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Profit Catalyst Alert!

You’ve secured your membership to the Profit Catalyst Alert!

I’m sure you’re excited to dive into the details, but let’s take care of some quick business first. Below is your receipt for your order today. A copy will also be sent to you via email.

Below that, you’ll find my recommendations for the first steps you should take to get started. All told, completing these steps won’t take very long, but they are the most important things you can do today.

Step 1: Log into the Profit Catalyst Alert website and start exploring.

You will be receiving an email shortly (if you have not already) with information about how to log in to the Profit Catalyst Alert member website.

If you subscribe to other Investing Daily publications, you can use your existing password to log in to the Profit Catalyst Alert website here. If you are new to Investing Daily, this email will give you further login instructions.

Once you are logged in, take a few minutes to explore the website. Among the benefits you’ll find there:

  1. Profit Catalyst Alert Portfolio, featuring all of our current recommendations and all of our closed trades
  2. Trade Alerts and Articles, featuring all of our most recent updates, alerts, and information on our recommendations.
  3. Special Reports, where you can access all of the reports included with your membership.

Step 2: Get started!

Once you’ve reviewed all the materials above, you’re ready to jump in and get started! Because after all, you can’t start generating 2,022% gains until you get in the game.

And the more you take advantage of our picks and recommendations, the more you’ll realize that there is simply no better way to invest!

I want to hear about your success!

In a very direct way, my success is measured by your accomplishments. And I want to hear all about your progress! So I hope that you’ll share your stories about the trades you make and the profits you see.

Let me say one more time — thank you for joining Profit Catalyst Alert today. I am so excited about the profit journey we are beginning, and I greatly appreciate the confidence you have placed in me. I look forward to helping you achieve your financial dreams!

Welcome aboard!

John Persinos
Chief Investment Strategist
Profit Catalyst Alert