Welcome to an exclusive group of investors who have locked in lifetime access to all four of my elite options trading services: Jim Fink’s Inner Circle, Options for Income, Velocity Trader, and Seasonal Stock Alert.
You are now among a rare group who can take advantage of each and every one of my trading strategies and recommendations, leading to a lifetime of profit opportunities!
I’m sure you’re excited to get started, but let’s take care of some quick business first. Below is your receipt for your order today. A copy will also be sent to you via email.
Below that, you’ll find my recommendations for the first steps you should take to get started. All told, completing these steps won’t take very long, but they are the most important things you can do today.
Even if you already have a brokerage account, you’ll still need to get authorization to trade options. Applying only takes a few minutes of your time, and we’ll show you exactly how it’s done.
For a quick tutorial on how to get authorization, simply click here to watch our training video on the topic, a part of our Options for Income service.
You will be receiving an email shortly (if you have not already) with information about how to log in to your member websites — you’ll be able to use the same username and password across all three services.
If you already subscribe to other Investing Daily publications, you can use your existing password to log in to the website here. If you are new to Investing Daily, this email will give you further login instructions.
Once you are logged in, take a few minutes to explore your new services:
You’ll find each of these sites chock-full of useful information including special reports, strategy lessons, video tutorials, and of course, all of our past trade alerts and portfolios of all open and closed trades.
You’ll also find our Stock Talk Member Forums, where you can communicate with your fellow subscribers, ask questions, and share your experiences. This is an invaluable feature that many subscribers cite as their favorite part of my services!
Once your brokerage account has been authorized for options trading and you’ve reviewed the materials above, jump in and make your first trades!
You’ll be set up to receive new trade alerts from Inner Circle every Monday, Velocity Trader every Tuesday, Options for Income every Thursday, and Seasonal Stock Alert on the 4th Wednesday of every month, so you’ll have no shortage of opportunities at your disposal.
If you’re still nervous, that’s okay. It can take a few cycles for new traders to fully understand the process and get comfortable. We’ve all been there before.
The good news is that you don’t have to put much money at risk with each trade starting off. So this is a great way to “learn by doing” with minimal risk. And the more you learn, the more you’ll realize there’s simply no going back to plain stock investing.
In a very direct way, my success is measured by your accomplishments. So I want to hear from you on Stock Talk, and I hope that you’ll share your stories about the trades you make.
Let me say one more time — thank you for joining my Platinum Alliance today. I greatly appreciate the confidence you have placed in me, and I take my responsibility to you very seriously. I look forward to helping you achieve abundant success!
Welcome aboard!
Jim Fink