edging as high as $1,950/oz recently.

Which is an absolute Godsend for this junior mining cash-cow I’ve been keeping my eye on (not to mention its shareholders).

But let’s scale things back a bit from the recent highs we’ve seen.

Using $1,500/oz as a very conservative working number…

The gold this junior miner possesses is estimated to be worth $13.1 billion.

A figure nearly 5 times the size of the company’s entire market cap of just $2.88 billion.

Again, the price of gold would have to CRASH from $1,950 all the way down to $1,500 — a near impossibility in the current commodity-crazed environment — for that valuation to make sense.

But what my research indicates…

What the once-in-history transition to a new reserve CBDC demands…

Is that the price of gold will soon be propelled into a very special runup.

When Central Bank Digital Cryptocurrencies arrive “en force,” they will catapult gold into the spotlight as a matter of necessity.

Retail investors who value their privacy will seek out security and anonymity in an incomparable asset that’s lasted for thousands of years…

Or face losing their financial sovereignty, perhaps forever.

And that’s not to mention a commodity boom that’s fundamentally underpinning a huge demand for gold…

Commodities And GOLD Are Running Hot…

Add all this up and I strongly believe we’re about to see a rapid rise in gold prices.

Again, please remember we don’t need gold prices to rise for my $5 trade to make sense.

Even if gold prices were to crash to $1,500/oz, it’s still one of the most promising investment opportunities I’ve seen in the last 4o years…

But IF they do rise — and the conditions certainly are ripe — this company’s gold resources could rally to $31.6 billion at $2,500/oz.

And if gold were to rise to $5,000/oz… the estimated value of the mine could reach an extraordinary $600 billion...

A value 208 TIMES the current market cap of the company.

Now, there’s a lot of “IFs” here — but there are a few objective facts worth factoring into the equation…

First, my track record...

Over my career I’ve strived for nothing short of pinpoint accuracy.

You’ve read about just how right I’ve been, and how often, earlier in this presentation…

It’s propelled me to the top of the NY Times bestseller list, earned the attention and ears of billionaires, and made a lot of investors a lot of money for over four decades.

Secondly, I’ve been very vocal about the direction of gold…

And have published countless articles and given numerous interviews publicly stating I believe it’s heading to a price of FIVE FIGURES (over $10,000/oz)


If this happens, my Trade for a New Age would be nothing less than life-changing for most investors.

At the low end — an average return of 2,313% could turn a $1,250 stake into a $27,500 payday…

A $6,200 investment into $136,400…

And $50,000 into a stunning $1.1 million windfall.

Now, let me be very clear — while I am confident in the opportunity on the table today, absolutely NO investment is without risk.

Not even this incredible opportunity…

So I urge you… as with any investment you make, NEVER put more into it than you’re willing to walk away from.

But, while nothing is guaranteed… we’re also not going into it halfcocked and all alone.

Because two of the world’s most successful billionaires have already done the math and decided this investment is a risk worth taking.

Thomas Kaplan’s Electrum Group — a private investment firm he founded — owns 25% of this junior miner.

While hedge fund Paulson & Company, headed by billionaire John Paulson, owns 6.7%

These men are among some of the most astute and successful wealth-builders in history.

Few people on Earth understand the true depth of the power and influence they wield.

Frankly, it would be foolish to ignore a move like this from either of them…

But when both dig this deep into their pockets… at roughly the same time… it warrants a second look at the very least.

Right now, they’re positioned to grow even wealthier from my Trade for A New Age

And if you’re ready to claim your own slice of the pie, you can too.

And why wouldn’t you?

With a very attractive share price of just $5, you don’t have to be a millionaire to take a decent position in this extraordinary wealth-building opportunity.

Download my brand-new report The Trade for a New Age: Turning Chaos into Cash ($199 Value) for FREE today and you’ll discover everything you need to know to evaluate this opportunity for yourself.

And — if you decide to — get in on this rare opportunity fast.

But bear in mind, you do have to get in now… before the End Game has advanced too far and what could have been a sweet opportunity turns into a painful and costly mistake.

Once retail investors get wind that two titans of industry have staked fortunes on this tiny company, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the share price begin to soar - fast.

And so you understand just how urgent this situation is, I’ve put together a third report that stitches together everything you need to know to navigate the coming chaos into one simple easy-to-read report.

It’s called…

The End Game: A Surprising Final Conclusion ($199 Value, YOURS FREE)

This report reveals the surprising and final conclusion to the End Game, as indicated by years of meticulous research.

For any investor who considers it their responsibility to protect their family’s wealth…

And shield their loved ones from the chaos that is coming…

I consider this essential reading.

So, to sum up, I’m making three essential End Game reports, available to you right now.

They are…

  1. Liberated Assets: A Sovereign Guide to Wealth & Freedom ($199 value, YOURS FREE)
  2. The Trade for a New Age: Turning Chaos into Cash ($199 value, YOURS FREE)
  3. The End Game: A Surprising Final Conclusion ($199 value, YOURS FREE)

To claim them immediately, all you need to do is make one of the smartest, financial decisions you could ever make…

By taking my financial newsletter — The Complete Investor — for a 100% risk-free, 90-day test drive…

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Take The Complete Investor for a 100% Risk-Free, 90-Day Test Drive…

The Complete Investor is a financial newsletter that’s published award-winning insights and profitable investment recommendations for close to two decades.

It’s laser focused on three powerful principles…

  1. Complete Protection…
  2. Complete Planning…
  3. Complete Profits…

Much like a doctor who has sworn to first “do no harm,” we consider it imperative that we guide our readers to protect their wealth.

That’s why our first focus at The Complete Investor is…

1. Complete Protection…

By focusing on safe investments that tend to thrive no matter what’s happening in the markets, we help our readers to protect and growth their wealth…

Often achieving market-beating results…

Like the time we made 158% on ecommerce giant Amazon…

Or when we made 266% on one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, Novartis…

Or when we crushed the market with a 448% gain on reliable and “boring” service company Aqua America…

We’re able to achieve these kinds of returns for our Complete Investor readers by staying true to our second principle…

2. Complete Planning…

We believe outsized returns — even in stormy markets — are possible when we first understand the big picture…

That’s why we don’t only focus on what’s happening in the markets now, but take a long-term view of the powerful trends set to change the world over the next 3, 5, even 10 years…

Using breakthrough insights into math, economics, and mass human psychology we uncover themes that can protect your wealth and lead to rare money-multiplying opportunities…

Which is why readers of The Complete Investor says things like...

Experts say…


And why one of the world’s greatest billionaires has called me:


In short, join the company of smart traders inside The Complete Investor and you’ll gain an edge over other investors while developing a deep understanding of what really moves the markets.

And then as the cherry on top, or perhaps the whole pie, you’ll also enjoy…

3. Complete Profits…

When the timing and opportunity are right, we attempt to hit it out of the park, with extraordinary profit opportunities that can beef up your nest egg fast…

Like the SEVENTY-FOUR double and triple-digit winning trade opportunities…

Totaling an incredible 8,424% return I've shown readers since 2017.

Now, not every stock we target is a winner.

I’ll be the first to lay it all out on the table and admit we’ve closed trades in the red.

But we win far more than we lose.

And when we win, we go for the BIG WIN.

Like the time we made a huge 579% on monster stock Raytheon…

412% on tech favorite Microsoft…

And a nest-egg boosting 949% on cybersecurity stock Fortinet in less than 5 years…

Now, making 949% in five years is like beating the market by a factor of 21. 

And I understand if these kinds of returns sound rare and extraordinary.

Because of our obsession with the three Cs (Complete Protection, Complete Planning, and Complete Profit)...

We leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of safe-haven investments, sharp money-multiplying insight, and powerful profit-making trends.

Which is why when you join The Complete Investor, you’ll gain access to a deep well of additional valuable resources, like…

You can get all the details about how to kick off a 100% risk-free, 90-day, test-drive of The Complete Investor, and claim your three bonus reports valued at $597 by clicking or tapping the “Get Started Now” button below…

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As soon as you do, I’ll also send you a fourth report valued at $199 we’ve urgently put together to deal with one of the most disturbing and wealth-endangering issues in America today…

5 Inflation-Beating Income Stocks Every Investor Must Own Now ($199 value, YOURS FREE)

Scarcely a day goes by without mainstream media mentioning how inflation is hovering at 4-decade highs…

Or highlighting how a family is struggling, or a retiree has been forced back into the workforce…

But the truth is, inflation — while a very serious issue — doesn’t need to keep you up at night…

Especially when there are so many smart investing opportunities out there…

In this report, we highlight 5 of these rock-solid opportunities with the potential to beat inflation with market-crushing returns.

Including one stellar company that’s paid a quarterly cash dividend for 96 years straight

Summing up…

Start a risk-free, 90-day, test-drive of The Complete Investor today and you’ll receive FOUR brand-new reports valued at a total of $796, including…

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And as part of our “Complete Protection” policy you’ll also enjoy our…

90 Day, “Complete Protection” 100% Money-Back Guarantee…

Take 3 full months to download your bonus reports and delve into the details behind just how big this Trade for a New Age could be…

Really savor what it would be like to take your part in this wealth-building opportunity that’s priced at just $5 now…

Plus enjoy total access to every single trade we’re currently bullish on… and WILL be bullish on over the next 90 days…

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So, if you think that sounds fair, now’s the time to get started…

Just click the “Get Started Now” button above or below and we’ll rush you all four money-making reports valued at $796 in total.

Best of all, you won’t pay anything close to that price to start a 100% risk-free, 90-day trial.

The End Game is rapidly approaching…

A new reserve Central Bank Digital Cryptocurrency is a foregone conclusion.

And as a patriot, I want to put these important reports into as many Americans’ hands as possible, so you can get ready for this historic transition to CBDCs…

Shield your family’s wealth from the convergence of the three threads of change BEFORE it’s too late…

And stake your own claim on a potential End Game bounty.

Which is why I’m offering a tremendous discount on this page.

Rather than hand over $796, you can start a 100% risk-free, 90-day, test-drive for just $39 today.

That’s the equivalent of $3.25 a month…

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We also have a two-year option that’s even better value.

And if you take us up on that, you’ll not only effectively double your savings…

You’ll also receive three more bonus reports covering unique opportunities we think have the potential to make you a triple or even quadruple digit gain.

Yes, that’s three more reports covering opportunities that could make you between 100% and 1,000% while other investors pull out their hair to make a lousy 9% a year in the market.

Just click or tap the “Get Started Now” button below to preview them now.

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But whether you join us for one year or two (both covered by our complete no-risk, 90-day guarantee)...

It is time for you to do something.

114 countries, representing over 95 percent of the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are exploring the development of a CBDC.

That’s virtually all the money in the world moving at breakneck speed towards digital currency.

With America and China battling tooth and nail to have their CBDC become the world’s new digital reserve currency...

You can either wake up to what this fact means to your finances and family…

Or you can stick your head in the sand…

Ignore the three threads of social, economic, and technological change converging like a super storm...

And risk getting tossed around like a paper bag in a windstorm.

If you take that path — and that’s your choice, of course — I’m sorry to say, that won’t help you thrive financially…

It won’t help you build wealth...

It won’t give you the comfort of financial security in your retirement years...

And it won’t help you sleep easy at night.

If you’re looking for any hope of achieving those things… I urge you to be bold, step up, and join me inside The Complete Investor.

The moment you do, I’ll not only show you how to take at least some of your wealth “off grid” into a Liberated Asset Class...

I’ll also show you how even a $1,250 stake in this tiny $5 company holds the potential to hand out a $27,500 payday…

Shell out $136,400 from a $6,200 investment...

And rocket $50,000 into a stunning $1.1 million windfall.

And I’ll do everything in my power to guide you to greater wealth, wisdom, and freedom using our complete philosophy that’s yielded market-beating results for close to two decades.

In short, if things go to plan, we’ll survive this End Game together… grow wiser… and far richer…

No matter what happens next.

Stephen Leeb

Dr. Stephen Leeb

Ph.D., Economist, NY Times Best Selling Author, former Federal Reserve Chair nominee, and Chief Investment Strategist. The Complete Investor

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